Where did Bioware, one of the all-time WRPG greats, go so wrong?

Where did Bioware, one of the all-time WRPG greats, go so wrong?


What the fuck is snowquester?

What's a snowquester? And is this guy on the FBI watch list? He should be, I might even bring him to Trump's attention for the suspect things he says, he might be tied to ISIS

what the fuck is a snowquester?


Hell's a snowquester?

It didn't. They still make great games.

Oh, then we already know he's a terrorist

Montreal is part of the United States

no, they don't


damn, foiled again

they do though

>No (I'm way above-average)

>one of the all-time WRPG

Huh? Bioware isn't Sir Tech, Black Isles or Origins.

All correct except I'm straight and Christian. This is a pretty good attempt at generalizing the demographic here though.

By the way, I think everyone is racist to some degree, in some shape or form, whether they admit to it or not.

>im way above average

>way above average
>still an under achiever

I'm 35 and medium intelligence, myself.

actually not an underachiever either

where'd you get this webm of me?


I'm actually not male

>If I still lived in the Maryland/DC area.

God damn, you're dumb.

BW made 2 good games, max.

seriously what the hell is a snowquester

Top cringe, lad. Good job.

I'm also nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

youre also problably wondering how i got this picture of literally you

then that's at least more believable. Get off of Sup Forums and be a winner, user

Just Bing it yourself.

No, upper class
No, i'm a motivated student


>just bing it
so it's a porn thing I take it

I don't want to be put on a list

only if you are lacking taste

He can get away with saying that shit cause he's a brown. Is there no way we can get this cunt fired?

The last good games Bioware made were the old 90s AD&D games. Every game past that they fucked up in some gigantic inexcusable manner.

It's funny because most companies would fire you for openly posting shit like this.

Though I guess Bioware would only care if he was posting about killing black people. Apparently killing white people is socially acceptable now.

Just like the same people who were outraged about assassinating Obama jokes eight years ago are now openly calling for assassinating Trump.



>tfw I unironically am

What's a snowquester?

Literally makes no sense. Before anyone tries to say Atheism, being without theism is a religion.

>different taste is lacking taste
lucky for me the majority of people who buy video games share my taste, at the very least


I'm afraid 2/7 is not a passing grade, Manveer.

The left have literally become terrorists.

so why is this so offensive to this faggot


What the actual fuck.


it doesnt fucking mean anything. what the fuck am i even doing in this thread.

>All this "white people" this and "white people" that in popular culture
It doesn't offend me but do these people not understand that's just as racist as saying "all black people..."? It's stereotyping.

You can be Apathiestic ("I don't care whether God exists or not, makes no difference to me")

The day will come when the game nears release and I will spread this shit across the internet.

I will remind the masses.

yeah, but why this tard found this word offensive i guess is mystery

Good goy.

I'm reporting you for obviously doxxing me.

I'm not even white but it's crazy how they just allow him to do this shit.
>racism against whites doesn't exist

His racism is Stormfront levels of hate. Of course it exists.

I used to love Bioware. Why did they have to throw it all away?

This only leads to more questions

What's wrong with saying the word snowquester?

This is literally me on all levels except physical.

They literally think is not racism when is against white people.

it's when you do quests in a snowy area I guess

When will this racist fucker get fired?

are you underage don't you?

>being without theism is a religion

Nope, poor as shit
I don't consider myself intelligent for being a lazy fuck

Just send that to the RCMP and the Sureté du Québec. That's hate speech in Canada.

Are you retarded?

Most white people have a sense of humor, so it doesn't cause anyone to chimp out apart from maybe a few sperglords and thus doesn't get any attention.

>are you underage don't you?
Surely you can't be this flustered, user.

How does he still have a job?

Wrong on all but two. Good job guessing correct on half the population.



Because you can't be racist against white people

The last game of theirs that I played and still enjoyed was Dragon Age Origins. I played 2 and it was an incomplete game. I heard 3 shits all over Origins' story choices so I haven't even bothered.

But seriously this is some outright racist shit, I don't care what color you are or who you direct that kind of hate toward, this fucker should face consequences. They're all about being anti hate speech, well it's time to put up or shut up.

Why not just change it back to "staright"? being bisexual is not as common

Man it would be hilarious to get this guy fired for hate speech. Unfortunately it's considered """cool""" to hate whites. What's wrong with you Canada? In America he would be fired by now

>being without theism is a religion

Nigger WHAT.

the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
"ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
synonyms: faith, belief, worship, creed;

All true except the third one.

The fact that the penultimate point is true means I need to stop spending time on this website, it has literally made me more racist.

I wish
Gas The Kikes Race War Now

>No, traps aren't gay.
>More anime than vidya
>I'm actually doing my hardest in computer science. I'm not a smart fellow but I make do.
>Aren't we all?
>Roman Catholic, but I do my best to not judge others.



Apparently urban dictionary had their own version of longcat and tacgnol only it's limecat and clock spider.

Niche memes.

don't mind me, checking if I'm banned

White people don't get to define what 'racism' means.

Isn't this hate speech, why didn't twitter ban him?
Oh right...

>Grow up a leftist in a conservative small town
>Left preaches individuality and seeing the individual rather than the collective since that lets you see what you want to see
>Constantly have MLK's quote in my face in school
>A decade passes
>The left completely abandons that in favor of identity politics and not-so-subtle racism against white people
>Literally define the baggage word 'racism' to be as self serving as possible
>The left has become my mortal enemy

What the fuck happened?

Somewhere around here

No, i'm from upper-class
No, i'm an idiot but i work hard

racism as a word and a concept was invented by Trotsky, are jews white ?
If yes, there you go, if no, then they are the ones to blame for slavery and being the 1%, thanks for playing.

>one of the all-time WRPG greats

ir8 b8 m8

You fell for the "there are only two sides" meme

Around Dragon Age 2.

Apparently Snowquester is just a term for a snowstorm that ravaged the area. He's literally chimping out over something not even related to politics or race

MD fag here. People go crazy when even the thought of snow looms on the forecast. So much so that they want to give shit catchy names because it's an "Event." Usually nothing happens, even though an inch will shut the city down, but a few years ago a blizzard hit and they gave it the snowquester title. Think "isolated storm" with a stupid weather channel tiered label.

Welcome to Earth-2.


yeah no, fuck off.

>way above average isn't above average
You sure about that?


Sounds like a raid request to me.

is it because snow is white?

"above-average" implicitly means "generally more intelligent then the average person but not to a massive extent"

if you were way above average like me you'd understand this