Be a NEET for over 8 years

>be a NEET for over 8 years
>go out only to buy groceries at the mall at night
>play vidya watch animu and sleep during the day
>survive on neetbucks

and then

>suddently parents decide to buy me a little shop and make me work there
>i am expected to work 8 hours a day from tomorrow

what am i gonna do?
when am i supposed to play my videogames?
help me Sup Forums..

What kind of shop is it.

Kill yourself

>buy me a little shop
>but I'm not the boss
Make up your fanfic already OP

yes i will be the boss and also the only one working there.
my big sister will come give me a hand when she has days off work.

tobacco and alcohol and electronic cigarettes.

Your English is so bad I think your parents should've just paid for your school instead

Fuck you for indulging op in his retarded fantasy

Are your parents fucking rich or something? why would they give a NEET an entire business to manage and put no thought into it?


>Be neet for over 8 years

Stop reading right there. This has to be a bait.

>I'm a neet so my parents bought me a shop

yes they are rich and they are tired of me not doing jack shit all day and leeching off neetbucks.

You know how people at those shops sit behind big computer monitors and just ring up people when they come?

What do you think they are doing?

Op here..
i was thinking of getting a handheld console and play games on that while im at the shop and with nothing to do, what do you recommend Sup Forums?
i have absolutely zero experience in handhelds.

How the fuck is it possible to be NEET and not homeless? Is it your parents giving you free money? The government? If so, how? Mental retardation? I don't get it.

Dumb parents probably. Some parents are autistic and let their children become a loser.


If Chris Chan can get a tugboat anyone can.

The American government will literally pay you to do absolutely nothing, and in many states you get paid equal or greater than minimum wage.

Sofia you have no marketable skills you're literally better off having the government take care of you than you are getting a job because even if you're only employed part time you can potentially lose some of those bennies.

It's a system designed to make people rely upon the government so it's bloated corpse only grows larger, like a whale just before it explodes all over the beach.

the government gives me free money for being unemployed..
also for having chronic depression and social anxiety..

Why? I can't fathom the obsession that NEETS have for video games and I average close to 50 hours each week. Fuck man, diversify what you do man, you aren't too different from a legit autistic if you keep up like this.

but i like my vidya..

You must be living a pathetic life. No way government is giving you enough money for a comfortable life. Go out and be yourself. If you are in your 20s you can still get easy education and a good job.

kill yourself you pathetic retard

i already have a high school and a university degree, and yes they take care of my rent and give me more money because i have depression and anxiety that are considered social diseases

You think people choose to be NEET? No way in hell dude.

>Be yourself
Nice life lesson, Buddha.

At this point you should know that any religious spiritual bullshit about life is a lie and practically all traits of a person are prebuilt in the chemical make-up of their brain.

Get a job asap then. Your degree will become obsolete if you continue living like this, employers will ask what you did all these years after college.

Everyone neet has to get out of neetdom eventually. You can't live off government money your whole life.

now i dont feel so pathetic for failing at everything. working at mcdonalds and being a loser who failed at everything is better than what you are. How can parents even allow shit like this? jesus

what are some good games that i can play on my laptop?
it only has a core i3 and integrated graphics..
if that is not enough im gonna have to get a handheld..

yes i can cause im rdy to die anytime
im not op

>He doesn't already play Dorf Fort

i'd live the neet life if neetbucks was a thing where i live
i don't want to work for the rest of my life just to have money for food and other stuff
being born was the biggest mistake i made


but working at mcdonalds is much worse than being a neet and getting free money and free rent from the government

Yes they do

>be 20 year old college dropout working as a dishwasher
>32 Y/o millionaire family friend takes me under his wing
>on track to being a millionaire myself by age 25
Make the best of your opportunities you faggot, you've literally been handed a path to a better life and you're upset about it, I hope you become homeless

Good thing it's an easy thing to rectify with a simple household shotgun.

Lovely name for a light novel.

Pretty much everything up until 2009 or some shit

did you get a small loan of a million keks?

WAAAAHHHHH MY RICH PARENTS BOUGHT ME A STORE AND NOW I HAVE TO MANAGE IT. The last thing my parents gave me was 50 bucks when i lost my job and couldn't make rent. Had to sell like half of my shit.

You're a fucking joke OP. Just hire an assistant and have them do everything, and then just watch the business via cameras at your house.

i'm too afraid to kill myself, i don't want to leave an impact on family and it's impossible to get a gun in EU

the neet life is awesome

>free money
>paid rent
>wake up when you want
>go sleep when you want
>play vidya and watch animu all day

get a handheld and play during downtime. handle your duties efficiently, keep your shop up well. if you do this right, you will have way more shekels, the respect of your family, and only have to sacrifice a few hours of vidya per day

Just buy a handheld. Small shops have plenty of dead times.

>No NEETbux
I live in the most conservative part of Canada and I can get NEETbux, you can get it in liberal europe.

> have immigrant parents who can barely speak English
> father inherited a lot of money after my grandfather died and invested it wisely enough to make a bunch of money
> father refuses to ever talk to me and buys a bunch of expensive shit for me whenever we have an argument (computers, gym memberships, etc), even though I never asked for it
> he's squandered so much of his money and he's starting to blame me for "taking" so much of it over the years
> been a NEET for nearly three years but slowly trying to get my life together by taking coding and web design classes while learning woodworking and electronics tinkering
> father barely speaks to me and it's usually just to insult me for being an academic failure

This thread's going to be pruned anyway so I just wanted to vent.

That sounds pretty easy OP especially if it's a really small shop and you don't have many people coming by. Most of the time you'll just be waiting for someone to walk in.

I got a small loan of an internship and a side business to run myself as well as knowledge, my point here is that OP and I are/werr in similar situations except that I didn't cry about it and took advantage

What you're going to do is work there for your entire shifts and outside of the shop try to get your life on track

>tobacco and alcohol and electronic cigarettes.
Oh man, you're going to love your clientele.
Just convert it into a classy alcohol emporium and all will be well.

You should use Lean Startup strategies and A/B testing to optimize sales.

Play it like a video game.

Become the BEST small store in town and branch off into a massive chain of stores.

Run it like a management sim.

>I've been a useless piece of shit for my entire life

Man, I wish we could pack you up with the refugees and send you back to Afghanistan.