I just played pic related for the very first time and finished it all in a single overnight session.
Talk to me about it before I go to sleep.
I just played pic related for the very first time and finished it all in a single overnight session.
Talk to me about it before I go to sleep.
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There's nothing like that feeling of doing an all-nighter to beat a game.
Thanks for the bump famalamadingdong.
Is there anything retarded about the HD version that I wouldn't recognize having not played the original version?
Fuck the last boss fight. Just cannot be bothered with that shit, I'm sorry.
Agreed. I had no idea the game would be so short though.
And despite being so short, the entire final area seems like a rush job. The Slaughterhouse seemed a bit unfinished as well.
I didn't have too much trouble. Are you talking about when the control stick switches directions? Because that part wasn't fun.
>that racing music
I loved it but the shitty announcer with no extra lines recorded sort of ruined it. Still I got a kick out of how much it sounded like this.
I also loved the bar theme.
Sort of. When I last played I wasn't great with that portion where you can't get hit, so finding out I'd have to do it again but with flipped controls made me stop giving a fuck about beating it. I don't care too much, I mean I got through the rest of the game.
>I also loved the bar theme.
Yeah, reminds me of Persona soundtrack
Whats the best version of this game?
If I'm remembering correct, the first don't get hit part was random. During the controller switch part, I eventually realized that it was the same pattern starting over every time I fucked up. Once you figure that out it's just a game of Simon Says. It probably helped that I had a dozen of those max heal items and (probably) every health powerup in the game.
Get a fucking job, nigger
Fuck yes. Thank you so much.
I have a job. I work 36 hours in 3 days over the weekend so I get 4 days off to dick around with vidya. Fuck, I'd probably never touch certain genres again if I didn't have entire days worth of free time.
I loved the wildlife in Beyond Good and Evil.
There's something about cruising around taking pictures of giant flying manatees and space whales that really ups the atmosphere for me.
I'm collect a few thoughts here.
The Slaughterhouse is mostly a fun level but everything involving the hovercar in that area is trash.
I was looking forward to the flying ship all game and in the end it was really lackluster. There's hardly anywhere to go in it.
I found all the animals. That may have been my favorite part of the game because some of those things were charming as all hell. I especially got a kick out of that snail that plays peakaboo with the camera.
I collected all the pearls. The Yo Pearl game you unlock is trash.
This game is red pilled as fuck.
That being said I was expecting some more blurred lines regarding whether IRIS or the Alphas were thr bad guys. They did a lot of setup like the game would be some moral quandry and dropped a few hints that the IRIS weren't good guys, but in the end it was a regular good vs evil story. So the title is a fucking lie.
Yep, that was the standout feature for me too. I caught all the animals in one night, not that it was really all that hard.
I wandered whether unlocking the map with all the animal locations took some of the fun out of it.
But I would Never have found all of them without it. That mosquito hiding on the dead cow was pretty cheap.
>This game is red pilled as fuck.
Was there a recent update about them still working on the sequel? Or was it just another hopeful rumor?
Is that what it was? I couldn't figure it out, I thought it was a parasite sprout. For me the hardest one to find was in the volcano because I kept running in a circle outside the volcano trying to find it.
I thought it reall funny how the lady on the phone didn't react in any special kind of way when I took a picture of a whale swimming upside down in space, but she freaked out when I tool pictures of seagulls and flies.
Potential pre-production art.
One conversation in the game really drove the point home for me.
"How do we know tha Alphas are the good guys?"
"Don't be ridiculous. They protect us from the MODZ."
"But haven't you noticed how many kidnappings we've had since they got here?"
"Exactly. Without the Alphas there would be even MORE kidnappings."
Basically it's the idea that IRIS are lunatic conspiracy theorists at the beginning of the game. It shows that questioning the fabric of society isn't always crazy. You can criticize UFO chasers and 9/11 truthers and vaccine avoiders all you wany, but South Korea really totally did turn out to be governed by a secret group of seven goddesses and now things are going tits up over there. Hearing out conspiracy theorists is redpilled.
So by that logic, any and all pieces of media that involve secret societies and shit is redpilled, based on the sole fact that it's a piece of fiction where there are actual conspiracies...?
I'd rather play as Jade again than see a prequel. Roleplaying as a spunky novice journalist was half the fun because it's something you never do in video games. With the SJW bullshit in the fever pitch that is, having an Asian female protagonist might mean that a theoretical sequel could actually sell a lot better in today's market.
I doubt the protagonist will be anyone but Jade. They already have enough cliffhangers to work with without switching up lead characters.
Not necessarily. I just think the way this story was presented really drove those points home. Little things like the fact that the governor was still technically in power and that kept citizens docile. The Alphas weren't in charge of the planet they were an armed force "hired" to lend the local troops a hand. In the public eye there wasn't even an evil power to overthrow initially.
Everything's okay. Don't worry that your friend went missing, just enjoy yourself at the races. By the way you know those thighly valued pearls that are naturally occurring miracles on your planet? Yeah those are illegal now because reasons. You have to use worthless purple space bux now.
Thanks man
Are you a nurse or physician assistant?
Unless Jade is the villain and in the next game you play as that blue kid who was slowly learning to speak English. She had a lot more focus than the other kids so I'd be okay with that.
I'd be okay with anything. My only real demand for a sequel is that Woof tag along as a partner for one of the levels.
No I'm a deadbeat cashier who works the "I hope I don't get shot" hours on the weekend. I spend all week playing vidya and I spend all weekend on my phone and they let me slack off because they know those hours are hard to replace. I ought to grow up and find another job but that shit is so comfy you have no idea.
I want to play as Jade learning about her parents and her Domz orgins and mastering her powers. She could become the ultimate anti-domz weapon
What did you think about how cheesy the game was at certain moments? I loved every fucking bit of it, including Jade bringing Pey'J back to life
I loved it. It had made-for-TV sci-fi kind of vibe. My favorite cheesy moment is when Jade was crying and told Double H it was over. He tries to pep her up at first and then walks away. Then he hears the machine turn on and goes back into the room to see Jade with all of he hope restored and they share smiles because they both know they aren't going down without a fighy.
It was great because they don't even wait two seconds to let H be sad before Jade starts up the machine. It's like mood whiplash and I love it.
Is this on steam or some shit? I have no idea what it is but I want to play it.
Also when she ran and jump-hugged Pey'J at the end, I was almost expecting him to lose balance and make them both fall down that pit.
I left everything the way you had it. Including the stench.
It's Zelda done by the Rayman 2 devs. More accurately, it's Starfox Adventures but not shitty.
I thought the revival at the end was a bit, abrupt? But overall I enjoyed it. I loved all of Double H's cheesy heroic quotes.
>"Don't Break Up The Team!" Carlson and Peters, page 823.
Yes you can get it on Steam.
>completely pain in the ass to play it on PC using controller
BG&E along with Psychonauts were my favorite explorative platformers back in the day.
Funny to think that games that were so obscure at the time can get so much love and clamor for a sequel all these years later.
I love how the player was bound to hear that a hundred times in gameplay before he finally says it with far more seriousness after saving Jade in one cutscene. The whole sneak in/get chased out/heroic rescue by Double H sequence may have been my favorite scene of the game.
Is Psychonauts worth playing of I don't like Timid Shaver's sense of humor? I'm also neutral to the art style so I need really engaging gameplay to want to play that one.
>"Carlson and PEETERS!!"
>Runs head first through a mob of enemies like a drunken rhino
I was waiting for the entire game for the IRIS network to make a heel turn
Who do you think Carlson and Peeters actually are? Considering that they're basically double H's pocket Bible, I wouldn't mind meeting them in the sequel.
Why is BG&E's music so based? The frogs really pulled their weight for this one.
Well I've still got some Ratchet and Clank games to play anyway.
Eh, depends on what you're looking for? The level design is amazing, but the actual platforming can feel a bit finicky at times. And the combat has some creative powers that mix things up in every new world, but it's not really the selling point.
So it'd be hard for me to recommend it based on gameplay alone. It's mainly for the writing, and world/character interaction.
The OST in this game was fucking top-notch. Most of the pieces with piano were probably my favorite. Home Sweet Home and Blue, in particular.
Funny i do the exact same thing, i work at a gas station that sells fried chicken.
I found it bizarre that Ubisoft ignored this IP while shovelling progressive themes into all its other shit. I mean what's more progressive poster girl than Jade?
The art style was a big turn-off for me at first, but I got used to it. It's weird, but creative. And stylized looks usually age pretty well.
Probably some top-dog drill sergeants or trainers from the Hillyan Army. Filtering military philosophy through a layer motivational speaking.
How did you guys feel the English dubbing was handled? I think Pey'j was more endearing compared to the original French dialogue.
>thighly valued pearls
>The Slaughterhouse is mostly a fun level
There's definitely some cool moments, but yeah, the hovercar thing got confusing and annoying. I'm surprised that pre-teen me actually solve it.
>I was looking forward to the flying ship all game and in the end it was really lackluster.
The world, looking back, was actually quite small. Relatively speaking, there were a few things you could do in the ship. Of course, you needed it for the story.
>I found all the animals. That may have been my favorite part of the game
Fuck yes. Every animal was colourful and interesting. I genuinely liked the bits of info that would accompany and hand-in. Touches like the live Reaper got you more money were also cool. Few games have ever done anything quite as well.
>I collected all the pearls. The Yo Pearl game you unlock is trash.
Eh, it was fine as a side-game. They didn't have to put it in. I loved the puck mini-game though.
>This game is red pilled as fuck.
The story was definitely a high point for me. It ties in really well with the camera too. That bit where you're capturing footage of the kidnapped victims being taken away and the music changes to a sombre tone. Really set the stakes.
>So the title is a fucking lie.
Eh, not so much. There's the good guys (Alphas) and the evil guys (DomZ). As the journalist, you go beyond the public image of "good and evil" to find the truth. It does work and I don't think IRIS needed to have nasty qualities themselves.
A couple of my own thoughts: the combat was so simple, but really well done. It was fast paced and really satisfying when you used an ally's ability, knocked an enemy into the air then smacked it into another.
The stealth sections were also simple, yet great. Infiltrating the Alpha's base in the centre of the city, going along the window ledges and balconies, culminating in a rooftop chase - with a gunship chasing YOU - was one of my best moments in gaming.
Neat touch that it's the mosquito from Rayman.
A few silly Jamaican accents aside, I thought everyone did fine. But I've never heard the original dubbing.
>but South Korea really totally did turn out to be governed by a secret group of seven goddesses
what the fuck did I miss
gimme a news article or something about this
>A few silly Jamaican accents aside
But the actual music for the place was pretty nice, I have to admit.
To me it feels like they had at least one more level but it got cut to meet the stupid deadline of "Same day as the Prince of Persia revival game that we're also making"
I would wager it could be when Double H is KO'd in the hideout and they say it could be a while before he's fine again. It's jarring because he just literally gets back up the second you leave the room and catches up, showing no signs that he's worse for wear.
Pey'j also says something that implies he's been on the moon for weeks when you find him again, though it only feels like a couple of days, max. A level with just Jade could have padded this supposed time leap out a bit better (possibly with some more focus on Secundo at that point as he kind of only really does stuff at the start and the end, while in the middle he's just a voice on the menus)
Thank you user.
yeh, this basically.
That's basically the overview.
I thought it was really special that I enjoyed these, at the time too. They still remind me of cuddly stuffed animals for single 20 year old men. These days My cuddly animals are a dream of VR and a self driving tent.
Yeah, sounds about right. The ending was fine, but they had to rush ahead a bit to wrap things up.
no worries.
turned the piano bit of the main menu into a notification sound, came out pretty nice
>that art
>Pey'j's hand.
Jade looks just like my sister ;/
He should have cut it off.