How do you feel about romance being used as a plot device in video games...

How do you feel about romance being used as a plot device in video games? Do you like it or do you find its inclusion bothersome?

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kys weeb

It's always hamfisted and poorly done in video games.

Always. There has never been a good, solid romance in a video game that wasn't just there to exist.

I liked it in shovel knight plague of shadows

Should be in every videogame.

Give source, i've just bet 50$ that it's futa

Tifa cloud aeros?

Awful and hamfisted.

Only sad lonely fucks like me enjoy them.

Wrong, casual. It's straight shota incest. And hot as fuck.

Is that /ss/?

Nobody can cash the bet without photographic proof though.

Final Fantasy X.
Prince of Persia Sands of Time.

Artist is called abubu I believe, google it yourself.

No, you said hamfisted and poorly done.
You're supposed to arbitrarily disagree with anything with your exact terms, user. That's how trolling works.


Oh fuck off.

>you're better at making me feel good than he ever has

Wait, is he so pathetic he can make other people feel good by comparison? Is he Antony Burch by chance?

Are you mad that it's true?

>Getting cucked by a shota

He's clearly Jake Rapp.

I meant the autistic shota though.
Fuck, now i want to read it just to see what happened before.

No hits on any kind of image search. I give up, sauce?

Never been a fan of it tbqh

>this gallery has been removed
Fucking muh sekrit club bullshit
Do they filter those temporary mail accounts?

I'll give you the title.

[Juan Gotoh] Otouto Ijiri | Playing Around With My Brother (COMIC Masyo 2014-01) [English]

Hrm, thought that image was the pretext for the fucking, shame, could have been a decent laugh.

Looks like it