What are some games with King Tiger, the best heavy tank of WWII in it?
What are some games with King Tiger, the best heavy tank of WWII in it?
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hardly. The steel quality took a bit of a nosedive by this late in the war for one.
war thunder and world of tanks
its shit in both
>the best
Except when engine broke again.
The Darkest Hour mod for Red Orchestra Ostfront has it iirc
That's not the tank's fault.
world of tanks
>Slav games
>German tank is shit
As expected.
What good is a tank with poorly constructed materials
>logistical nightmare with exponentially more man hours wasted getting it anywhere
>made with slave labour and shit steel
>if it didn't brake down before reaching the front it would've been bombed
Men of War has it, but it´s pretty rare.
It´s rarely featured in the campaign because it´s pretty fucking hardcore. It´s even rarer in MP, because putting all your eggs in one basket is really stupid.
>implying a Tiger 2 can pen through this
>Not using superior jagdtiger
>Gets detracked
>1600 points down the drain
No, thanks. The StuG continues to reign supreme for it´s amazing price to efficiency ration.
Ironically if the Germans had just improved on the StuG they might've not needed to waste time with shit like the Ferdinand and Jadgtiger
But the StuK 40 isn't enough to deal with late war Soviet tanks like the IS-2.
Company of Heroes 1 and 2 both have her, but in my opinion the voice acting from CoH 2 is better.
You're in the club with your gf when this guy walks up and slaps her in the ass with a 154mm HE shell. What do you do?
Call my bro.
Its 152mm
They could've upgunned it or the Pz IV/70s. But that would've have mattered when the countries you're fighting can outperform you in production.
Company of Heroes 1 & 2
>Hah! They're scratching your paint job, Helmut.
The German voice actor in CoH1 was way better. Sometimes I can't tell what accent the guy is trying to do in CoH2.
Over-engineered garbage tank made out of inferior materials.
Too each their own. I've played both of them, and I thought the one in CoH 2 has a little more life and personality, but its just my opinion.
CoH2 guy sounds Russian a lot of the time which ruins it for me, which isn't surprising considering he voice acts the Russians.
They do sound familiar, but whatever. It doesn't bother me at all.
Wow they managed to get all the king tigers ever made in once place. Well done Hitler! You saved Germany!
How did getting all King Tigers ever made in one place save Germany?
Yo it still has like 90mm of side armor, it just slants inward, you can see it in the pic, and it makes for a great shot trap.
Those compartments were for storage.
>that high quality Russian welding technique
Their quantity over quality style seems to have worked.
>increase amperage, comrade
>but commissar, am at ideal amperage
>do as you are told, comrade
Why do people think the King Tiger is god-tier? It's a logistical nightmare on top of being useless outside of ideal situations.
Rule of cool
Because it looks rad as fuck
In sheer numbers maybe. Not in practice.
Because it looks cool as fuck
I'm a tank historian and I understand completely why it never performed to expectations and all of the problems it has, but it looks super cool.
>forward towards Kursk!
too bad your bro cant hit shit
As with many of the things Wehraboos love, it's style over substance.
It doesn't need to when the explosion will kill you and the surrounding block :^)
the KT in CoH is garbage and can be zerged down by bullet sponge infantry.
the KT in Men of War on the other hand is a game changer that one shots shit from across the entire map.
to take out a KT in MoWaS you need at least a 3 pronged blitz on it with heavies.
i do prefer the Jagdtiger though because it's top speed is a bit better and it's lower profile.
>Not protecting your tanks
>naziboo buttblast
>naziboo autism
Germans are the best in Ground Forces WT. Very low tiers can be assraped by 20mm HVAP on their SPAAs, they get a 88mm with
the point is you'll never even get the resources for one unless you want to get zerged by shermans and other cheap mediums the entire game.
the turret rotates so low, 2 t-34s can have a field day with a KT.
Longer games happen where everyone ends up with more resources than they know what to do with, but sure.
and then when you get one in one of those long games, it already is zergged by like 5 t-34/88s and 3 infantry units with PTRS, but sure.
Nah, in mow you're more likely to just point starve where you can only afford one squad at a time, any tracks left on the field by that point are unicorns and normally slanting the game heavily because no one can afford their counter plus the required infantry cover.
Now when German players quit, their team mates get excess points from it and that's the best chance to get kt on the field. If my correct opponent isn't at least good, I'll float 1500ish points often enough and always get tempted to wait for a kt, normally just get a jagdpanther for supper fast 88mm.
Nigga the king tiger is a beast and shits on most tanks of the same BT.
heroes and generals
play please
>get 3 Tiger IIs that are unpennable by slav 85mm
Not even the 122mm of the IS-2 can do shit against their frontal armor maybe only if you carefully aim at a certain part of the turret in the front you have a chance of pen but if you miss or hit the canon you are dead.
Exactly, everyone who cries "russian bias" should either stop playing in the ratings T-34-76's sit or learn how to play.
>the best heavy tank of WWII
that's not IS-2
>that's not IS-2
the most boring tank of WW2
That would be the sherman.
>slavic untermenshe design
because it's not an over-engineered piece of shit that breaks constantly and consumes godly amounts of fuel?
Looks like that one map from RO1. Very popular, can't remember the name
Why did it took the G*rmans one decade to develop sloped armour? Aren't they supposed to be great engineers?
im sorry i have autism but there is no such thing as "over-engineering" there is just bad engineering and the Germans had that in spades
Best tank of WWII? Sorry, did I offend your meme LARPing ass? The M3 had a bigger effect on the field than even the M4 ever had.
Get a new gf
>there is just bad engineering and the Germans had that in spades
At least their tanks had space for the crew
Too top heavy