Say something nice about this game.
Say something nice about this game
The japanese version isnt censored.
Kiria is best girl
songs were decent.
Not Symphogear levels of good but still decent
I liked the combat system apart from having to sit through follow-up animations every fucking time.
It made a lot of people butthurt, specifically SMTfags.
Unlike certain other Atlus games, it wasn't delayed to hell and back.
It bombed, both at home and overseas.
This means that next time they decides to do a MegaTen crossover with a different IP, anyone who suggests "idols" as the driving theme will be laughed right out of the boardroom.
Tsubasa's tits are fat.
Better than Persona games, but that doesn't mean much.
I like those exclusives.
Itsuki had some great dialogue options.
why the fuck wasn't the cuckzilla that suggested idols in a crossover game featuring a series about post-apocalyptic tokyo demons and a series about war laughed at of the boardroom in the first fucking place?
it flopped
Not really since the few people who actually bought the damn thing loved it.
I liked the OST.
Its polished to a mirror sheen
It's a great RPG, cool combat system that does get a bit repetitive after a while. Likeable characters, music wasn't terrible. It's name is marred by 'muh censorship' and being an idol game.
Likely scenario will be that the next Smash will feature a character from it, causing it to become the next Earthbound.
You just don't understand artistic vision.
You are dumb if you think they'll add a character from this abomination of a game.
Tsu is cute and she and the other titty monster shouldn't get cut in the next game
rest can fuck off
Just my opinion, but it's more likely to happen than a sequel.
waiting for the uncensored Switch version
Isn't it getting a sequel?
You can pirate the uncensored version.
Tsubasa has really nice tits.
There will never be a sequel.
Tsubasa would make a really good mommy. Mommy of many!
It's really fun and it makes me happy, I love Tsubasa!
If nothing else, Tsubasa is pretty hot.
All signs point to yes.
You'd think that would be the logic, but SquareEnix kept forcing Lightning into all of their IP, despite her being a shit character.
I just don't understand these Jappos.
can I still see the tits of the costume in the western version?
Has some of the best tiddies ever
This too
i like tsubasa because she looks so soft and fluffy!
The character art looks so much better compared to the dumb anime model.
The only discrepancy I hate is the hair colors are so off, Tsubasa has black hair in that art but blue in game.
i would say "it generated a nice amount of porn" but that's not true either so honestly i don't know
seriously tsubasa has some great stonking tits so where is the porn?
You are dumb if you think they won't.
Japs mostly draw porn if it's popular enough to give them pixiv upboats and doujinshi money. This game clearly isn't popular enough to fit the bill.
>Japs mostly draw porn if it's popular enough to give them pixiv upboats and doujinshi money.
I really fucking hate that FotM meme girls like that Hestia chick or the cow-tits chick from Occultic;Nine can get like 800 pieces of art within a few weeks just because it's the new thing to draw.
But the Hestia flood was great
kek'd because i remember browsing through gelbooru and there was something like a sediment layer of every character in her meme costume, where you could tell exactly when the chinese cartoon aired
still bestia though and i love her regardless
The ribbon thing was ok
>where you could tell exactly when the chinese cartoon aired
Exactly what I mean by flavor of the month. Same with things like that key-hole sweater or the Ellen Baker fad.
Why is Lucina so cute?
Tiki and Mamorin are cute
sometimes Atlus is retarded See SMT IV A bonds route.
Outstanding character designs. Some of Atlus's best RPG gameplay outside of Etrian Odyssey. Great music and polish.
Tsubasa clearly needed a song about genocide.
>mfw 4A YHVH's motivation and evil plot is just as retarded as Hatanaka's in TMS#FE
I-I liked dream catcher
Too bad the Duo Arts is fucking useless.
>Dream Catcher ends combo
Illusory Dolhr was a kickass final dungeon.
And then you play SMT4:Apocalypse and the final dungeon is the absolute worst fucking garbage ever.
And then you play P5 and realize the cruise ship dungeon is in the same red ocean, ruined city as Illusory Dolhr and realize TMS has the deepest lore
>use "Give Me" attack
>Tsubasa and Kiria side by side
>see how inferior Tsubasa is.
she can't even compete. Kiria is truly goddess
the game is dogshit btw
>play long enough to unlock Give Me
>game is dogshit
Why do you torture yourself and/or lie on the internet user
i dont judge the game by playing it for 2 hours then quit. i complete it then analyze it.
>people are talking about the game instead of bitching about censorship.
What the flying fuck, I got into bizarro Sup Forums?
Also the game blog shows a bit of shows and some unique merch that got sold just there.
It's better than SMT4A
I always take the opportunity to cast Microwavin' whenever it seems like even a decent call just to go HNNNNNNGH every chance I get.
That's hilarious, but also to hear that WiiU emulation is a thing we are that close to is awe-inspiring. NSMBU, Dong Freeze, Pikmin 3, TMS#FE, TW101. All this shit being free to play is pretty much like saving the library of Alexandria and making it free for all.
It managed to sell ~50k units despite being a turd of a game.
What are you trying to jinx it.
Also I really wish they would have sold that merch online or something. I wanted a hoodie.
To be fair, thigh high boots and a top hat are so much better than a crown and poofy bloomers. If Tsubasa's outfit was less nauseating she could compete.
Nice visual (ableit held back because of the Wii U´s lack of power)
Great gameplay.
Tsubasa is cute.
Unbutchered version is free.
>It's better than SMT4A
They're both pretty mediocre, but I had higher hopes for Apocalypse so I want to agree.
>still no tittyfucking porn
This is true.
>poofy bloomers
That's what ruins the outfit for me, shit's gross. What were they thinking
rip Kiria's crotch u were 2 pure for this world
Also the color scheme for this game is amazing. If you don't smile at the pause screen every time you have no fucking soul.
Probably the same people who approved Kiria's awful Labyrinth pants.
Even if I was a fan of Mamori I wouldn't watch this show.
Hey her Labyrinth clothes are the shit
How about scan the doujins first?
I thought TMS and 4A were some of the best of the genre not named Etrian Odyssey. If they're mediocre to you, what games are you playing that I need to catch up on?
>all these downie face Kiria images
look I love Kiria probably more than you but you're waifu won't fuck you harder if you save every 12 year old's doodle of her.
God damn that's a lewd Tsubasa
How about this then. Also she's not my waifu, but she is best girl.
There is no such thing as a perfect SMT gir-
I am reminded to buy some Cipher packs for #FE cards.
Ellie is cute. Cuuuuuuute!
In terms of gameplay they're both really good, but it's just been building on the SMT formula so it didn't really blow my mind because it feels only marginally better than what came before. In terms of pretty much everything else (story most of all) it felt like a huge step back so I don't really like either game. Mediocre is probably a bit too harsh, but I guess I'm a little burn out from SMT so that effects my judgement.
>the artist for this never uploaded the full art
I'm mad
>most cards are dirt cheap
>waifu cards including marth and not marth cost like a leg.
Even worse when the card is holo or have a signature.
Also nobody plays that shit for the fucks sake.
Eh, I thought 4's story was atrocious (But brilliant when it was making moves toward classic RPG minimalism. Awful when it actually had to tell a story.) so I can't hate 4A's lame-ass story that much, even if it somehow managed to pander harder than DeSu2.
Then again I prefer the mechanics of RPGs to the stories of RPGs so that may affect my judgment.
The japs do
it has the best battle mechanics atlus has ever created
It has a good combat system
Tarachino forcing out the mirage with sheer power of anger shouting "THESE KIDS ARE THE BRIGHT FUTURE OF JAPANESE CINEMA I WONT LET YOU HURT THAT FUTURE" is more affirmation than my father ever gave me.
It has likeable characters, a fun battle system, good music, generally pleasant atmosphere and is one of the best JRPGs released in recent years.
>You can't romance this
>or any of the girls
What a waste
she's too pure, how can she be so cute?
Dungeons are pretty nice
Gameplay is pretty good, albeit Sessions take too long lategame
Has its moments in the sidequests
Music is generally good
Gets harder as it goes on, which is good
Characters vary in quality, but the ones I expected to hate are actually pretty nice
My only gripe with the game is that even after all this, the setting still doesn't bode well with me.
Didn't stop the game from being my GOTY anyway.
Except that the game gives you character related quests, aside the mc kun everyone get more development.
Or you still prefer blanket waifus that just say fluffy things you fucking faggot.
Reminder that idols are pathetic beta bait
explains why you're such a big fan of them huh
I would ravage Tatsuko so hard she would open her eyes and then shut them again.
Yeah real alpha mans totally want women manlier than them
Literally too pure for romance
you almost get to kiss her and that's enough for me