Sup Forums will defend this
Sup Forums will defend this
Yeah, the graphics are kinda shitty but if the gameplay is good why should it matter? It's evident that it doesn't look as good as whatever console you're shilling for or PC, but if the gameplay is actually good, what's the problem?
Hell, you're more than welcome not to play the game if you hate it that much.
>its ok when nintendo do it
>preferring prerendered lies
Feel free to drink more of the Sony Kool-aid, kiddo.
Ah, you're shitposting. Carry on, kid.
holy shit thats bad.
top kek the trees in the background look like a shitty oil painting
>moves camera up to hide that shit
What's the problem here?
>It's part of the art.
Just wait.
Captcha: select real trees.
How come that Xenoblade chronicles x didn't have this much noticeable pop in?
Seriously. You can shit on that game all you want, but it's probably one of the prettiest games ever made.
what should i see here?
>that PS2 texture
How many times are you going to make this thread?
when is it even coming out
As long as it's even slightly better than Wind Waker I don't care. That's all I fucking want is a 7/10 3D Zelda. Not a 6 or a 4 or god forbid a 2 like Skyward Sword.
The pop in in xbx is fucking terrible. It's not pretty at all. Did you even play the same game?
Data install maybe? Also this is a game in development.
>"gameplay is good"
what's there to defend?
its a console, what did you expect?
Kill yourself PCucks.
Nintendo is a shit company that makes shit games.
the open world aspect of this game seems so empty and boring. i hope there are a lot of characters sprinkled throughout the land and that the bosses and dungeons are at least as cool as ocarina.
im not a big zelda fan but this just seems like the wrong direction but i guess i'm not the strange nintendo audience.
Pop in issues in the background.
And you're a stupid person, really
>wrong direction
they have to do something different after two mediocre Zeldas and a complete and utter piece of shit one.
M-megamilk desu-ne
>the graphics are kinda shitty
They truly are awful
>if the gameplay is good why should it matter?
It looks "meh" at best.
And that's where my doubts come in. I haven't seen a single Nintendo game in 5-6 years that had "good gameplay" at least to the extent where it made up for the game's horrific flaws.
the only think bearable about zeldas is the dungeons so they better be good
t. Nintendrone who's in denial
Nintendo is trash.
>nintendo makes bad games
>no they dont
>xD in denial nintendrone nintendo SUCKS!!!!
simply ebin
he's right though
Are you retarded? You can see in the thread that what happened was
>Nintendo is bad
>Nintendo is bad
>UR DUMB!!!!!!!!!!
>Nintendo is bad
And he's right. Nintendo is bad.
>Game isn't finished yet
Sup Forums really comes full circle when it comes to nintendo huh?
delete this pls
They really shouldn't be showing it off if it has so many large problems. I hold this to any game company and any game. And just as Paper Mario and metroid taught me, they will not fix it by the time it comes out.
*grabs you by the throat*
>gameplay is good
looks like a typical open world cookie cutter gameplay desu
What bugs me more than anything is how desaturated it is. Why is it so fucking gray?
>FFXV drones going full damage control because comedian trashed their game
Would Conan love Zelda U?
No they aren't
You have no clue about gameplay, though. It almost seems like you can do everything in this game and it also seems to be the most interactive and vertical open world ever. , CLimbing everything, perfect controls and even combat-wise they put in all the shenanigans like parrying, witch time, bullet time etc.
Essentially, if you think this game has bad gameplay, there is no good gameplay.
Could you at least wait until the other thread is at bump limit before making a new one? Or just not make a new one at all
GRAB THIS *unzips*
Played it last night, enemy pop-in can be bad, but the land itself and features never do.
And at least the enemies and NPCs fade in.
He probably would, yes. That's not saying much, though
>It almost seems like you can do everything in this game
None of it contributes to good gameplay. I don't see any expert platforming, or use of terrain for combat.
>interactive and vertical open world
With nothing to do in it.
>CLimbing everything, perfect controls and even combat-wise they put in all the shenanigans like parrying, witch time, bullet time etc
Puts its hand in too many cookie jars, doesn't master any of them.
>Essentially, if you think this game has bad gameplay, there is no good gameplay.
This reeks of console fanboyism.
Open world games have been doing all of that an more for over a decade.
What's there to defend?
what do we have here?
*retracts claws*
w-why is it doing this
Hm no. Start actually playing some games, kid.
nice try
By the time the game comes out, the build we saw at E3 will be at LEAST a year old.
If technical glitches like that still exist in the final product and haven't been at least partially fixed/covered up, then we can talk.
You are seriously proving his point.If it was sony or xbox you would bitch and moan, but since it is jewtendo, it is fine.
Hopefully the switch don't have the pop ins..or at least not that obvious ones
How would that succ feel senpaitachi?
Looks like it's skilled
>enemy that's braindead which you instant kill with slow mo
>*retracts claws*
cant tell if stupid or brilliant b8
user, you must be 18 or older to be on this site. Please ask your parents if they can help you navigate to a more age-appropriate part of the internet.
you retards doing to other games so why not
It's just uh- dark magic from Ganon making far away things dissapear from the player's perspective!
Link has poor eyesight in this game! It's canon!
y tho
>None of it contributes to good gameplay
All of this does, though. Are you an idiot?
>I don't see any expert platforming
Because we haven't seen dungeons and only 5% of the overworld yet.
>or use of terrain for combat.
Except you can use environmental fire, ice, wind, push rocks to make them roll over enemies, make literally everything a weapon or a platform with gravity abilities and even use a club to hit back stones enemies throw at you, chop trees and use the wood as weapons, shoot aggro wasps and make them attack the enemies and most definitely a thousand other things.
>With nothing to do in it.
So you are just a shitposter.
When there would be nothing, there wouldn't be countless webms flying around. You literal retard. If you want to see nothing in an open world, check out FFXV or even Witcher 3 where you can interact with anything.
>Puts its hand in too many cookie jars, doesn't master any of them.
It's Zelda, it masters controls and level design, though. When it's just decent at all other things, that's still crazy.
>This reeks of console fanboyism.
No, that's you. I'm just looking forward to a good game not giving a shit about the Wii U and maybe not even buying the Switch too soon.
Wtf, I hate fun now.
Wish all games would be like this instead... for 60 hours.
>Witcher 3 where you can interact with anything.
think of it like salty coins
And people on Sup Forums unironically love DaS 2 above every other souls game.
>Limiting the time you can glide
>All of this does, though. Are you an idiot?
Haven't seen any of it yet.
>Because we haven't seen dungeons and only 5% of the overworld yet.
If there was so much content, they could showcase it with no problem.
>except blah blah blah
And it doesn't make the game better. If they were absolutely necessary in order to kill super tough enemies, you might have a point. But because of the flaw of dominant strategy, you can bash everything with your sword or broken slow mo time. At no point would you ever die against these enemies, so these gimmicks do nothing but needlessly prolong combat.
>When there would be nothing, there wouldn't be countless webms flying around.
Webms of stuff you do all the time in other games.
>It's Zelda, it masters controls and level design, though.
Compared to any PC game, that's blatantly wrong. It'll never have the freedom of Witcher due to console hardware alone.
>I'm just looking forward to a good game
No, you're marketing this new game. I know you're marketing it because you're using insults and buzzwords against people who disagree with you.
>Zelda is good because this slow, casual dungeon crawler is bad!
Haha, you imply I even like the souls series. That's cute.
But all the cool stuff is on the ground, user.
have you never sucked on a penny?
Kill yourself
The market is saturated with "massive world games". Too late Nintendo, this Zelda game was unnecessary
>implying anything that's open world is good
Conan's hilarious rip on Final Fantasy summed up my thoughts on everything open world this gen.
I want to get to the highest point in the entire map and then keep gliding towards sea level until I'm flying above everything. You should be able to do that in every game where you can glide.
sometimes animals do stuff like that too
i want nintendo to cancel this shit.
it's like they dropped an ugly blue shirt person model into a random unity project.
this is NOT a video GAME
Mario kart 8?
3d world?
All had great game play man
huh, makes sense
nobody said anything about nintendo you fucking queer, everybody knows that WiiU or switch can't into same kind of graphics like ps4 or xbone. nintendo has done pretty mean and stupid shit over the years but what it comes to gameplay, the new zelda looks cool.
Shooter on a console. By default I don't consider it good. Also, the terrible singleplayer and the disjointed multiplayer that was extremely limiting (map selection for instance) spelled a terrible game.
>Mario Kart 8
Too much DLC, too casualized for children, did nothing to balance ezmode items like the blue shell, which meant I could easily win any race no matter how far back I fell. Crutches in a nutshell.
>3D World
Way too casual, wasted the 3d environment by railroading you into a single path you could take, that rarely divulged. Even Crown levels were disgustingly easy.
So like I reiterate, no good games that made up for the flaws.
I hope you're not implying that
>Nintendo has never made a bad game
This has, nor willl ever be in the slightest any kind of fun. It's pure unfun.
It's for the salt since they don't have thumbs to play fighting games.
>1 bad metroid
>9 good ones
This is a PS4 game.
but nobody says nothing about it because it's sony.
>Sipping hot cocoa pleasantly wrapped up in comfy snug blanket
>Slowly drift off to sleep
>I'm unboxing my Nintendo Switchâ„¢, plugging in Breath of the Wild cartridge
>Blown away by awesome menu and cutscenes
>Paragliding around plateau and lighting fires and beating bokoblin skeletons up with their own severed arms
>Holy shit this is awesome Its better than sex Its better than OOT Its game of the century
>Reach edge of plateau
>"Its not safe yet to proceed Hero, you must turn around!"
>Okay guys I'll return later...
>Cruising through forest temple and beat the ancient colossus with my fire rod to god tier soundtrack
>Have now reached third temple
>"Ganons forces have descended and destroyed this temple Hero, this wreckage is all that remains"
>Huh thats kind of disappointing, have to backtrack to edge of map an-
>Entire rest of map is an ocean
>Endless ocean in all directions
>"Hero, you must collect these twenty pieces of the Triforce to defeat Ganon!"
>"Collect these 200 music notes to receive a chart you need to decipher!"
>what the fu-
>*Finglevi pops up and interrupts gameplay*
>"Heykoo Heykoo Listenpah, Fairy Master, I can decipher your chart for only 673 rupees each"
>"Fairy Master, I have determined a 93% chance that your left joy-con is nearly out of batteries, shouldn't I repeat this or not? (X) Yes (_) Yes"
>"Fairy Master, I have determined a 93% chance that your right joy-con is nearly out of batteries, shouldn't I repeat this or not? (X) Yes (_) Yes"
>wake up screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOO
It just keeps happening.
this fucking guy
nintendo are basically shitposting the gaming industry by selling such a poorly made game