These are my gf's most played games on steam

These are my gf's most played games on steam.

Is she marriage material, Sup Forums?

Kill yourself normalfag cuck.

She also likes Dragon Age and has lots of FNV playtime, but not on steam.

Nice post, upvoted my man : - )

Depends on her skyrim mods.

I don't think you have a gf. Enjoy your shitty most played games list alone user.

Either your girlfriend is a man or you're lying to us

>Long Live the Queen
She's lesbo.

My shit taste detectors are going wild.

>These are my most played games on steam.
>Am I homosexual boyfriend material, Sup Forums?



The fact that she's female and has an active steam account is enough. As long as she's attractive enough/not a piece of shit irl

>stalker: shadow of bimboland
>life is gay
>memeout 4
>paid mods V: todd edition


Stalker Redeems everything else, yes pop the question user.

>Player Stalker

Ha ha, no

>only 9 hours on New Vegas

no, looks like she cares more about tod than you

She's gonna cheat on you with a guy she meets in an online game. Seen it happen over and over. Girl gamers are trouble.


Gf aside, this list of games is literally every list of games from anyone who ever posts on steam threads.

It's crazy how much everyone hates normie games when that's all they play

>only 12h in vtmb
dump her.

Yes, saved by a hair by few of those titles.
Get her Silent Hill 1-4, Resi REmake, and the whole MGS series, and she'll be the best lover you can get.

My wife played and enjoyed it.