alright let me pop this game in here an- what? hahah what is this shit?
>the audience chuckles
this is so fucking dumb. HAHAHAHA. i can't believe what i'm seeing
>laughter breaks out in the audience
i cant believe people waste their time with this trash!
>the audience is now roaring with laughter and clapping
this game is pure shit to be quite honest, can you believe they spent ten years on this? HAHAHA
>the audience's laughter transforms into raucous howling as they begin stomping their feet and foaming at the mouth
seventy two hours! on a boss fight!
>the audience, unable to remain seated any longer, are now rolling and convulsing on the floor
is this what is considered entertainment in japan? two nukes weren't enough it seems!
>japanese members of the audience are rounded up and sent to internment camps
>conan stretches the corners of his eyes
>the star spangled banner begins playing as members of the development team are dragged from backstage and crucified
Alright let me pop this game in here an- what? hahah what is this shit?
What the fuck did he say to piss everyone off?
I didn't watch the video.
wtf is this new meme
im enjoying the salty tears of weebs right now.
He just didn't like it and was bored with almost every aspect. It's a game that people have been waiting 10 years for and it's causing butthurt that someone with relatively little gaming experience is just thrashing it, despite it being overwhelmingly slow and the 72 HOUR BOSS FIGHT
conan has never been funny.
He didnt like it
Sup Forums is just memeing
No clue
but its a laugh track
weebs hating conan just makes me love him more
I'm crashing this board... WITH NO SURVIVORS !
his character is supposed to be an asshole and he even starts most Clueless Gamer segments by stating that he doesn't play or like video games
anyone actually getting upset with his "review" has a supreme case of the autism. settle down OP.
So people are mad that he formed his own opinion of the game?
What a bunch of fags.
He thought FFXV was boring as shit and a waste of time.
>You'll never be autistic enough to post 30 Conan threads a day on Sup Forums
Conan the Weeaboo Slayer.
So people are mad that he's giving his opinion on a shitty game?
Wedding dress sim
Well thats kinda how everyone but the die hard FF fanboys feel about the games.
Well fucking go watch it then you lazy shit.
If you wanna be spoonfed about, he voiced his opinion. On the internet. And we all know that's a no-no.
He was funny on Late Night but the move from NBC broke him.
B-B-But the game's going to save Sony!!!!!!!!
but this is only my 10th today, zelda
I'm mostly mad some autist is making 30 threads about it every 5 minutes.
it's not even a real opinion. he is a talk show host who deliberately acts like an asshole in order to entertain his audience.
do you nignogs watch the Flintstones thinking it's a documentary, too?
Isn't it also on the Xboner?
>you will never BTFO weebshit rpgs in front of million of viewers like based Conan
>calls out the makers on their bullshit officially licensed Coleman camping gear segment
I hope they paid for him to review that. I didn't get a look at the end.
I'm starting to get mad people like you don't understand what the concept of "joke" and "comedy show" are. Just because the television man says something to the camera does not mean it is a real opinion of his own sincere consideration.
dude played shitty final fantishit
took a shit on jap games
Sup Forumsutisums of Sup Forums is triggered
massive amounts of bait threads
Sup Forumsutisums is falling for it everytime without fail
rinse and repeat
>There are people STILL salty over this shit!
It's unreal, this is ridiculous.
20 more to go. Get to it
u mad OP?
>72 hours boss fight
Someone explain
Well you have the choice not to lurk those threads. Let them die
Could a ps4 even run for 72 hours straight? They did this so your ps4 breaks and you go buy a pro
>Conan is now the face of Sup Forums
things idiots repeat
Conan is making Sup Forums great again.
Weeaboos pedophiles Sup Forumsutists all need to fuck off back to their shithole of a board.
It's ok to shit up a whole board cause people can hide threads then ? Well let's just remerge Sup Forums and /vg/ then .You JUST need to hide threads you don't like anyways !
Who cares the catalog is half conan threads right ?
Pretty much my reaction to weeb games.
The anal devastation this man dealt to the FF fanbase is incredible
remove weeb
remove an*me
the fanbase is basically already split in half from these KH tween fags into watered down action combat and the guys who jumped ship when enix came around. its pretty great
>Conan was paid by SE to review their game
>He gave his honest opinion instead of pretending to like it
Is this man the most trustworthy reviewer of 2016?
Is this some sort of falseflagging thing that's actually pro-weeb because of the pot? Like, "look, the people who hate weebs are potheads?"
fight me fagot
Why are you still here anime loving trash?
I love it, your so fucking mad that some celeb confirmed your shit game is shit to the public eye and you can't take it! HAHAHA HAHA
Fuck off back to plebbit.
>nothing like running through the desert in leather
>This is what in synch is up to these days
>This is what all guys do, get together and talk about wedding dresses
>It's going to be a monster. We're going to investigate the tremors and they're being caused by a monster
I laughed desu
He instantly recognized how retarded and gay FFXV was, and it's triggered the fanboys.
Basically all he did was play the game and everybody was laughing at the game.
Is it happening? Are we finally getting rid of the Sup Forums posters on Sup Forums?
>Fuck off back to plebbit
Reddit love anime shit so I think its you who need to fuck off back there.
There's been a normalfag infestation for a while.
>Are we removing the weebs from the weeb website
wew lad
Joke's on you, I'm not fat and I prefer girls my age to immature whiny kids. Nice try though.
And I still want my question answered - is the pot background in that image supposed to be an indicator that the anti-weeb people are actually potheads or "normies who don't belong" or some other shit?
nah, i just want you guys to go back to the weeb part of the site. basically quarantine all weebs.
What are you even doing here senpai? Get out.
>Sup Forumsutists still believing that Sup Forums is an anime site
Sup Forums is not even close to be in the top 5 board anymore.
This is clearly a Sup Forums website now so deal with it weebs.
I like JRPGs, but the show didn't really piss me off. Honestly, I think it's mostly FF fans that are mad about this.
I got the $300 preorder and I still thought Conans bit was funny.
You niggas too sensitive.
Sup Forums likes anime and Japan in general. Cry more bitch.
xD senpai maymay lol im such a weeb
I wish they'd stay on their containment board. Literally worse than bronies.
But people take comedian advice seriously. Look at people like Oliver, Stewart, and Colbert who have armies of leftists following them for 'legitimate' news ever since they turned from comedy to pure politics. This will convince people to not play the game based on a short review of him playing a few minutes of the less interesting parts.
Is this what typical murrycan humor is like? Not impressed desu
Really make you think...
Ten years for this game and looks like complete shit, how is that even possible?
>reading about a wedding dress is what guys do
Are they sure this is a game for straight men?
But he's Irish.
This was always a game for fujos.
add Sup Forums to that list
>that cringey image
Weebs will stay regardless. I know I will. :^D
its not meant to pander to you, eurocuck. go back to accepting muslim immigrants
You do know that he just follows a script that's written for him right?
At least try to sound like him. This is just cringe-worthy.
That whole sketch is ad libbed, user.
Some of you guys grasp at anything that floats your way don't you?
He shits on nearly every game he plays for comedy.
How can anyone watch anime? When I see shit like K-on or Re:Zero I just fucking cringe.
Can any weebs explain to me how does one enjoy anime?
Think no mans sky but with final fantasy.
Re:Zero is maximum trash.
By not watching K-on or Re:Zero.
>my mfw face when weebs BTFO
>tfw when being contrarian is being aggressively normal these days
The funniest thing about this sketch was how hard people were laughing at the game, not the joke.
Assistant guy: "No, this boss actually takes 72 real time hours to defeat."
(audience gasps, then breaks into laughter)
What should I watch?
Boku no Pico
He told the truth about XV being trash and now weebs are man.
Yuri!!! on Ice
Even he said it looks like a boyband simulator kek
The unanimous salt of weebs on Sup Forums is fucking delicious.
Completely butt devastated.
>weebs are gay
Can't be surprise since you lots defend FF15 lmao.
Well I can give my favorites, but I'm not in nearly as deep as most.
Black Lagoon
FMA (first series)
what does FFXV have to do with sony and why do they need saving
kys xvfag
It's a boy band simulator.
It was never for straight men.