When you check the weakest link on your team's profile

>when you check the weakest link on your team's profile

every time

My favourite was when McCree was first nerfed, and you'd see someone flailing around like a useless retard on genji, tracer, etc and you'd check their profile and of course 80% of their time had been on McCree and now that they actually had to aim they switched characters.

How do you spend so much time playing a character and still be worthless?

why did you take a pic of your own playtime?

>Last player to pick a class
>Don't have a tank or a healer
>Choose Ana
>"We could really use a tank guys"
>Hanzo player:"Why don't you play one then?"

Why are Widow, Hanzo, and Genji players so cancerous?

I get where you are coming from, but unless you just played tank/healer last round, you were all free game to do the job.

But if I played tank we wouldn't have a healer.

You are the hanzo in his post.

Because 50% of the PLAYERBASE is cancerous regardless


damn son, What kind of Bastion tactics do you pull off?

Are you one of them "healsluts"?

Shit ones, because look at his ranking.

Is there a better way to gain experience or something? This guy has half my playtime and is 10 levels higher than me.

just being a bastion

>super awesome l33t snipah sexy lady who needs no man and is consumed by darkness xD
>grorious nippon samurai with his 1000 times folded superior japanese bow
>mysterious cyborg ninja who does cool flips and throws shuriken and teleports behind you and unsheathes katanas
You do the math.

Why did you main the worst healer in the game?

because i'm currently maining witch mercy

thats just his play time for competitive season 2.
his quickplay and other modes will be different too. so he most likely has more playtime overall than you

i only play roadhog

i just play Zenyatta and lucio nice to see a fellow Support main

> play only mercy / lucio
> get laughed at by hanzos
I-i'm just supporting you b-baka

>someone picks Genji
>someone else picks Hanzo

Every time.

Roadhog on 3v3 is ridiculously unfair, I love it.

>Not just giving up and playing whoever you want

I bet I'm better than you

This. He's almost required it feels like. His chance for a 'free kill' every 10 seconds and self heal is too good.

>check a new player's profile
>wonder why they're bad

>pay attention to one player the whole game
>check their profile

>getting anal over teammates with barely 15 hours played
>getting anal over teammates outside of ranked

You can't possibly carry with Widowmaker so you just got carried.

LMAOing at your life.

Coming from someone good at sniping in games with fast movement OW is the easiest time I've ever had playing sniper.

It's like people are barely even moving, it's even slower than CSGO for fuck's sake.

>duo queue with friend
>7 game winstreak after tilting the day before
>feeling pretty damn good
>load up first game after zombra release
>match up with a solo queue and a trio group
>instant lock zombra
>instant lock Genji
>instant lock Hanzo
>solo asks the trio to reconsider their picks
>toxic cess pool spews from their mics
>lose the match

I hate overwatch sometimes

DVa main is fun.
Delete Tracer ult, watch salt in allchat.
Delete Hanzo ult, listen to weeb tears.
Eject from mech, still win 1v1.

Mercy is bad.

If he has the same ranking than you, he is just as good as you and you simply overrate yourself

Deal with it and git gud

Checking anyone's profile, especially when it doesn't seem as if they're doing well, is fucking gay. Are you so ass blasted that you need to find evidence to support that it's not you, it's someone else?

You're gay

Ahhh I see Im retarded then
Thought you were talking about the last guy, not being the last guy

haha yea man i too am a huge casual who has deluded myself into thinking overwatch requires any thought at all and therefore will make constant threads that my teammates in a casual game are bad

t. Hanzo main

Roadhog is fun.

sometimes i feel bad but then i remember i'm not autistic enough to play a team-based game with pubs and get so assblasted at them i look at their stats and hunt for things to pin the blame on

that makes me feel good

Dude he's plat where you can play whatever you want.

Also you get bonus XP for playing in a party and playing matches consecutively.

Yeah, my AWP experience has been pretty helpful in hitting tanks that barely move in OW

Only issue is DVa in Mech

t. never played against a good widowmaker

wats wrong

>first day after nerf
>poo in loo on defense
>mcskill attempts to fan and flash
>only does like 20 damage
>proceed to melt him
>use the laser he fed to melt the rest of his team and get potg
I quite like mcree nowadays though

I'm solo plat where most people who are master have dedicated groups, also placed at 2800

I spend all my time on Overwatch playing Torb on No Limit, attack, defense, KotH, Torb every day.

>Everyone on the team is locking in
>We don't have a healer
>One other guy hasn't locked in yet
>Check his profile to see if it's likely he's going to play healer
>Mains Genji and Hanzo
>Lock in as Zenyatta for the one millionth time and proceed to get 5 medals.

>unbalanced p2w TF2 clone
>still relevant
>doesn't even have hats

I'm solo plat too but only placed 2700 I think. Would've been higher if I didn't get back to back games with the same retarded as fuck Torb "main". I even blocked him after the first game and he still ended up on my team.

hey zen can you switch to lucio please?

>dem Zarya changes

sure less shield but it feels good being able to actually do damage by grazing

connecting hits on weaselly characters like Genji with the laser feels so much better

I'm saying CS:GO was unbearably slow, OW was even slower

At least in GO and Siege one player can ace, it's literally impossible in OW so you're dependent on your mouthbreathing retard teammates

>no healers
>there's a widow and/or hanzo
>I pick Ana
>"user pick someone else, we have to many snipers"

This is honestly disgusting

I've only played this game for a little bit but can someone explain to me why it controls like ass?
I can't blame anyone for not aiming when it's so unsensitive and unresponsive as a game.

>Hanzo: I need healing
>Hanzo: I need healing
>Hanzo: I need healing
>wtf ana heal me

I don't view rank in Overwatch as anything important anyway, the gold weapons are the only reason I play it

Just like CS:GO; your rank is irrelevant and not indicative of skill because unless you play in a tournament you're probably average to above average at best

you are like a little baby

watch this

I get incredibly anxious when I play anything other than healer. Playing support means I can just mellow out and I'm generally not responsible if my team loses.

>the gold weapons are the only reason I play it
I only ever get placed for the points and then never touch ranked again.

Now that quickplay has one hero limit, I'll probably stick to that after placement

>when someone from your team bullies you after you get POTG

but doesn't the game have a thing in place that forces you to play every once in a while or else you automatically start losing rank?

It was a thing to keep fags from placing high early and then not doing anything

Okay, so you are just spouting buzzwords.

>TFW you know you shit
>Dont touch competitive ever
>200hrs played

>get a quadruple kil
>get one-upped by mercy pressing Q and reviving 3 people elsewhere

damn right I'll bully that heal slut

That's only if you place 3000+

Might change next season

>When the POTG shows how you chased someone off of the point and lost the match for your team.

I know with season 1 you got points based off your highest achieved rank. Not sure if that's the same now, or will continue to be the same in the future.

>Always pick a role you feel like the team is lacking in
>End up playing Reinhardt or Lucio 80% of the time

>join a match
>pick dps because I know I'm the best dps in the team
>4 others pick dps too, 5th guy picks a tank
>push hard and raw while I'm alive
>get pushed back with every death of mine
>gold everything
>spam "I need healing" for the entire duration of the match
>nobody of the other bad dps changes nor beats me in medals
>they all blame me for not swapping to healer

>enemy sombra is SHIT
>the only way she can kill me as Zarya is if she EMP's me
>cuts my health in half instantly
>pelts off the rest because I can't shield

Fuck that mexican slut

>tfw friends addicted to 3v3

That's when you switch to genji/sombra/sym/bastion/Torb at that point and proceed to do nothing

>getting killed by sombra

>I'll switch after I die.
>Never switches. Keeps dying.

I didn't know genjis right click fanned Shuriken only 5 hrs into playing him but now I'm in middiamond and quite good with him when he's a good pick. They're clearly a pretty new player with that little playtime

EMP cuts off health shields which in Zarya's case is half of her health. She also can't shield so she's a sitting suck for Sombra to pick off.

It's a counter to lucio's ult but I think Zarya is the most crippled by her EMP

>Someone insta-locks Hanzo
>They're the lowest rank on the team

cant believe you're a genji main op

It's always the japanese items or heroes in games.
>lee sin
>DaS katana

Sombra should be locked out of comp until season 2 ends, good lord.

Fuck yoooooooooooooooou

I play Lucio pretty much exclusively on KOTH since he's required there but everywhere else it's Zen or bust.

>Hanzo player says LITERALLY ANYTHING

I wish you could call a vote to eject those people and have matchmaking place another player in their spot.

I need healing

Got to diamond before sombra shitstorm
I have decent aim and nobody wants to heal in comp, so I instalock ana to make sure our retards don't die

what'd they do to her lazer?

the hit detection on it is better.

Before I'm sure you remember, the beam has to stay on someone for a while before hits start registering. So it was awful for taking out characters like Genji and Tracer if you can't keep a bead on them.

Now, the hit detection starts immediately and does damage right away. So if you can only keep your laser on Genji some of the time as he flips around like a faggot, you still do a lot of damage

>Hanzo throwing the match intentionally

I learned/use every character so I can NOT be cancer to my teams

>Teammate press x to ask for healing
>They are far away from me, so I press x at their character to play the "group up for healing" prompt
>it has the giant group up icon at my location so they can position themselves for heals
>they never move to my position

>they're high up on a ledge, unable to be targeted and you can't heal them with Ana or Zenyatta or get to them with Mercy
>wtf where are heals

Got placed in high gold and made my way up to diamond and you can still find garbage people who wont switch heroes in diamond.

Wrong mindset bru
You should go into a game expecting to carry your shitty team, healing a priority, then fraggin enemy nubs like your salary depends on it

nice, I guess, being able to melt some of those weaselly faggots like trace or genji is almost worth keeping her the slav queen of the meme meta

What;s a good damage average for mcree?