>studying videogame development (yeah, laugh at this all you want)
>a dev comes to give us a talk about level design and gamefeel
>he puts puc related?
Why, just why? Why should I learn from a guy who puts us fucking Egoraptor.
Studying videogame development (yeah, laugh at this all you want)
Other urls found in this thread:
that's what you get for studying game development instead of just learning by doing like real game devs
>studying videogame development
>pay $3000 a semester for tuition
>guy comes in and shows you popular youtube videos
Is there anyone who thinks going to college is a good idea these days?
came here to laugh at you
because if u calm your tits you will see how well thought out his sequalitis really is. He did taht shit just cause he wanted to. He didnt care if it got 100 views or 1,000,000. He was just passionate about those games and expressed why they were superior.
he went into design, composition, art style, coloring, progression, play skill (from novice to expert), etc and he showed how u didnt need fucking tutorials or button mapping images to learn how to play the damn game.
>studying something retarded
>surprised that your lessons are retarded
dumb giggling anime girl poster
this, I dont really care for egoraptor much (his last solo megaman X playthrough was pretty nice) and it was the only time in recent times that I've watched game grumps (havent watched it in like 4 years so I have no bias nor I even cared much about it).
Its a well done video, everything he says makes sense and has valid points, its actually a good starting point.
>hey guys can i fit in i dislike things that other people like
If you think the problem is on a opinion video about overrall level design and not on the fact that you're being college cucked then no one can help you.
>studying videogame development
>seize the means of reproduction
Thanks for that kek user
>not gamemaker's toolkit
It could be worse they could be forcing you to watch Extra Credits.
This was a good video, but can we agree that his OoT video was shit?
This video was actually pretty good.
I don't believe this happened. You just wanted to make a thread complaining about how people think Ego knows shit about video games.
Apparently the Spirit Science and Extra Credits guys are different people.
That's not something you can agree or disagree on, it's objective. That video compilation of how badly he sucks at the game invalidates all of his arguments.
>Literally the most basic fucking shit
You're all fucking faggots. The best and only way to learn proper game design is to play MORE GAMES.
if its for those papers saying "i can do this" then yes
but everything can be learned independently now
>studying videogame development
>laugh at this all you want
Don't mind if I do, you gullible, nu-male moron.
What is this from?
>studying videogame development
is that all you fags do, talk about your fee-fee's
might as well enlist in woman studies at that point
>studying video game "development"
>not studying a field which can be applied to video games while being actually useful in other industries
You could have studied computer science, art, music, even fucking 3D design. Instead you chose to waste time and money on a garbage non-standard class.
If you're smart and go for the sciences then yes. Otherwise either you stick with economics for those sweet connections you'll score or you might as well be throwing money down the fucking drain.
This, he wants another eceleb thread.
Kys OP
this video.
>be in a bullshit intellectual class
>get mad when you get fed bullshit intellectualism
you deserve it
>studying game development
just fucking start making games if you're that interested, OP.
Arin why do you always post this pasta in every thread about you?
>studying videogame development
games academia is fucking infantile and you should slap yourself for studying it at school
Funny thing is Egoraptor isn't even a fucking game dev, he's an """aspiring game developer""".
This guy is right though
This pic is way funnier than this thread
i wonder if the association people make pisses them off i mean who would want to be called similar to extra credits
>studying videogame development
hes fucking delusional is what he is
Game feel is just some retarded new way to describe how the satisfying the game is mechanically.
Think of that story about mario 64, where miyamoto wouldn't begin development on anything in the game until they could manage to just make controlling Mario feel natural and fun. That's about gamefeel.