
someone told me I need platinum to buy more slots
and to get platinum without paying real coins I need to seel shit ingame
how do I sell and what do I sell?


Farm soma prime, Vasto Prime, Nova Prime
Wait till November 22nd
After the 22nd sell each set for 300 plat each
There 2700 plat in just a day

sell where?

and why after 22nd?

What happens at the 22nd? Are they just not unobtainable anymore? What happens if you want Nova Prime like 5 years from now?

in the chat. you need to be a certain level (still low, 5 iirc) to trade.

How about stop being a retard and read the /wfg/ pastebin or the damn Wiki?

get a rare item
sell for someone that wants to pay platinum for it

They'll rotate them in again after a few years. Otherwise you're out of luck.

Because she gets Vaulted and primes that get Vaulted prices go through the fucking roof
Shit like Frost Prime sets cost like 500 plat PER set

>? Are they just not unobtainable anymore?
they get "vaulted", meaning they're removed from rotations, meaning yes you can't obtain them anymore.
>What happens if you want Nova Prime like 5 years from now?
they'll rotate what parts are obtainable or not every few months (still rare enough to be sold high)

That shit's cheap. Ember is where the money's at.

Things people sell:

>Syndicate Weapons (Mastery rank 12 needed)
>Corrupted Mods
>Prime Parts (Easier to sell in full sets)

Google "warframe market" and check the sell prices for the items you want to sell. Remember you must NOT build the item if it's a prime part as you can only trade the blueprints

Maroo's Bazaar on Earth, or (MUCH more commonly) a clan dojo. You can join a clan easily by asking around in the recruitement chat, or you can make your own, but this takes anywhere between 2 to 5 days, depending on the materials you have. So just ask people to do the trade on their dojo

Because since you won't be able to get the void relics that drop the items, the price for them will increase drastically

Primes are cycled between. A new one arrives, an old one leaves. "Vaulted" Prime weapons and warframes can still be acquired via trading

Now go and become the space jew

>Ember is where the money's at.

What's the price for her?

I was thinking selling her for about 450 plat.

Nigga that shit's 1k at the least. Maybe a bit less if you get jew'd. Hell, if you wanna give it away, I'll trade a Rhino set for it.

Just stop playing that terrible grindfest.

Average of Ember is 300 plat but Frost Prime and Ember Prime are coming back

Try double the price or triple the price.

I don't I sell shit for PSN cards an it works every time

What if I'm playing it for exactly that? Some people enjoy grinding.

get out while you still can

so I need to have lots of planets unlocked to do this shit huh
I'm still MR3 and don't have that much places unlocked

Stop playing shit games.

There is no actual progression in Warframe, only grind. You grind so you can grind. That's the whole game. Get out while you can.

>get weapon to lvl30
what do I do with it now

Depends on how good it is, how much you like it, how much have you invested in it (forma, catalyst), how much plat you have to buy more slots, whether it has an objectively better version out there etc

90% of the weapons in the game are trash that aren't worth keeping unless you're some collector autist.

dual ether
they're cool but I just crafted this nice fire sword I can't take because I have no more room left
I prefer any other weapon actually than these dual swords

meant to reply to you

>it's shit and I don't like it

So go and sell it. This isn't something you should need advice for, it's not rocket science, man.

>Just stop playing that terrible grindfest.
you are just burned out
you know whats a terrible grindfest mother fucking path of exile
now we are talking
WF is just babbys first grindfest.

I still can't sell it to people I'm not MR5
and now I'm reading about mods
should I level them
holy shit this game has a fucking lot of shitty things I don't understand

You can't sell normal weapons to other people, only syndicate stuff or other special shit. Even primes are only sellable in parts, not as completed weapons. You just sell normal weapons from the inventory or equip menu iirc.

Yeah, you should level mods. You'll be doing so much mod leveling it's fucking disgusting. It'll take months for you to spend 200k or whatever fuck amount of endo you need to just get all the essential mods used in core builds maxed out. Then you can move on to the fucking 10/10 design primed mods which take even more but are completely unnecessary.

So when people say sell prime parts in full sets, do they mean build the warframe and sell it, or just sell all 3 parts at a time?

Sell all 3 parts + blueprint at the same time.

Paying pay more for the convenience.