Total Tank Simulator Pre Alpha

I Used My Youtube Channel, to get a pre Alpha Copy to this game, i want to share it, if anyone wants i will put it. (Btw how do i Share it, its a exe.

Other urls found in this thread:!KcMEEKSR!dXvo_trgoDo8fg9T-mECRCUChGCKXGOYVQEmTZOUO5E!HRsUlR4R!ZAmptng3VfTfr4_kP4BJML69Sx-nr3i_P8j3kuCFklw

Fuck, I LOVE tanks

lol so how do i suggest i share it should i create a torrent? (Sorry new to all this haha)

Upload it to

No idea

Nvm, this is a good idea

One important question.

Is this a simulator?

kinda, check out a quick youtube video while i upload it :)

You don't need to capitalize half the words in English, Kraut.
Do this too. Is the game going to have actual textures or is it coming out with everything looking like a fucking toy?


>uploads torrent

haha sorry man i want to share it with the world :p

>Noobs from Poland
>another slavic WW2 historical revisionism game
cant wait for tin foil tigers

You know when you see somthing on youtube and you really want to play it, well i spent ages trying to find this and nothing worked then i Emailed the Company and they finally sent me a copy, i do not want anyone else to feel the pain.

So you don't upload the actual files?

>Make shitty early access game
>Nobody buys it
>Make up story about getting it from youtube for free
>Upload a torrent file instead of the actual files
>Log IP of everybody who connects to the swarm
>Sue them all
>Make dosh
Nice try.

I am uploading the full game now, but nice conspiracy theory you paranoid cunt.

Currently at %60!HRsUlR4R!ZAmptng3VfTfr4_kP4BJML69Sx-nr3i_P8j3kuCFklw

TBF Tigers are the best Tanks In game just like IRL

Does this game have tanks other than Slavshit and German shitboxes?

Or is it yet another waste of time that just panders to uneducated Eastern Europeans?

Just the two keep in mind its a pre alpha, but idk were people get the idea that the Russian and German tanks suck, they are what defines ww2 in my opinion.

>Tigers best tanks IRL

are you one of them fools that believe that america won the war and not the Russians.

Way to move the goalpost

Fast escalation

Anyone sandbox this shit yet? I haven't put the VM on my new rig yet.

I did