Don't think too hard, I'd rather not talk about the war if we could

>don't think too hard, I'd rather not talk about the war if we could
Bao-dur was the feelsiest character in KotOR II

Other urls found in this thread:

>try to read his mind
>he knows you're listening
>chooses to express his loyalty

what the fuck are you supposed to build Bao-Dur as though? every time I want to use him he gets nuked for having such shit health no matter if i make him ranged or melee

>caring about builds in a piss-easy RPG
>not just mowing everybody down with your overpowered PC and bringing along whatever party members make the most sense at the time storywise

>what the fuck are you supposed to build Bao-Dur as though?
It's quite easy actually.
If you want to make him a good jedi, just give him two really good lightsabres. Later in the game, the damage from upgrades outpaces the damage from attributes and things like that, so he'll be able to mow things down with ease. He'll be fragile though.
I once used him as the leader for Freedon Nadd's tomb and he did fine.

I feel like Bao-Dur is the character who got screwed over the most by the cut content. It's a crying shame, too, because he's got one of the most interesting backstories and personalities to me.

He doesn't know you're listening. He's just meditating on how loyal he is to you.

I like to build him as an H2H fighter with the Force power that lets you deflect lasers with your hands. Walk into a room full of enemies and watch him swat away blaster bolts by the dozen. It's amazing.

>I feel like Bao-Dur is the character who got screwed over the most by the cut content. It's a crying shame, too, because he's got one of the most interesting backstories and personalities to me.
Yeah it is a shame. I found him really interesting, and the connection between the exile and him only serves to make his character even better.
Just the idea that the exile and bao-dur can relate to eachother so well over the horrors of war, really hits me in the feels.
I heard that originally he was supposed to die in a sacrifice for destroying the HK-50 factory.

One of my favourite bits in the restored content is when he BTFOs Canderous.

I wanted to like KOTOR 2 but the cut content and hamfisted ending was supreme shit. Even the so called "restored content" mod didn't do shit and left me with more questions than answers.

Reminder that both KotOR games are complete dog shit.

They're so piss easy a five year old could beat them. Without help. While missing three fingers on each hand. On the hardest difficulty setting.

KotOR and its sequel are poorly designed games, and you should feel fucking retarded for liking them.

You'd have to TRY to die to see the "Game Over" screen.

>They're so piss easy a five year old could beat them. Without help. While missing three fingers on each hand. On the hardest difficulty setting.
>games are about difficulty
You're like someone in Sup Forums desparetely trying to defend tarantino's films as pure kino

Went to Nar Shadda on my first playthrough, never used Atton because he's a dick. Got fucked two times in the Twi'lek twin scene due to unlucky rolls.

All video games need to have some form of challenge, even if it's just enough.

The KotOR games have ZERO challenge. ZERO. You stomp your way through both those games.

It's the most boring shit ever.

Poorly. Fucking. Designed.

>All video games need to have some form of challenge, even if it's just enough.

Without some form of challenge, video ames are not fun. It's pointless.

You need gameplay to carry the narrative, regardless of how fantastic that narrative is.

The KotOR games have shit stories, anyways. It's just the same old, same old Star Wars autism.

>Without some form of challenge, video ames are not fun. It's pointless.
>You need gameplay to carry the narrative, regardless of how fantastic that narrative is.
These aren't arguments, just statements.

I'm arguing my point of view. You're free to disagree.

I just think you should feel ashamed. You have shit taste.

>I just think you should feel ashamed. You have shit taste.
Lol, again not an argument.
Still I shouldn't expect much from Sup Forums

You're not arguing your point of view, you're STATING it.

Now explain why you feel this way.

I like him as a character, but almost never take him on missions because he dies too much

Anyone have that screencap making fun of the party members from Kreia's perspective?

Set mines in the bar before that fight and they die instantly.

It's fun because I like the characters.

Revan knew snacks