Do any of you guys ever play shitty or mediocre games just to see what went wrong?

Do any of you guys ever play shitty or mediocre games just to see what went wrong?

I don't mean in a "HAHA I'M IRONICALLY PLAYING A BAD GAME" way, I mean playing it because you curious as to why it got a negative reception.

If so, what's a "bad" game that you've checked out, and what did you think of it?

Every game past 2006 has been medicore save for a few games here and there. Luckily I don't buy games anymore.

I did so with Sonic '06, because it was only $20 and I thought it would be decent for that price at least.

Boy was I mistaken.

I tried out my cousin's copy of Sonic 06.

Never knew how fucking slippery the controls are. It feels like I am fighting against the game every time I move.

I played Other M because I honestly believed that it couldn't be nearly as bad as people were saying. After all, Sup Forums just really likes to hate on shit, and I loved plenty of things they're shat on before like Twilight Princess, etc.

Jesus fucking Christ how mistaken I was. It was as bad as I was told.

I played my roommate's copy of Sonic 06 and fell through the fucking floor in the first level and never touched it again.

I played Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter because Breath of Fire fans hated it and I liked all of the other Breath of Fire games. I ended up really enjoying the game, and I recognized how nostalgia really affected people's enjoyment of the game. It was different but, really cool, and still true to the Breath of Fire spirit. Reviews were somewhat middling but, it has become one of my favorite RPGs.

To this day, people talk about how Dragon Quarter ruined the franchise.

A real shame, it's a great game.

Another one I tried was called Raw Danger. It's actually great, too. But few people could get passed the really hilariously bad voice acting.

i got neptunia because i know most of the reviewer are a bunch of liberals that easily get triggered by fanservice

but no, listen to me, neptunia is a legitely awfull game, it is without exageration one of the worst game i've ever played

Depends on how its bad.

Life is Strange was a fucking riot. Its writing was so dogshit it had me in sitches most of the game.
Im in the same boat with Watch Dogs 2, but since its using Denuvo i probably wont, fuck paying money for that.

In both cases i know why they got a negative rep, but you honestly have to go in and experience for yourself how fucking detatched the creators are from the world around them. In LiS it was teens, in WD2 its literally anybody that deals with actual computers not Apple products, however in both cases the gameplay seems to be interesting enough to warrant the ride on the literal meme train.

Gone Home was exactly the boring walking simulator that people had said it was. I knew what I was getting myself into, and it was still a total waste of time.

You should the game that came before Raw Danger, Disaster Report.

From what I can recall
>Sonic 06
I played through it around 2009, I wasn't exactly scarred by it at the time but I don't think too hard about it today.
>Remember Me
it was just really boring and the game crashing on one of the bosses made me drop it
>Mario Party Island Tour
Me giving the Mario Party series one last chance since it was on a handheld and only needed 1 copy to play with 4 people. Everything about it was extremely retarded except for the mini-games of which some were decent.
>One Piece Burning Blood & Jojo's Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle
Both games are faithful to the source material, but because they are in a fighting game and so many different ideas are thrown into it and stitched together with terrible mechanics, it isn't fun to play them for longer than a couple matches. The One Piece game has more terrible stuff in it meant to make the game less fun so don't play that one, but the Jojo game had potential.

I'll pretty much have to play every one of From Software's "Souls" style games because of this.

this, the sjw journalists are right to call it bad but they're calling it bad for the wrong reasons

it's actually just a terrible video game

Other M. I ended up enjoying it for what it was, and at least it's better than Metroid 1, 2 and Hunters.

I love Dragon Quarter. I won't say it's my favorite in the series, but it's an amazing game that doesn't deserve the hate it gets.

I played Mighty No. 9 a month or two after the shitstorm because my brother got it for me for my birthday. I played one or two Mega Man games before, so I knew what people were looking at for this game in expectation. I got the Wii U copy if you're curious.

But when I played it, i played it for its own merits, not for the based material. I played it for what it was. And to be honest, it isnt that bad if you detach it from the whole 'Mega Man spiritual successor' thing.

As for the whole game itself, it /does/ have its problems. Mainly the intense lag in some areas and the useless abilities. I just used the same two or three abilities throughout the entire game while the other levels didn't call for it.

Design wise, the levels were incoherent and looked like a bad level you see in Mario Maker made by a 12 year old. The levels don't compliment the powers you get either except for the obligatory "you need x power to open door y" deal. And even then, its a less enjoyable slug fest for an extra life and health.

The only saving grace about the game is the ability to dash midair. But even that power needed to be limited to make the boss powers you gain at least useful.

Other than those gripes i have, the game has a cool atmosphere to it. But cutscenes don't make me interested in this game. They do it all wrong.

More often than not I watch bad games being played rather than play them myself.
That said, I did personally play the entirety of Final Fantasy XIII and write down a fairly extensive list of thoughts and nitpicks just so I could have an opinion on the game and could discuss it better on Final Fantasy threads without my experience with it being limited to "I AM GODDAMN SICK OF LIGHTNING".

>at least it's better than Metroid 1, 2 and Hunters.

Fucking die

>how nostalgia really affected people's enjoyment of the game
To this day Breath of Fire IV is the most advanced Breath of Fire game. Hell, even patched Breath of Fire II is more advanced than that abortion of a dungeon crawler.

Pretty much why I played Color Splash.

I usually dont care that much about other peoples opinions since i have different taste, if i hear about something interesting i dont know ill check it out, if its shit i can usually tell without even playing it, also i try to pirate before i buy to see if it will run on my pc and if i even like it

I went on a shitty Wii shovelware buying kick because they were $1 or less apiece. I saw the Grumps play Busy Scissors (a game like Cooking Mama but you run a hair salon) and decided that maybe my roommate and I could try it out for laughs. It's terrible and I regret even letting the disc taint my system. It lags as all hell and the controls were shit. A couple others I tried were an M&Ms racing game and Project Runway, which were both just bad.