All denuvo games suck

>all denuvo games suck
>all win10 exclusive games suck

See the pattern?

Who the fuck is this guy?

Jimmy Nu-tron.


Jimmy Nu-tron

user, who cares about win10 games sucking, if win10 itself sucks?

Yeah, all games suck


Some faggot.

Do win10 exclusive games use denuvo? I want to install W10 simply to play Scalebound and then get rid of it.

I'd rather pirate it than anything.

Is his beard and hair inverted?

I have never wanted to punch the face of a person I've never met before more than I want to punch this fucking faggot's face

>PC problems
I know why I dropped that platform.

He looks like he smells like a stale fart.

Anyone know what I'm sayin

>God Eater
Not so fast hombre


>tfw too intelligent to use cold fusion

Jimmy Nu-tron

Name one good windows 10 only game?

Name one good denuvo game?

That's right, you can't. Now fuck off shill.

this guy's pic triggers me even more than pics with holes.

i wanna smash this dum faggot's skull in

If this guy shaved his fucking horrible beard he would be a 10/10



*bork bork*

I've heard Forza Horizon 3 is actually good, but I'm not gonna drop that kind of cash on a game unless I know for sure.

Jimmy Nu-tron

Something that small shouldn't have that much hair.


Horizon 3 has been bypassed you retard. You don't need to drop anything on it.

But Horizon 3 is fucking great

You're probably right about the rest

>Lords of the Fallen
>Rise of the Womb Raider
>Total Warhammer
>Mankind Divided
>Gears 4

Man look at all these shit games that use Dinduvo or Windows 10 Store. I wonder if OP is just trying to create a thread about his OP Picture so we can have ANOTHER Politics thread on a board other than Sup Forums

Why even bother to have hair if your head just can't fucking handle it?

He's the reason I shave on a weekly basis now.

you're proving his point


>I know what will look good on me, a literal neckbeard!

Every fucking thread. Every single fucking thread. You faggot redditors are just racing to see who can post a joke someone else thought up first.

Fucking cancer. I hate Sup Forums.

Not really. I already reported the thread. Hopefully the mods do there job.

I want Sup Forums to be deleted, so tired of this shit. I miss when I could come on Sup Forums and shitpost about how awful Mass Effect 3 was. I miss when I could come on Sup Forums and talk about STALKER or K-Pop, not its all FEMINISM, GAMER GATE, TRUMP, MAGA.

I miss when Video Games were about Video Games.

sniff well trumper

>Shave on a weekly basis
I would be fired if I get to my job with 2-days old beard, for looking like a bum due to it. Hi, neet

if Sup Forums gets deleted they become full time Sup Forums browsers.

this is not the solution.

Have you tried any of these games? I pirated Lords of the Fallen and I fucking hated every second of it. MGSV is my biggest regret of buying on day 1, with the exception of Mad Max, another denuvo title. Warhammer is a literal reskin of their previous game. Tomb Raider I know nothing about, because who gives a shit about tomb raider. Mankind Divided is bogus DLC that nobody asked for. And finally,

Not him, but neither keeping that wild animal reservate is a solution.

This is what always confused me. I have never met a single person who gives a shit about Tomb Raider, yet the franchise is thriving for 20 years now.

>Tomb Raider I know nothing about, because who gives a shit about tomb raider
>10th anniversary
>Big celebration
>Franchise on slow, but steady revieval
>20th anniversary hit 5 days ago
>Parent company doesn't even know about it being already
>Player openly mock the current games and for good reasons

sniff well trumper

Then here I am, user.
And it's like the worst rape possible on your life-time favorite thing.

just like gabergoobers are still posting here right?

Yeah, that modern video games fucking suck.

>I already reported the thread

enjoy your ban then

>I miss when I could come on Sup Forums and shitpost about how awful Mass Effect 3 was. I miss when I could come on Sup Forums and talk about STALKER or K-Pop

oh so you're a 2010-2012 shitter. wanna gush over how epic nyanners and 2bestfriends are? piss off and die teenbro


that's funny because Sup Forums the time you're referring to was when shitposting about anita and that fat dragon age bitch was huge

I mean, they are.. So, yeah.

>people shit on games they've never played because they can't steal them

Nice job describing every thread on Sup Forums