>live in london
>on crowded public transport
>woman makes a joke about it "being like tetris"
>a few laughs
>I say more like puzzle league
>awkward silence
>a cough
I'm fucking raging, normie fucking scum
Live in london
Other urls found in this thread:
>someone makes a quick reference
>people chuckle
>you try to piggy back and tell the same joke but with another generic ass name
it really has nothing to do with normies not knowing games. it is you not knowing how humor works.
You should have said "More like Hatred" and then pulled out your guns
live and learn, user. they've forgotten about it by now and you must try to do the same.
At least you're not Anthony Burch or Dobson
>Live in London
More like tactical butterknife.
>It's an OP was never properly socialized as a baby episode
These really OP. Please contain your autism next time so we can talk about video games instead of your social issues.
>take out my 3ds on the bus the other day and start playing pokemon moon
>bunch of high schoolers start looking at me and snickering
>become really embarassed and get off at the next stop and had to walk 45 minutes back home
i bet those faggots played pokemon go too
That's why I only play games on my desktop at home. When I'm out, I have a 300ppi e-reader, or lots of stuff on my phone, like language learning apps. You shouldn't care what kids think tho.
>letting kids intimidate you
consider being less of a faggot
I bet it never happened to you you asshole. You don't know what it's like to be humiliated like that.
you humiliated yourself by giving a shit
>be publicly humiliated
>pssshht.. I don't give a shit...
he humiliated himself by playing vidya in public
>things that never happened
I know. A few more laughs and you'd end up in an ICU. Poor soul!
they're KIDS user
Yup. This is why you don't buy a gaming laptop that costs more than a desktop + refurb business laptop
If you're ashamed to partake in your favorite hobby in public you're a cuck.
uhh nobody speaks to strangers on public transport in england nice lie
and you're a socially autistic neckbeard
Says the guy shamed into leaving the train by literal school children.
A socially autistic guy who isn't ashamed to do what he likes all the time and has many friends who are the same? Man, I should really rethink my life.
Shame is an important part of socialization.
not everyone is Catholic.
>this entire thread
autism incarnate
>on Sup Forums
It's OK to like video games, user. You can stop hating yourself now.
Excessive, irrational shame is what keeps socially awkward people from socializing.
>implying op is old enough to own a butter knife
>on public transport
>bunch of kids maybe 10-12 years old
>one of them says "look I can do Screech"
>starts screeching like a fucking pokemon
Caught me off guard but I had a chuckle after. Memewhile rest of the people triggered to the max
Bus guy must be in a small city. Big city folk don't give a shit about strangers.
I know what you mean, OP
>at the fair with my dad
>another kid goes to the "you must be this tall" sign and crouches down below the line, asking his mother "hey, am i tall enough to ride?"
>mother chuckles, people in the line smile
>i run over to the sign from my spot further down the line
>trip over someones foot, try to apologize as i scurry to my comedic prop but it comes out as "don't whoopsy now- plfffsorry"
>reach the sign, sit down on the dirt
>"hey dad, am i tall enough or do i have some more growing to do"
>nobody laughs
>someone storms over to me to scold me for stomping on their foot
>"I SAID A SORPOLOGY", I shout, as a tear off towards the washrooms to mask my tears
If you're /fit/ or handsome it really doesn't matter what you do in public. Start lifting.
back to El Reddito, frogposters
Seriously, how fucking insecure do you have to be to be humiliated by children?
Either ignore them or a solid "fuck off" is enough to get them to lose interest.
I know you guys are omega as fuck but come on. You're letting teenagers BULLY you as a fucking grown man? Kill yourself.
>on a packed train in the jubilee
>hold on to a pole
>seconds later girl wraps her hands around my hands which are gripped on the pole
>too scared to even move my hands
>literally missed my own stops waiting for her to leave and let go
t. Beta Faggot.
>on public transport
>see huge land creature staring at two boys
>asks if they like Pokémon
>tells them to use screech
>whips out his micropenis and starts pleasing himself
Everyone jumped on him, it was a mess. I think he came.
>not sliding into her empty space
You missed your one and only opportunity user.
The spaghetti lives on.
I laughed, user.
>have a common last name
>getting blood drawn at clinic
>nurse asks if I'm related to someone she knows with same last name
>try to continue smalltalk
>"No, and I'm not related to currently-in-news-an-native-to-our-state astronaut with same last name
>"No...no...I don't know that..."
So then I stopped trying.
Post yfw you're not Anthony Burch
>Actually taking public transportation
I feel sorry for you guys
>seconds later girl wraps her hands around my hands which are gripped on the pole
jesus christ
I fucking sympathize with you, if she decided to ride that bus until the end of the line i would be stuck there too, no question about it
fuck man how did you remember to breathe
>go to the cinema to see a film by myself
>there's still some time so I pop up my 3DS to play some vidya
>a bunch of teenage girls sitting in the row in front of me
>they start giggling and glancing at me
>hear one of the whispering "what a loser"
>live in london
>on crowded public transport
>woman makes a joke about it "being like tetris"
>a few laughs
>I say more like dr robotnik's mean bean machine
>awkward silence
>you mean like puyo puyo
leave the bus at the next station
It's fine to feel shame.
But letting CHILDREN shame you is a whole different beast. By feeling shame from whatever they did, you're respecting their notions of you being a creeper, confirming that you are.
Have more confidence, you idiot
>you mean like Kirby's Avalanche
>british 'humour'
You will literally never see them again. Fuck what they say and don't let it affect you. They're just being assholes.
That being said, there's a time and place, why the fuck would you pull out your 3DS before a movie. Is that REALLY a time you need to be playing video games? Fuck around on your phone or some shit.
>drive car
>some fucker caused a accident in the motorway
>stuck in traffic for hours
>the amount of women that drive on road who are fucking terrible
Remind me why women aren't banned from driving like the arabs do?
People of all classes take it in old world cities. It's really nice not needing to drive anywhere, or even walk a block out of the way for groceries.
>On a flight
>Playing Sakura Swim Club, about to fuck some anime tiddies.
>Some old grandma gives me a weird look
>Call her a fucking retard who should have died 10 years ago
>Punch her in her stupid granny face
>Get out of my seat to finish her off
>Get tackled by some chad who wasted his days at the gym pursuing vanity
>Get arrested when we finally land
Fucking normies, will they ever learn?
>live in new york
>on crowded public transport
>make a joke about it being like tetris
>people start tossing money in my hat
>women drivers are bad meme
When will it end?
>watching movies alone
Cinemas are a social group thing.
If your by yourself just stay the fuck home and torrent the film, seriously why bother going alone?
Did you know some theaters don't allow singles?
>Watching a movie as a social event
>Sit for hours in a dark room not talking to anyone
Meme supreme.
You shoulda whipped out you dick and waggled it at them like the autist you are.
oh fuck off normie... I don't have any friends to watch films with but I still wanna get the authentic experience.
You must be 18 or older to post here.
>live in new york
>on crowded public transport
>doing anything besides minding your own goddam business since you know a fucking homeless clown mariachi band is going to annoy the shit out of the train car you're in for the next 10 mintues
You're new to the city, aren't you?
It's not even a meme.
I grew up with my dad and he use to bitch.
I then realised how fucking true he was.
I mean look at what this retarded slut does in a petrol station
I'm a normie and I enjoy coming into these threads just to see how little self-esteem some of you have.
The film may not be online in good enough quality. Also better screen and sound system.
>being openly friendly
You wish.
What would really happen is that the woman would call you a sexist pig for mansplaining to her.
>movies are a social group thing
Says who? I bet you think eating by yourself at a restaurant is also weird.
Believe it or not, sometimes people want to do shit by themselves, that includes watching movies at the theater.
Fuck you
Please be patient, he has autism
I know she's trying to blow it out out of instinct but god damn it's funny to see her try.
>live in new york
>on crowded public transport
>"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen I am Tyrone and we are selling M&Ms to raise money for our basketball trip to Washington!"
Its when you leave and you talk with your friends about it and if its a comedy film or a horror one it will be a far greater experience with friends while watching.
But alone? Just stay home.
You save money, time and effort and don't have to feel depressed seeing eveyone leaving all talking about the film with their buddies.
I love these threads. You guys are seriously pathetic hahahahaha.
What the fuck was she even trying to do with the lighter?
>Walking home
>See little kid fall over a football that he's kicking at the wall
>"You alright lad?"
>Carry on walking
>Kid runs up to me and grabs me
>"It didn't hurt at all"
>At the doctors
>Nurse going to xray for left over urine in urinepouch
>Asks me to pull down my pants
>I pull themm all the way down to my knees
>She tells me i dont need to pull them down that far
Abort herself.
Is this some kind of insurance fraud thing?
Why did she light the gas on fire with a zippo and then act surprised when it lit on fire?
Or I can just go to the cinema and enjoy the film.
>Not talking low with your gf about the movie answering her dumb questions because she cant pay attention
>not making jokes about dumb shit with your bros at dumb action movies
I can't have top tier restruant quality food at home but have a cinema system set up at home and even if you don't watching at home not having to hear little fucks talking in the cinemas behind is much more comfy even with the average pc/tv set up.
There are more benefits watching a film at home than going alone to the movies.
Yeah man, really missing out on that 5 minute conversation we'd have walking back to our cars.
Wouldn't be able to get that same experience mentioning I saw X movie to my friends later, and having the exact same discussion with anyone else that happened to see it as well. Not at all.
Pretty sad how you're too self-conscious to go out and enjoy things by yourself honestly.
um, people don't speak English in London, so...
I can only assume that the pipe was stuck and she was trying to free it by warming it up with a lighter.
Aren't you supposed to leave the nozzle in if it catches fire?
Friendly reminder that he was completely right.
>When will it end?
When you get t-boned by some woman texting her friends while running a light in a vehicle with similar mass to a HMMWV.
Why would you go watch a film alone just to wait for shitty adverts which usually is when you would talk shit with your bro's but alone have to sit through it and on top have to deal with people talking in between?
Go and please tell me how this is better than watching it at the comfort of your home not having to do deal with any of the shit i mentioned above.
>live in London
>go to get groceries
>"hello my friend"
>grow beard
>go to get groceries
>"salam aleikum brother"