What is the vidya equivalent of this album?
What is the vidya equivalent of this album?
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I too am interested to hear the community's opinion on this one
somethin just as shitty
>OP's favorite game
any game that involves a lot of vacuum cleaners
A noisy, melancholy vidya?
I don't know, Still Life?
An ambitious game that took a shitload of time and money to make and basically bankrupted a company? Probably Shenmue 1+2 are the closest to that I can think of.
>extremely overrated
>considered "genre defining" of a shit genre
>critically praised by a certain meme review site, but only after it became popular on the internet
I can't think of a game that is an overrated mess.
What is the vidya equivalent of this album?
The only thing that is shit here is your taste.
>not sh*t
we were all 16 at one point
Shoegaze is a shit genre
The only things worth listening to are psybient, synthwave, and classical
But FF7 is to popular
What is the vidya equivalent of this album?
You must have a fucking shitty life, my dude
Neither of these are ground breaking or invented a whole new genre.
>The only things worth listening to are psybient, synthwave, and classical
Uncharted 2
Shenmue invented QTEs and cinematic vidya
There wouldn't exist Uncharted and TLoU without Shebmue
This. I think the equivalent of Loveless would be Zelda 2
Luigi's Mansion?
There are only 3 notable albums, the rest are entirely derivative trash, and the image in the OP is only the third best one. Your taste isn't unique or interesting at all
Dragon's Lair had qte and Shenmue was in the same style as Visual Novels, it was just in 3D.
What's the vidya equivalent of this album?
Ride-Nowhere and Swervedriver-Raise
are better.
>critically praised by a certain meme review site, but only after it became popular on the internet
Loveless has been popular before the internet fag.
>complete garbage that only gets praise because of a qt gril
no, THIS is FF7
>Your taste isn't unique or interesting
Never claimed that, it is good enough to recognize Shoegaze is not a bad genre and any claim to the contrary proves that you only listened to entry-level Shoegaze.
>Your taste isn't unique or interesting at all
Since when is unique taste important?
>Shenmue was in the same style as Visual Novels, it was just in 3D.
By that logic you could say Visual Novels are in the same style as movies and books.
Why couldn't Kevin Shields sing on this entire album? The songs with the lady singing are ruined and kind of annoying.
What is the vidya equivalent to this?
half life 2
A shallow genre can have no level deeper than entry, no new ground was tread in any regard. And considering such arbitrary distinctions when determining the worth of a piece of art is inherently juvenile. Phil Spector's work is all entry level, every song was popular, and yet he was a patrician. I can talk circles around you all day you little cunt, I know you've never listened to burmese steel guitar music, I know Turkish Freakout isn't on your zune. I'm smarter and better than you and my girlfriend agrees. You dress poorly as well. I win the argument, any further discourse does nothing but prove so, and responding to this post is is contractually agreeing to that sentiment.
Half Life 2 isn't shit
What's the vidya equivalent of this album?
Reminder the only good rap is meme rap.
I'm so glad that humans will never let weed go extinct
GTA: San Andreas
I'll fucking fight you nigga. 2001 is literally the best rap album to ever exist.
Any games with shoegaze feeling/atmosphere, or even shoegaze soundtrack?
>Loveless invented a whole new genre
but it is
What is the vidya equivalent of this album?
>Phil Spector
>Burmese steel guitar music
>Turkish Freakout
>Actually having a gf
Holy shit, we're reaching new levels of pretention
It's only bait, my friend.
>the earth has existed for two thousand and sixteen years
>music in videogames is still either BLEEP BLOOP BING BONG WAHOO or muh epic orchestra garbage
when will videogames grow up and start producing real music for their soundtracks? and no, licensing pre-existing music doesn't count..
What's an amazing critically acclaimed game that aged like fine wine, only to have the company disband after its release, where the creators went on to make other great games and and would eventually retinue 16 years later to make another amazing album?
My pick would be DOOM, if only DOOM 1 was the only game before D00M.
I've only heard the commercial album.
The commercial album would be Warioware or Mario Party.
What are the Residents doing in Kid A?
Not memeing, That is my favourite album in every genre it's in. Can we talk about this fucking disappointment
What is the vidya equivalent to this?
AF 1999 is one of my favorites of all time and I thought AF 2016 was great. A mixture of Owen with AF instrumentals, I wasn't expecting the second coming of Jesus, and I was pleasantly surprised. It may have helped that I randomly found out there was a new album so I had absolutely zero hype because I didn't know it existed.
Super Metroid. No one cared about it when it released but now everyone pretends to like it.
choose your class Sup Forums
one will defend you, the others will try to kill you
Define pretense
Baldur's Gate
this game makes me feel like this album makes me feel
Harsh Noise. That jackets so garish that I love it.
Anything by Magicdweedoo
>comparing a 10/10 game with overrated hipster garbage
you just proved his point m8bruv
The only good shoegaze is Japanese shoegaze
All else is shit
>you just proved his point m8bruv
how? I genuinely like Metroid and dislike Sup Forums trash
That's more like Finger Prince or Commercial Album or something.
I think Eskimo is most like UnReal World, specifically playing as a seal tribesmen in the dead of winter.
What would be the vidya equivalent of this
Mah nigga
Mario 64
Ocarina of Time
The only good shoegaze is Cherry Coloured Funk. Everything else is hipster trash.
Mah nigga.
Bioshock Infinite
For some reason remembered fondly but actually pretty mediocre
>He doesn't love the best 3d Mario game
Mass Effect
You mean a pretentious shit that really sound like stuff made for teenagers? Probably Gone Home. Come on, can you imagine an old guy listening to this album?
What is the vidya equivalent of this album?
Infinite and Mass Effect are forgettable pieces of shit that didn't revolutionize or change anything. At Mario 64 or OOT did.
What is the vidya equivalent to this?
The Last of Us? Was going to say STALKER, but that fits Swans better.
Fallout 3
Memory of a broken dimension
Early Swans is Manhunt
Overrated shit like the Last of Us or Dark Souls.
>Old Sup Forums classic a handful of people remembers
God Hand
>Infinite and Mass Effect are forgettable pieces of shit that didn't revolutionize or change anything
that's why both those posts are 100% accurate
What is the vidya equivalent to this?
What is the vidya equivalent of this?
Animal Crossing
I've never listened to this album beforehand, and you may have just sold me on it.
What is the vidya equivalent to this?
You know the drill
No Man's Sky
It's two discs of soul crushing despair. Even the lyrics read like something out of Silent Hill 2.
"An army of the golems is stalking, now, the heart's lands
Eating all reality
Producing only dust and sand
Nothing hurts them
Nothing gets under their stone skin
And when their earthen mouths will open up
Just what words should come out? but
'We wish we were dead'"
What is the vidya equivalent to this?