Describe a game you're neutral about in exactly ten words.
Describe a game you're neutral about in exactly ten words
Other urls found in this thread:
It takes little to no skill but it's really fun
I'm having fun despite tanks, snipers, and long load times
That's a strange looking doggo.
I don't want this thread, I want cute animals instead
Nice lore/environments, terrible design paradigm shift, last passable expansion
I could be playing something i actually enjoy for once
Just look at this cute distracted pupper, I want it
Unless Duck, the dog that gets useful at Lvl 35.
I can't get the battle victory song out my head
Cats are for fags, dogs are where it's at desu
Incredibly expansive world but poor RPG mechanics and shallow combat.
Is RPG one word?
Why can they summon SO MANY GOD DAMN PHANTOMS now?
>not having both
le baka fais
So many dogs, man
I wish I had that many
>dat seal or whatever it is
It has some redeemable qualities if you like the genre.
ah, I remember being a 14 year old edgy faggot
live those years to their fullest, user
This desu
Reminder that nothing will love you like a dog will
You can tell it's a seal and not a sea lion because sea lions are assholes.
I have no opinion on the game Undertale at all.
what the fuck is going on here
It improves on the combat, but the plot is horrendous.
Looks like a falcon grieving the loss of its chick
Looks like he is protecting his dead bird friend.
what the fuck is going on here
I-I thought animals couldn't feel..
>tfw my pussy died last week
>dog still goes around looking for him because he used to hump the cat
Your dog looks sick
Fuck off
I think your dog has autism.
Generic zombie apocalypse story. Lesbian kid. Great Reviews? Extraordinarily "Meh."
this is my shithead dingo, say something nice to her!
What does this have to do with cute animals?
Why is she not upside down?
Animal cruelty.
Looks dumb.
shes an american dingo so shes right side up
im telling her you said that
I hope you appreciate, all my posts are ten words
>ywn be doge
>tfw came home and saw my cat collapse
>he stopped breathing
>I tried to help him with mouth to snout
>he just died in my arms
>yelled for hours, still cry daily
I don't care about that autismo shit as long as you keep posting cute dogs.
sleep tight kitter
O-ok, sorry man, I'll get right on that dog posting
I just can't bring myself to care about DOTA, bummer.
i don't think that's a dog
You kill zombies and shit. And you're a father I guess.
It has sound so I can't post, but cute dog
my cat got a tumor in her neck, had to put her down
tried to hold the tears but they just kept pouring
What about a dog that just loves that cee pee?
what a pure doggo
thats a stupid dog
Dark Souls 2?
Dragon Age 3?
The Last Of Us.
You gotta save the Disney princesses and your weird gf.
It's not a dog but it's still pretty darn cute nonetheless
>not having both cats and dogs
>tfw doggo died last year
That doggo doesn't look so good.
My dog would fucking maul me if I walked into the living room like that.
I think thats what happened to my cat. Took her to the vet in April 2015 and they said it was benign with good blood work and didnt need to be removed. April of 2016 she just passed away. This was the last picture I have of her. We always played games together on that couch.
this better not be the damn shovel dog...
>my dog had a seizure after an operation to remove a cyst
>8 years later I still have that image burnt into my brain
aww, poor hammy
Cat was obviously not interested in fucking the rats shit up
what in the fuck, it must know
the dogs must know that is a cute thing to do, I know we as human project our own emotions on to them, but what has that dog got to be thinking when hes doing shit like that? HE MUST KNOW HOW CUTE HES BEING, SURELY, IT ISN'T JUST CHANCE
>take dog to vet for some health problems
>tells me he has a couple of months left at best
>was old already so good enough I guess
>gives him a ton of injections for something
>take him home
>dies on the spot when we pass the door
I spend every night thinking what would have happened if I just didn't take him to the vet that day.
Dogs are cute!
First one of these animal gore gifs I've ever clicked on, damn. Fuck you though.
he died knowing you tried to save him
RIP ;_;7
Did they make it out alive?
Was a wholesome thread exactly until , time to bug out.