Be working

>be working
>take a break and talk with some guys about battlefield 1
>I say I don't think it's very good, more like battlefront than battlefield
>one guy, lets call him Chad, gets upset and says BF1 is the best battleFIELD there's ever been
>and yes he put emphasis on FIELD
>say I disagree and we all talk about other stuff
>later that day get called into bosses office
>told I've been reported for harassment and it's very serious especially these days and for my job it's a 2 strikes and you're out policy
>for some fucked privacy of the accuser reason he can't tell me for what I was reported specifically for
>go back to my desk wondering why the fuck I was reported
>an hour later on break Chad walks by and says he heard I got a spanking from the boss
>know for a fact that sort of thing is completely confidential and the only way he would know is if he was the accuser
>he reported me irl because I didn't like battlefield 1 and probably under some false shit I didn't even say to make it sound legitimate
>boil with so much rage I take the rest of the day off

Like what the fuck? Can people really get you fired because you don't like a video game now? Has Sup Forums spilled into the real world?

Is battlefield 1 going to make me lose my job?

Ill take "shit that never happened" for 400 please

I work in an IT hub. I can absolutely understand if you haven't experienced the weapons grade autism that exists in this field. This sort of shit isn't even the worst I have witnessed. We had a guy dump days worth of his cats shit into co-workers drawer because he accidentally turned off his computer and stopped a program from running overnight. Granted it was a pretty big fuckup but, cat shit...seriously? He only got a slap on the wrist too because the boss thought it was funny as hell.

Maybe in whatever backwards country you live in amigo

USA is pretty fucked up m8.


>Can people really get you fired because you don't like a video game now?
Possibly. Did your words literally rape them?

>not immediately putting your two weeks in

Carmella! Would you please!

What ever happened to Gary Cooper?

>tfw no Gabagol

I have seriously thought about it. But from what I hear most IT groups have similar stupid shit.

tell your boss you will pursue legal action if you don't get the identity of your accuser and what exactly you are being accused of, as it is defamation of character

If he doesn't budge say nepotism and chad and if it was chad that reported you he will see that if the report is false chad is going to get HIM fired

but honestly they will just fire you on the spot to cover up any potential mess

its great being a peon isn't it?

in like a month put in a report on that same coworker

Are you by any chance a Hello Games employee?

Why didn't you talk to your boss about it you fucking pussy?

>Talking about your hobby with normies

Lol get rekted.


>you will never receive a sex spanking from your attractive boss

y liv


this is why you don't talk to console shitters OP. just shut up and do your job

He literally cannot speak about anything other than what he already said. There's books of legal bindings that make it so he can't disclose information regarding a formal report especially the identity of the accuser.

The best I could do is talk to HR about the situation but then it becomes a huge autistic mess with people being contacted and questioned, meetings about harassment, and I'm sure Chad would just fucking love it all.

I swear when you hurt somebodies feelings these days there's nothing you can do in return. "Victims" hold all the power.

OP is right though.

EA dumbfaggots say [Next Batte_X_]Field game is the best one ever.

When they are all functionally the same as the previous game. EA games are like sports games at this point, in that you know what to expect, it's the same thing every year with just tweaked graphics and some dumb manager perk added.

>tell your boss you will pursue legal action if you don't get the identity of your accuser
Pack your bags right then because just saying that will get your fired on the spot.

>report is false chad is going to get HIM fired
And how do you propose you prove a he said/she said situation unless you had microphones on at the moment of the verbal "attack". It's non-defensible. It's retarded that this sort of thing can even lead to punishment with zero witnesses but that's our liberal workplace now.

This is why you make friends/a decent relationship with your boss at every job you have so they know the type of person you are. I don't know how much shit/mistakes ive gotten away with at jobs because I'm on good standing with my bosses

>not reporting him for harassment

get cucked

>I didn't read the rest of the post:the post

if he was not a peon and the case would go to court, chad has to prove harassment or is an autowin of OP on both accounts because the supervisor accepted a false report without evidence or question

but because he is, no one in the legal system will care so they can just fire him freely

this thread is a perfect example of why redditors need to be lined up and shoved into a volcano

>going to court over something like this

You realize this would cost me lots of money right? Like multiple paychecks worth. And for what, the slim chance they turn it around on him and get him fired? I'm still out thousands of dollars and now I'm the asshole that takes people to court if they get mad at me.

You don't understand real life, friendo. Maybe don't give awful high school level legal advice in the future okay?

I have a great relationship with my boss. However he's cucked into following through all reports as HR would have his ass if he didn't.

>I still don't get the post:the post

If he was not a peon, he would prolly have more then a few bucks, don't ya think?

I know my boss takes European vacations all the time, and he isn't even 3/4's the way up the ladder at my corp.

Hell as long as you have the fees for bais costs you can get a firm to take your case for a cut of the spoils at the end.

There is a reson your boss never gets shit, its because he has the money to fight back with the corporation if they have to.

Its also why we as peons are mostly expendable as long as we are not a unique part of the machine

why do what is right when you can do what is easy and just nip the issue in the bud and get rid of it?

jesus you're stupid

Can confirm. I worked IT for the past three years before going back to school for an engineering degree. I had a boss ban someone from going to a kickass conference because he trashed the dark souls.

how am I wrong?

If you make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, you can afford almost any legal team you want. You don't need a giant team if you know the corporation is just going tie tie up the court, it's not like both parties don't know this.

You don't need a crack team of lawyers to say "this accusation has affected my life in a negative way and I believe it never transpired, where is my proof of guilt, and if there is not then compensation?"

>playing Battlefield games in the first place

Aaand here's the problem for both of you. Next time, try playing a real game.

like what

Not him but guessing he will say weeb shit.

either that or an even more generic fps

The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno

Now let us talk about about your video game addiction user.

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What OP conveniently forgot to mention is that he probably used some harsh words that actually made his normie coworker triggered. These words could include, but are not limited to: gay, faggot, autistic, cucks, etc.

>What kind of autistic retard do you have to be to have such a shitty taste?


You realize more than 85% of Sup Forums browses Reddit? It's a false enemy.

>actually bothering to give these fuckwits a two weeks notice

Unless you need the reference, ditch 'em.

>>one guy, lets call him Chad

I don't think it's anywhere close to that number. I sure as fuck don't

Yeah bro, what's the big deal?

Well then you wouldn't know that a LARGE volume of threads started here are literally copy and pasted from Reddit. I see it every day. Reddit isn't bad, it can't be, it's just the people you interact with.

No, you are.

He's giving you a hypothetical situation in order to illustrate a socio-economic difference between your situation and the situations of others.

>Durr, but that doesn't apply to me, ur dumb!

The POINT is that it doesn't apply to you, he was just talking about the concept, not telling you to do it. Fuck.

>if i make it clear that i get REALLY ANGRY about redditors, they will all leave the website

So he's retarded?

I did call him a retarded cuck but that's just bantz.

>I don't Battlefeild 1

Fuck off, it's nothing like battlefront
I'm glad you almost got fired.

I'm not angry. You faggots just make yourselves blatantly obvious and you will be ridiculed as such.

Which shit job let you be fired on the spot?
Don't you have any worker protection law?

How can you get accused for harassment without any proof whatsoever? How can an adult person be so childish, petty and utterly deranged he reports a coworker for not liking a video game?
I call bullshit, because even for america that sounds too absurd.

Good bf1 is a good game. That's what you get for letting Sup Forums tell you what is good or bad.