The setting of the last game you played has now been invaded by Orks

The setting of the last game you played has now been invaded by Orks.

What happens?


The game gets more interesting.

>Space Marine


>Battlefield 1
>WW1 armies versus crazy-ass greenskins from futurespace

I'm game

That's basically what IG vs Orks is.

Titanfall 2

Bretty cool

crusader kings 2
it's the same

>tfw ogre vs ork


We'd be fine

>Ogre vs Killa Kan
That'd be a fun fight to watch.

final fantasy 13
we're fucked

honestly speaking, the titan would have to be nerfed down quite a bit for a fair fight, there's just too much technology at their disposal. But still, you have me hyped.

>inb4 muh superior ork technology

>Transport Fever gets overrun by orks

I don't know how to feel about this. Do I ship them by train or do I set up a bus and ferry line to haul them across the river?

>Mercenaries 2
So Venezuela is now filled with militants with funny accents and a habit overthrowing their leaders?
Oh wait.

Anyway I honestly just see the greenies being a more aggressive Pirates faction
>Roight, so I need ya to blow up one of those UP Outposts
>don't you mean 'capture'? They've got a lot of oil.
>Nah ya git, I want you to burn it! That boom will be so gud I aughta be able to see it from 'ere!

>hell versus orcs
im ready

>Senran Kagura
At least interesting things would start happening in the series, instead of cast being stuck on the beach for all eternity.
Orks wouldn't even be that out of place, with ninjas supposedly having to fight the Youma.

star wars qconquest mount and blade

orks eating eewoks, and jedis slashing orcs with sabers....

Feels kind of natural

>Orcish invasion of medieval Europe

>Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War



we are fucked

>initial D

well... what the fuck do i do now, beating them at inertia drifting?


So Orks invade a particularly well defended forgeworld, populated by a single Skitarii with a flamethrower and a bad attitude. Hilarity ensues as the Orks have to choose between getting shredded by walls made of turrets or the local Tyranid infestation that was already being kept at bay quite handily. Nice going Warboss, good pick.

Factorio might be one of the games where the Orks are at a serious disadvantage.

>Starcraft 2
The orks don't even notice everyone else is horrified.

>Big Mek impressed by your defense grid
>reverse engineers it
>builds his own factory

>Persona 4

Most definitely something like this.


VN are games.

orks v. digimon? sounds pretty cool.

>Titanium Wars
My nigga, hands down one of the best mods i've ever used for a game

>shit-ton more units, in particular I love the Guard's dozen Leman Russ variations
>lots of need scenario enhancers, IE enabling 'Heroes' allows your units to level up
>compatible with campaign

no much changed. theres already dragons and zombies

borderlands 2
Not sure who would be more pants on head retarded, bandits or the orks. Either way the collective IQ of that game would likely remain unchanged.


Maybe a racing competition. With vehicles made of junk and lots of dakka.

War never does

It'd be like MvM, but with much more losses


Can I play the campaign with that?


3 genjis and 2 hanzos ignore the portal.

Just watch out, races like Orks and Necrons are more realistic in terms of HP and Toughness, making them harder to deal with.

Get motivated faggot

tiger knight empire wars

id be an interesting battle, who would win Sup Forums gooks or orcs?

40k orcs would win but what if fantasy orcs?

Project zombies
Just more shit to deal with.

>Stardew Valley
Squig Farming Simulator might actually be fun to play.

>Crusader Kings 2

I mean, there's already a Warhammmer (Fantasy) mod for it, anyway, but I was playing the regular version, so...


>inb4 someone points out that they reproduce by spores

heck yeah

So, no difference at all.

>my summer car

the locals speak coherently and drive safer.

Stand'n ere
I realize
Ya are jus like me
try'n ta make history

>Dwarf Fortress

The current world I generated has demons roaming the surface so this should be all kinds of fun.

>nanamusheens, ya git
>they cuvva yer green with gud 'ard bitz

>total war warhammer


>God Eater Resurrection
I don't know shit about Warhammer, what are Orks like?

They pretty much work just like Aragami but have almost-human intelligence and you can just kill them with guns and fire. Also they have a gestalt psychic mind that makes whatever Ork-kind believes to be true. They are also unaware they have this.

Sentient fungus that likes to fight and their shitty weapons and machinery works because they believe it works, they grow bigger as they grow older. Also based off of chavs and soccer hooligans.

Reimu becomes warboss

Grimgor or skarsnik now have range almost on par with the dwarfs.

>Orc zergs
mother of god