How's your car coming, Sup Forums?

How's your car coming, Sup Forums?
You WERE able to finish it, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

I finished it but I can't figure out how to tune it
The thing burns up and dies after driving it for 5 minutes

I built it, I tuned it, I won the rally.
That's it.

Did you ever take it to the mechanic or did you do it all yourself?

>get car together
>everything seems bretty good
>get it started and adjust the belt
>rev it up a bit and try and put it in reverse
>engine explodes up out of the car and the half shafts fall off


Then my save got deleted and I built it all again in an hour, but the half-shafts disconnected themselves when I ran it and I'm pretty sure I need to reconnect the winch to fix it.


/vg/ created a bolt checker for that very reason. no more losing your engine to random loose bolts.

/mscg/ made a bolt checker program to see if your car is bolted together properly, you might want to try that

I did valves and wheel alignment on my own. I bought motor tuning and changed final ratio at mechanic.

no idea where to start.

feel like cheatingif i look up help online

Just Lego shit together, it's honestly not that bad
There IS a guide though and you shouldn't feel too guilty about using it

My GOTY desu

>everything seems bolted down
>even have the racing radiator on
>yet the A/F ratio won't fucking stay still and keeps raising/decreasing at random
i don't even

if you don't use a guide, you'll likely have dozens of loose bolts and explode your car the second you start it up. if you don't want to feel like a cheater, just use the guide and play the game without money cheats or teleporting.

the real challenge is trying to keep your vehicle running, while avoiding death.

Comfiest game of the year

Video games are art.

Sup Forums can't into games with complexity, what are you talking about?

>you'll likely have dozens of loose bolts and explode your car the second you start it up
that's fun.

>build the engine
>assemble suspension
>think you got everything right
>take car for a test drive
>turns out you got brakes wrong and they don't work

Sup Forums made a tool to put the shafts in ass

>mods aren't deleting the thread
Color me surprised
Are they wising up to the fact that video games are ok to discuss on Sup Forums?

Start with the engine block.



Would you repair your own car without looking it up genius?

Why would you do this


I was bored.

I was going to do a gay one too but I don't know. I originally planned to have nothing but a giant dog cock spanning the length of the side of the car but I just couldn't find one that I was happy with and kinda lost steam on the whole project.

please do a gay one ;^D
fembois pls

but its really a game irl

I hate you

Rude. This isn't how your mother raised you.

Well, at least it's not gay shit or herm.

Well, I am the guy that dumps futafur in offtopic threads.

game name?

That game is sooo last month m8

My Summer Car

make a futafur template ;^D

Have some real skins you god damn degenerates.


Do it, faggot.



What game?

Stop ruining my LOL threads, you scoundrel.

Of course I finished it. Drove it all the way to the repair shop to be touched up.
>Pro tip: Tighten the clutch lining onto the engine before putting fluid in it or the car won't move

Those are off-topic and you know it. Even if it starts on topic it'll be derailed with dobson, loss, and 'MY LIFE IS SO HARD' tranny/gay garbage

I've been doing that for years now.
I miss 2011.

My Summer Car



It's still fun

>real skins

Where do you think we are?

Someone ban this normie so we can make room for loli anime skins and one daily dosage skin.

Doc I need it

>loli anime skins
speaking of which, there's been a severe lack of these, surprisingly enough
or maybe i'm not looking into it hard enough

>laughing automotive sluts
