Whats the most impressive thing you've seen from a rom-hack?

Whats the most impressive thing you've seen from a rom-hack?


>this was able to run on a SNES cartage despite all the outside coding.

Other urls found in this thread:


>>this was able to run on a SNES cartage despite all the outside coding.
A modified cartridge. Not the original one they shipped with SMW

Of course, regardless its still a impressive feet, most rom-hacks I know which try porting there stuff onto actual SNES/NES/Gensis's usually end up melting either the cartage or frying the motherboard of the console.

Super Mario Final Impact's powerups, namely how they backported the fire flower, the ice flower, F.L.U.D.D. etc.

This is also a classic:

>impressive feet
tell me more OP

Its a shame Carol doesnt work on SMW hacks anymore, while Brutal Mario's bosses where a bit unpolished, they where still all really fun and for the time of SMW Central hacks it was pretty much god.

Oh I guess Star Road deserves a mention too.

I was never big into rom hacks but Castlevania: Reborn is really nice if you like classicvania.


Is it just a level design or is there new stuff added?

Do fan games which push the limits of their consoles also count? If yes, I'm offering Thruster+ for the Atari 2600. I wasn't even aware the 2600 could pull off sound like that.


I'd say yes, this is pretty impressive for 2600 stuff

Core gameplay is still the same as in the first CW. What makes reborn good is that the guy who did it actually put some thought into it and didn't go the lazy "let's make it almost impossible except if you play it exactly like I want you to do it" route which is all to common in romhacking. It's difficult, but not more difficult than the main game.

And the character reskin looks pretty good imo.

Not really. Doesn't do anything inventive. Just a bunch of ugly jumps that would work better in 2D.

The colors are awful. It's hard to tell what you can walk on and what you have to jump over and it's also hard to see stairs.

wow rpg music remade with super mario world instrument sounds surprisingly good


I fucking midread that song name for a second and nearly did a spit take.

Yeah, to be fair. Romancing Saga has amazing final boss music


Kinda see your point, I remember a lot of the late game platforming getting pretty controller throwing inducing.

it makes everything sound better

what's this SMW custom thing anyway? google give me a soundtrack and a bunch of really weird boss fight video, if it's a rom hack where am i supposed to get it?

A lot of Sonic 1 and 2 hacks are real good. For example:


The entirety of Rockman 4 MI.



Try this

This one is from VIP Mario 4
Tho the others use it too.

Search Abyss of Death

Aside from the Cthulhu boss being a little meh, this hack really impressed me.

Loved the use of the background layer in the second stage.

If you think that's impressive, listen to this: youtube.com/watch?v=ypNPxwnppU0

I was literally blown back when I booted up this cartridge in my NES many a year ago. Game isn't that great, though.

Dude Tim Follin is a great composer.



The NES is light years ahead of the 2600 in terms of specs.

The amount of Kirby references in this game makes me happy.

You beat me to it.

Yeah, he's great.

I linked it because it's impressive for the console.

Oh this looks like a perfectly normal rom ha-
>Suddenly Pharaoh Man goes ape shit.