I hate this fucking whore.
Zestiria was a mistake
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Alishafag spotted
She was poorly written and everyone knows Edna and Mikleo are the best girls.
Rose would be pretty cool if her plot wasn't assretarded.
Fuck off. Rose was a terrible character and the apex of a fanfic Mary Sue.
I hope Baba got laid goooood with her VA, because atleast SOMEONE would get something out of this mess of a character.
that a big 4head
Rose would be pretty cool if she wasn't a fanfic superwoman who has no issues with anything and her moral superiority over everyone completely destroys and is the anti-thesis to everything the game tries to establish about the concept of Malevolence and evil.
Part time Assassin, part time merchant, part time mercenary, part time Shepard's squire and later Shepard. Oh and of course she has the unique Shepard power of Armatization because she's so perfect. And she's never wrong too, because she's perfect like that.
I would be ashamed of myself if I ever wrote such a dumbass character.
shes a big girl
Rose is easily fixed by making her be able to be wrong instead of the plot kissing her feet every step. The psychopathic behaviour could've been interesting if they actually treated it as such.
The pure uncorruptable crap is the worst thing in Zesty's plot.
Her sick and juvenile view of morality is never brought into question even once. Actualyl I do vaguely remember something at the early game, but it was basically excused with "she thinks it's good so it's OK because she doesn't spew Malevolence lol" and then they disregard it entirely.
It completely discredits the whole party, especially Lailah and Sorey, for going along with her actions.
There is even a quest later with that priest that goes on killing without malevolence and she has the audacity to call what he's doing a sin while being the massive hypocrite that she is, but NOPE, no one in the party cares yet again.
This would be OK if her morals would be brought into question but right till the bitter end inc. the DLC, she's never reduced from the point the perfect heroine, the closest character development moment they gave her is when Alisha forces her to fight alongside her.
Whoever wrote this shit does not deserve to write anything again in the history of ever. I wrote better OCs when I was 12.
It gets even funnier when you realize Berseria basically has Rose 2.0: Hellion ver. and he's infinitely better by embracing the psychopathy.
They're probably even related.
Is it confirmed he's a hellion?
How does that work even anyways? Does Berseria still have the same world logic behind it (Seraphs, Malevolence, Shepards, Lord of Calamity) ??
She was too good for this shitty game, the only character other than Sorey who had actual development and was relatable, plus she was top qt.
Fuck u Baba, at least choose the hotter one.
>Making good picks.
Rokurou and Velvet are hellions, they're just called something else back then. And yes, it operates on the same principles but it also destroys the notion that someone can be immune to malevolence since that is not the case at all in Berseria.
It's basically the other side of the coin.
Don't worry Berseria agrees with you.
It does.
Except the protagonist is the Lord of Calamity and the main antagonist is the Shepherd
Man you people sure are retarded.
Gonna tickle Edna!
I think Baba killed his chances with her when he used her as a scapegoat for some kind of conference by abandoning her and making her apologize to the fans for the game being so bad
He has also supposedly received death threats and gone into hiding
He chose Rose because of her VA, not because of Rose herself. He had a thing for her, but again, he fucked himself over with her as to how he handled something.
Remember her VA died
Sounds alot better this time around. I think Sorey was an excellent lead but the plot was fucking bonkers and everyone was being unecessarily secretive and a bunch of cryptic assholes in general.
Here's to hoping Velvet takes no shit.
He can't even choose the superior VA.
He basically made Rose so he could get the VA in Zestiria and in his pants. Screwing over everyone else involved in the game at the eleventh hour. I'm pretty sure a lot of her Mary Sue character aspevcts came directly from Baba.
I would if I knew how she sounded like.
Since, y'know.. I played it dubbed.
I too, like living on the edge.
Rose is even getting fixed in the anime adaption so maybe taking Baba out really makes everything better.
Alisha's VA made Baba feel too uncomfortable, she probably reminded him of the attractive popular girls who embarrassed him in jap high school
I am really pleased if the rumour he fucked the VA over and she denied him de sexy time turns out to be true.
Fucker deserves it for making dishonesty of the whole studio's work to make his ochinchin feeru kimochiii.
I like where this headcanon is going, keep it up.
Keep postin best girl.
I don't think the anime is perfect, but at least it has Rose being wrong about something, making her anime incarnation infinitely better.
Also she doesn't try to kill Sorey for literally no reason.
Tales of Hearts R literally has the best combat system in the entire fucking series and nobody has played it to experience it since nobody owns a Vita.
Fucking wake me up inside.
Yes user.
What's good about Hearts' combat?
Zestiria has the potential to be amazing with Armatization and style switch mechanic but the combat system is completely chaotic yet at the same time easily exploitable.
It's really kind of amazing how badly they fucked it up there.
Alisha is actually the only character in that game to have a reliable moveset with decently responsive frame data. She's actually a joy to play as, where all the other characters are sluggish bitches with limited movesets and unimaginative spells and artes.
Whether they intended it or not, the anime was a big fuck you to Baba. The antiAlishafag Babadefendotrons who apparently liked the bug-ridden shit that was Zestiria the game are butthurt about the anime.
>Need to run Sycus Tower for my book
>Literally the only one queued after 20mins
Everyone's making Kayanon seem like some cool girl who voices cool characters but I really can't unhear her voice as anything other than idiot characters.
>tfw everytime I find Hearts R is expressive as fuck here
alisha is really cute
You really don't get her back?
I actually felt like Alisha was kinda sluggish, her arts took forever to initiate and were very bad at closing distance.
Sorey was the best one for me, his attacks were fast and AoE, was very easy for me to chain combos into Arts and the Armatus.
That being said Alisha had the better Mystic artes.
>What's good about Hearts' combat?
It's just really smooth. Every character plays fantastic and there's a gameplay mechanic that teleports you to the enemy when you're styling on them really hard. You can make really creative aerial combos out of pretty much nothing once you get some good flow going.
That would be too much of an intrusion on the Rose is always right and the best and spirits really love her and her murderous ways train
Is it true that the final boss of Berseria is a armatized shepherd or is that Rose haters pushing their bullshit as usual?
You don't.
Unless you buy the DLC.
It's true. Literally stated. No way around it.
There's a reason why Baba was "promoted" after Zestiria's fiasco and that Berseria's main plot point basically is shitting on what Zestiria was whatever trying to say.
Wasn't there a rumor that Baba tried to put his hands onto Berseria but was promptly shutdown by the director? I think it was about having Velvet not go through with her revenge or something like that.
And I can't unhear the Ranma in Megumi Hayashibara's voice, but that's beside the point. I don't know where anyone gets the idea that she generally voices cool characters, maybe I'm missing something. It's nice to hear someone voice a character she usually doesn't do, like HanaKana voicing a bitch like Ichiko in Binbougami Ga was very refreshing.
Armitization is less of a god mode than the Chromatus from Xillia 2, but it's still something that demolishes the balance of the game. Water Armatus is the best for both offense and support, and there's nothing stopping you from abusing it except the occasional water-immune enemy. You are forced to use it repeatedly, as well, as the individual characters heal very slowly and cannot heal through any status afflictions except the one they're vaguely attuned to.
Most Armatus have a very limited movepool of spells and abilities that are useful in niche situations. Except water. Water's extremely limited movepool just annihilates everything, even though you're spamming the same shit over and over.
Multi-elemental moves were handled in the worst way possible, cancelling out to be resisted hits instead of normal hits due to enemies ignoring their weaknesses when attacking. Armatus has like one non-multi-elemental spell for each form, and it's very basic or not useful for combat.
Hearts turns the trend of "enemies breaking out of your combos on a whim" into a game mechanic. If you memorize the individual enemy's combo breaker attacks and have good reaction time, you can lock them back into your combo with a well timed press of the guard button.
Hearts gives the player the power of free-style combos with fewer limitations if you can manage to keep the pressure on a single enemy for long enough, and you can land a specialized move that puts the enemy into that manipulable state.
Hearts has a wide cast of characters that are all unique and expansive, but have relatively equal capabilities, unlike Zestiria's cast which are certainly unique, but compartmentalized and limited, with some being more suited for player use than others. Some of Zestiria's characters actively dissuade you from using them due to their awful, laggy movesets and unreliable hitboxes.
> You really don't get her back?
You get her for like 15 minutes near the end of the game then it's Rosey O'Donell again.
You get to play her in the DLC but without her dynamic with Sorey it feels lacking and Rose goes out of her way to make her miserable. Really makes you feel bad for the character and further cement how insufferable Rose is.
I think the only character I hate more than her is Lailah. Half of Zestiria could've been spared from us if she just told them straight what they need to do. Of course Baba asspulls something about "it's the journey that counts", but there are numerous ways this makes 0 sense which I will not expand upon cause i'm tired.
But Rose is the best when she's around Alisha.
Even if their bickering could get annyoing in the DLC it's the most personality she ever had. Plus Rose even got hotheaded and impatient and had a shitty attitude all around, making her actually an interesting character.
The whole game was poorly written.
All of Hearts's characters have their own movement options and attack options that change the way they play on a fundamental level, so if you're playing to their strengths, you rarely feel limited. For instance, Shing learns a skill that allows him to cancel his moves into a forward dash. It makes him a little less aerial focused, but allows you to refresh your basic attacks and reposition yourself mid-combo. This skill can be learned by other characters to expand their movement and attack options in ways they aren't natively capable of.
Zestiria's movement is completely free in every way, but the characters are not designed thoughtfully in regards to the movement options, like they are in Graces.
I hope the anime starts compacting shit from the game, especially next season.
Thanks ;-;
>Is Richard all over again
I gotta agree with that, though it also helped that Ichiko was a genuinely entertaining character too
At least that game had Narikiri dolls, so once you beat the game you could play as a team of four Richards if you wanted to.
Goddamn Richard is a fun ass character. I really wish I could have mained him through the story, but he actually has a legit reason for not being part of the party. Unlike Alisha.
At least Richard returns for the final arc of the game and ends up being the best character because of good artes + getting punched in the face with character development.
he could have easily been replaced by that green hair bitch when you fight him for the third time.
>tfw no second season ever
Why do the nips have such shit taste?
> You can make really creative aerial combos out of pretty much nothing once you get some good flow going.
Sounds SSStylish. I want to play it but lolvita.
> Water Armatus is the best for both offense and support, and there's nothing stopping you from abusing it except the occasional water-immune enemy.
I thought that too until late-game, then it almost immediately stopped being useful to me since it did shit damage on bosses that weren't weak to it.
If anything Wind Armatus was way more OP, Cloudburst casted faster than Maelstrom and Dark Star was easily spammable, the moveset was Sanic fast. Sure it had more risk than just sitting back and shooting Vortex, but alot more exciting and the moves actually had tactical usabilty like Rending Gale.
All of the Seraphic Arts for Water Armatus other than Maelstrom were shit.
That being said Water Armatus Healing was the only one worth a damn, I would usually just do a couple perfect blocks with Rose-Mikleo, armatize them, then switch to Sorey-Lailah or Sorey-Zaveid and spam away.
> Some of Zestiria's characters actively dissuade you from using them due to their awful, laggy movesets and unreliable hitboxes.
Lailah comes to mind. Useless cunt. Zaveid thou, he was the real deal. Playing as him made everything 10x times better, if only the AI wasn't retarded.
There will be a new season?
I didn't watch it yet so I just assumed the 26 episodes are basically just Zestiria's plot plus some modifications and berseria cameos. Is the next season full on Berseria?
A demigod sociopath to whom the Zestiria party members defer to. I don't understand how they thought that was a good idea.
Yes, they said it's coming next year, I don't remember when next year, though. It's predicted to be Rose's arc, like how 1st season was supposedly considered to be Alisha's.
>Sounds SSStylish. I want to play it but lolvita.
It's pretty fun. But yeah too bad no one has a Vita.
The fact that you can even tell she is a more poorly written character in a poorly written game is quite a feat. Baba is clearly a genius.
The 'harem' lead had his own personality and wasn't a spineless stuttering loser, except he wasn't really an mc since the show didn't focus much on him or the romance so they lost the kimotaku audience. On the other hand they didn't completely play up the yuri so they lost the fujoshi/fudanshi audience too, poor show never stood a chance.
On the bright side Mondaiji second season any day now, I can feel it in my bones
>Rose's arc
Wat. Are they doing multiple timelines, or was S1 literally a remake?
>that dub
You can watch this to get an idea of it.
Beryl is probably the hardest character to combo with because she's the mage of the group and this guy just styled with her.
S1 is kind of a remake. It told the general story, but it changed a few things so Alisha isn't treated like shit, and she behaves like a competent fighter, too, even managing to outclass Rose and her secret friends in their first duel together.
I'd say that it wasn't really a harem lead, but then again, he had three suitable girls. But that is kind of out of the millions of female characters in the anime, one of them having a serious girlboner for Ranmaru, even.
Looks pretty sweet user.
But how's the story and characters?
Zestiria actually had good characters (Excluding Gina Stew of course) and a generally OK plot. How does Hearts compare?
Go to hide again Baba.
But Sorey still ends up travelling with Rose right?
I don't get what a Rose arc would be about. Is it basically the same as the Alisha DLC for Rose?
Why is she so perfect bro?
I don't know user.
The anime is canon.
This makes no sense. No one should be this cute.
What have nip overlords at Namco done?!
Hearts is about as gay as it sounds.
The first half of the game you're trying to restore this girl's emotions because you fucked up and broke her spiria. The second half is the usual Tales "plot twist" in which the cast finds out there's another planet/civilization and other bullshit happens. The MC is generic but in a fun, goofy way. He's a total fucking dork.
I genuinely think Hearts R has one of the best parties in the series. Every character has their fun moments and bits of character development.
> Hearts is about as gay as it sounds.
Yeah thought so. Really turned me off when I looked at it, plus the MC looks like he was shoved into this game straight from a YuGiOh series.
> The second half is the usual Tales "plot twist" in which the cast finds out there's another planet/civilization
AGAIN? How many times did they use this shitty plot device?
Better question is where they didn't use this
Rose was the only likable character wtf.
Only fun one to play as too.
As a plot twist? Zestiria
As a concept in general?
It's anyone's guess.
I don't think Zestiria had a plot twist, the general thing seemed obvious from the start, and Sorey being the only Human in the village was something I inferred early on as well.
The thing with Meltran seemed a bit too minor so I don't really count that.
I guess Mikleo's origins are a bit strange though.
We assume so, yes. As was said, they are changing things around a bit, though the overall story events should generally be the same, give or take, mostly taking because it did compact/cut out a few things from the first season, and change a couple things around. The major thing they added was the prologue where Alisha is stranded after being in a search party and losing her comrades which led her to where the game starts.