Ladies and gentlemen, here are your nominees for Game of the Year 2016
Ladies and gentlemen, here are your nominees for Game of the Year 2016
Other urls found in this thread:
>3 FPS
>Overrated garbage with a bullshit story
>Oh, and some game called Inside
Wow, what a great year for video gaming!
>no Skyrim Special Edition
>Overratedwatchfags are probably gonna spam the polls all the damn time.
>post yfw Battleborn wins GOTY
I'm betting it'll be Overwatch or Titanfall 2.
The fuck is Inside?
It'll be Overwatch.
Why the fuck is INSIDE on here?
I played it and liked it, it was well made as fuck and entertaining.
But how does a 3hr simple puzzle adventure warrant GOTY status along stuff like DOOM?
and it deserves it too
this year we cant vote in all categories, and this one is one of those
titanfall 2 and inside have no reason to be on that list
>Overwatch is going to win GOTY
>Blizzard is going to win Best Studio
>tfw I don't play any Blizzard games but can't wait for the Sup Forums anus annihilation
DOOM deserves it.
I like overwatch, play it damn near everyday.
But DOOM deserves it.
>not stardew valley
TF2 is better than doom
>mfw the salt from Blizzdrones when OW doesn't win GOTY
Dishonored 2 is my GOTY so far but I'm okay with those two winning. Although I know Overmeme or Sony movie are gonna win
>no Dark Souls 3
These are all great games. Deal with it.
You laugh, but these are fair choices. All the listed games have arguably made the largest number of people happy this year, and at the end of the day that's really all a game can do. It doesn't matter that your Finnish car building sim isn't on here.
kys shill
15 shekels have been deposited into your account
I have literally never seen Unheard before and I'm on Sup Forums daily.
>TitanFall 2
Seriously ?
No Dishonored 2 ? No Tyranny ? No Battlefield 1 ? No Hitman ? No Dark Souls 3 ?
But Fucking Titanfall 2, overwatch, uncharted 4 and Doom ?????
Nice to see Painkiller 2016... I mean DOOM on the list.
OW is most likely going to win because MUH BLIZZ.
>All that western trash
>3 shooters.
>Indie trash.
Between Doom and titanfall, I give it to Doom.
What a shitty year for gaming
Look mate I love CRPGs and Obsidian but there's no way they could ever win a GOTY award, no matter how good their games are.
you work so hard on bringing the best RPG of all time to current gen systems and this is what you get, huh?
What a shit year.
Deum should win.
>No Hitman ?
A game that can barely maintain "mixed" reviews on Steam doesn't deserve to be on anyone's GOTY list, shill.
I only see 4 games here though
There is literally zero chance of Overwatch not winning this.
>Sup Forums only plays AAA shit and doesn't even know Inside
I shouldn't be surprised but still, I fucking this board sometimes.
Yeah because nep jrpg 10 deserves goty.
Oh man it's like I'm really in 2007 again! Geddit cuz Sony makes movies ecks dee
Dont worry it is my GOTY.
Was worth pirating it.
Nigga I played inside.
It was good for one playthrough, and that playthrough is like 3 hours.
This should be about games, not release models like Steam reviews.
Uncharted will probably win
I still go back to it sometime but I get your point.
Still, it was such a shit year for gaming that it deserves to at least be on the list.
fucking FURI deserves it more than inside
Silent Hill 2 is one of the greatest games ever and it's beatable in like 6 hours. Quality of a game isn't defined by its length.
I don't even like titanfall 2 but from your list the only one worth of being nominated is dishonored 2
>game of the year
>haven't played any of them
what is this list
what a horrible year
It is when the game is almost entirely held up by its visuals and storytelling.
Maybe I'm just put off by the absolute lack of satisfying story in the ending.
So what games should have been on there instead?
>He didn't get the only decent ps4 game of the year
Delete this
What about The Last Guardian?
Wow, this year fucking sucked.
What the fuck is Inside?
I enjoyed DOOM a lot. I hear all the complaints about it being a repetitive arena shooter, but for what it is, I found the level design really pleasant. I made sure to deactivate the GPS pointer stuff in the menu, and beat the game without having any problems in finding my way. Haven't tried multiplayer however, so that might fuck it's chances in winning this shitty contest.
>3 FPS, one 3rd person Movie plus a mediocre indie shit.
>Western """""""""""""""GAMING""""""""""""""""
FE Fates got robbed.
Ricky Gervais sums up award shows perfectly here @ 6:00 in...
The Witness
Stardew Valley
Shit Animu Gayms only Sup Forumsirgins fap to
My personal pick would be Dark Souls 3.
>2016 good japanese games
Nice meme user, Final Fantasy 15 is the last japanese hope and we already know it's shit kek
well at least I plaid Doom
Pokemon Sun/Moon
Megadimension Neptunia
Monster Hunter Generations
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
Paper Mario: Color Splash
Real games for an actual game player. This garbage they keep perpetuating is for the marketing tools known as 'gamers'. They are a fucking disgrace to this hobby and I'd have this industry crash 100 times over if it meant getting rid of these posers. Spread the word, gents. Maybe we can bring real gaming to the masses.
At least DOOM made it.
Fuck off weeb.
>Multiplayer Shooters.
>Indie trash
So this the power....of western gayming......
>that list
Nice bait
both XV and TLG dont count because they release after the cut off point
man I feel way too dude bro but Titanfall 2 was the biggest multi fun I had since Modern Warfare 2
I really hope it doesnt die too fast
this is the most "I don't play western games on principle" list I've ever seen.
How can you live with yourself knowing you're denying yourself things you would enjoy.
Doom or SMT IV Apocalypse should win but we all know it's going to be Overmeme or Movie Game.
Cant wait for Sup Forumsga where 3/4 of the nominees will be shitty nintendo games
Dishonored 2
Stardew Valley
Titanfall 2
so they got two of them right at least
god that list
are you trying to ironic?
I guess it was a pretty lame year. 2017 looks good though.
doom is repetitive trash
>m-muh fast gameplay
Were there actually any good games released in 2016?
yea diablo 3: electric boogaloo will be great!
Still better than anything else on the list.
Doom should win
Uncharted 4 will win
>titanfall 2 over bf1
not better than overwatch
Overwatch is probably my favorite out of these. Which is an above-average game.
but jesus christ, they don't even try for genre diversity anymore. 4 out 5 are shooters, 3 being FPS.
Gonna just copypaste my answers for the awards.
Titanfall 2 deserves it but I'd also accept Doom or Overwatch
Hitman should get it but I'd also accept Dishonored 2
Dark Souls 3 is the only option. The rest either suck or are DLC.
King of Fighters XIV is the only real choice.
Dragon Quest Builders and Ratchet & Clank are both acceptable
Civilization VI or Total War: Warhamner deserve it but so long as Fire Emblem doesn't win I'd be happy
I'd normally laugh at this category existing but Forza Horizon 3 is fucking legit.
Titanfall 2 should take it but I'd give it to Rainbow Six Siege pretty happily as well.
My actual one isn't on the list so Titanfall 2 I guess. DOom would also be acceptable.
Respawn deserve mad cred for refusing to do paid DLC but ID also deserve praise for not fucking up Doom.
Blizzard have done good shit for WoW and Overwatch afaik but I hear nothing but bad shit about their other games so yeah.
Oxenfree deserves this, no contest.
Overwatch, with Abzu as a close second.
Battlefield 1 has great sfx but Doom and Thumper have damn good soundtracks. Tough call.
Didn't care for Firewatch but Cissy Jones did great in it so her I guess
I've no idea what this category is for but I like Blockhood so that one I suppose.
Stardew Valley. I've played 100+ hours of it and can't stop.
Unironically Severed. MonHun Generations is just a watered down 4U.
Rez Infinite is cool as fuck even without VR so yeah
lmao who cares
AM2R is objectively correct
Zelda I guess
R8 me
Name one good Japanese game from this gem that isn't a rehash.
I kind of assumed one of the requirements of being GOTY is that it's been played by more than a dozen people
>5 cents have been deposited on your bank account
I wanna give it to Hitman, but I can't justify 'always online' bullshit.
So Doom I guess.
I get the weeb bait but it really surprises me how can people like the Neptunia games, quite possibly the most bland gameplay-wise RPG series I've ever played.
Been debating to pick up Doom or Titanfall 2. Never played either series besides the beginning few levels of the original doom. Which one should I get?
Who cares m8?
titanfall 2
doom has been memed on here to the point where Sup Forums thinks it is substantially higher quality than it actually is
Doom hands down, Titanfall 2 is decent tho.