Is Poland the future of RPG video games development ??
Is Poland the future of RPG video games development ??
Poland isn't the future of anything, least of all the future of Poland.
Poland is supreme.
>t. Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov from Kijev
>literally only one dev
>they got bought by EA
Kind of like how Brazil is also the future of the world?
Mostly because Poland is 10 years behind gaming industry
That means, they're at the golden age of RPGs when most western games try to force real world sjw shits etc into you, breaking your immersion in fntasy world.
So, Poland makes RPG fantasy with unreal things like beatiful women etc, when western makes fantasy about forcing real world things into unreal world
Hopefully history will repeat itself and Poland will once again be the wall that will keep out sand niggers out.
Russia is going to invade it and turn it into another satellite, so probably not.
Our devs are already getting bluepilled so its lost
As a Polack I have to say the people who play video games there are complete autists. So probably yeah, Sup Forums will love anything that comes out of there until globalization somehow succeeds. Unless it doesn't, in which case poland stronk.
Poland here. It feels good to have literally no problems with minorities besides an occasional gypsy beggar. Trannies and other freaks also don't seem as loud as in the west. On the flipside, government is a bunch of bible thumpers.
Poland has no niggers
>golden age of RPG
Poland hasn't made an RPG in 17 years. And they're already falling for western meme trends see: The Witcher 3, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Dying Light.
slavs are pale niggers
I don't think there will be a new witcher like AA+ game from my cunt
slavs are as bad as niggers
Would you prefer a bible thumper or a bible ignorer?
be happy you weren't born here
As long as i remember, your devs created 'hatred", which made 90% of industry extremly mad, because westerners cant grasp concept of "its not real, its a game" anymore and try to make another medium full of educational values instead of pure fun
Also they cannot grasp concept of something like "if he plays as nazi murder it doesnt mean he will do the same in real world"
smells like anglo
What this? Is it like that "stealth" tank they have?
I still think that polish games are worth the price instead of AAA title with aditional DLC priced for 50% of the game
Fucking delete this
pope Francis is a typical dumb south american populist
but it's a good sign that he's changing his mind
Future of RPGs is dim then considering how Witcher is AAA normie shit now.
Just avoid AAA titles then with overpriced DLC then. They're behemoths sure, but don't make up the entirety of the industry yet.
The sad reality is that we'll either stick with the EU and adopt their multicultural bullshit or distance ourselves from the EU and become Russia.
Looks like outdated map
>polish Pople destroys communism
>(((argentinian))) anti-pope makes christianity a vehicle for marxism
Wilno nasze, Lwów nasz.
he wanted it few months ago, now he's talking about muslim invasion
I don't like him, fucking Ratzinger, he was a very good pope
Something like that.
>using the term 'mudslime'
Fucking cringeworthy
Ratzinger was right
Poor Ratzinger saw all the corruption in Vatican and just couldn't go on.
You mean soon to be part of western Russia?
>how to trigger lithuanians
Sounds about right. I'm a pole, i'm 24, and i had fC64 as a kid. We truly were 10 years behind in gaming on the average - at least hardware-wise, and at least before 2000. Maybe dev world works so well because even if younger guys in teams are ~20-30, they still played fallout 1 in 2003.
Kill yourself tumblretta
The great thing about Japan and America (in the past) is that they didn't have to rely on one dev for a good game in just one genre.
Why does Poland just keep fucking growing in Paradox games?
American games were never good
unless Japan catches up
t. Stefan "completely legal immigrant" Banderowiec
try it alosha, 1v1 this time
>jap trash
>any good
The only time jap games are good is when they are trying to copy the west or are heavily inspired by it
america produce/d good racing games, like NFS or Forza
>Polish army still in the PS1 era
>Populism and Socialism
>Won't ban abortions
>consists of PZPR members
>Bible thumping
Can't wait when Trump makes America leave NATO (since you Eurocucks won't pay your fair share) and Russia invades and rapes all of your women.
looks like a movie prop
I'm a white male but 'mudslime' sounds really cringeworthy
Poland? What Poland?
Triggered,sorry but your hero Conan is not even respected in America at this point in time so don't try to meme it up.
>Paweł, how we are into stealth?
>Relaxing Stanisław, we just making of black and angles to look cool, is how amercan do it, yes?
ok, get out of nato first
Poland is an invention.
Your grandparents must be ashamed that younger Poles would actually consider giving up their country's hard-won independence just to keep Arab families out.
Here in America, we have lived safely and freely in relative luxury for so long we don't have a frame of reference for reality anymore. That's why we do dumb shit. What's your excuse?
I dunno, they made Supehot, Shadow Warrior (2013) and 2, Dying Light, Dead Island, Call of Juarez, Painkiller.
And Sniper Ghost Warrior. It's shit though.
>i'm a white male but
Mods, OP here, I give you permission to nuke the thread. It's been hijacked by racist polish retards.
I presume you mean Geralt saying "it's current year" while being deadpan about a female boxer
>guy who stopped Wild Hunt, kills monsters for a living
>is somehow supposed to care about a woman boxer
Yeah, and the same devs also made IS defense, that got leftists assblasted, because armed terrorists using dinghys to storm a beach is a parallel for MUH REAL IMMIGRANTS ALSO COMING BY BOATS
nah, it was just a little problem in phase of design
no one could render any of your western curvy hi-poly tanks in less than a year, our computers are kinda shit
so, we did what we could
>poolander thinks his pathetic shitstain of a country stands a chance against Russia, a world power
>3rd world country
>future of anything
Pick one
poland is one of the few countries who actually cares about its military rather than relying on usa
Still ended better than John Paul I, poisoned 33 days after election for his attempt to cut ties between Vatican and Mafia
>I'm white
kek nice try schlomo fro
Different costs of living.
We literally voted for trump, how can you not feel at least a little bad?
We were exploited by Russia until 1989, we're economically 50 years behind our western border and have to rely on foreign powers to even have a hope of catching up.
>tfw we won't take Lwów and make Ukraine pay for restoring it.
i like the blue shirt kid
they're all trying to look serious and threatening, and then there is this kid
> : )
>It's been hijacked by racist polish retards
this is exactly why i fucking hate this country and living here
close minded people literally everywhere
Because you could have voted for Hillary you dumb subhuman numale
As opposed to metaphorically voting for him? And I'd feel worse voting for hillary "my turn" clinton
Shalom, Aaron Goldberg, remember to report any instance of online antisemitism, which is after all, annudah shoah.
Polan and Germoney need to stop being tsundere and fug already
german women ugly, not like our polish vitamins
>Black father actually stays with his child and assimilates into the country.
>This is somehow bad?
>poles are not building muslim ghettos in their country, what a bunch of racist, closed-minded, non-progressive people
yes, they keep all the hard workers.
Nikt Cię tu nie trzyma, pedale.
who said anything about women :^)
i'm ready
>Black father actually stays with his child
For now
trzyma mnie tu chujowy hajs i brak znajomości
When you don't have a gigantic heap of resources all to yourself and oceans between you and any potential adversary you have to think about the reality of your situation.
Muslim rapefugeees don't avoid Poland because it's so Christian, but because it's piss poor country, so they would have to work instead of living on wellfare
So I'm a jew now? I'm not. Kill yourself, please. Your 'meme' jokes are just embarrassing.