South America Thread

What have you been playing playing BRos?

Find other BRos to play right here so we can let the other countries servers alone.

Other south american countries are welcome as well.

I've been playing quite a lot of Blood Bourne lately, too bad my IP was blocked on PSN though.

Do you guys think we will get some decent deals on Black Friday?

Other urls found in this thread:

Are Mexicans welcome?

Is Mexico in SOUTH America?

huehuehuehue here

Kinda trying to embrace my inner mexican and trying to learn King of Fighters XIV

Fighting games are hard

They're all brown/black

who gives a shit. Now that they're out of USA they might as well begin talking with their southern neighbours

Sure why not

But we are in Latin America :^)

does anyone even play KOF? haven't heard much about it after it launched.

Los culoputos son cáncer

South Americans really are dog shit

Couldn't tell you.

Maybe if devs actually cared about this palce we wouldnt be bothering anyone in other countries.

Foi golpe

Why was your IP blocked?

>will we get decent deals on black friday?
nigga just buy a US PSN card at pc game supply dot com
i suggest you buy those cards on black friday as well because they will be cheaper

hello, fellow white south afric-- AMERICAN here!!

2003 is my fav.

lol don't lie.

Even when theres a BR server, plenty of hues still decide to play in other servers.

is it a well kept secret or something?

Also the only place i find consistent playerbase for fightans is on fightcade

we have potential but we only waste our times shitposting

Still playing ACNL since the money I got can't be spent with games for my 3DS right now. Also, playing in my faithful psx emulator bad games like pic related.

Pirating Tyranny as we talk. I hope it's good.

>Do you guys think we will get some decent deals on Black Friday?

I'm Mexican and i'm going to USA for Black Friday, we have a Black Friday called Buen Fin but it's pretty meh desu,

I just didn't play online.

Messing around in training mode and shit.

do you guys down there got Xbox one?
seems like only Americans and Mexicans play it

Arfag here.

Pic related.

>Why was your IP blocked?

No idea. I contacted Sony support and they simply told me my IP was blocked and i ahd to call my internet provider. I did and they didn't tell me why.

If i reset my rounter things starts working again for some time but it is blocked after a few hours. Some times i can be logged in and talk to anyone in my friends list but i can't play online or access the store.

Xbox One is huge in Mexico, Phil Spencer was in Mexico a few days ago.

I knew some buddies who got a 360 back in the day because it was pirated way earlier than PS3.

I don't know ANYONE with an Xbone tho

>tfw BR but WHITE
feels good man, jesus christ

Do gamergirls exist in Latin America?

You think we live under rocks or in a jungle? Yes, Brazil loves xbox one.

We do but it is almost dead everywhere. I think all of my friends have either a PS4 or PC. Only one of them ash a Xbone and he only plays Halo.

I got mine im mexican and lots of friends have it

Yes, but they play mmo shit.

>tfw BR and brown


Yes, but not as obnoxious as far as I'm concerned.

>tfw Mexican and i look like an Arab

Do we?

I really don't know anyone with an Xbone. 360 certainly, but not Xbone

I don't consider myself gamer but I'm a female that play video games sometimes. I have yet to meet another girl who play video games.

They play LoL like all the malnourished crackheads here.

what games?



who Ecuador here?

what are you playing right now


Was there anything worse than fucking Lan House Beggars?

I've always been a fairly leftwing dude but i have just pure disgust over lan house beggars

We love the xbox360 because it is easy to pirate shit on it. I haven't seen some one with an actual xbone in ages.

There's a woman in my work that is addicted to nintendo stuff. She was super chill and borrowed me smash bros braw so i could use smash hack in my wii and install wads and usb loader.


I love all kinds of RPG; ARPG, TRPG... Etc.

I'm playing this one cool game called stop making these fucking Sup Forums-tier threads. We're not special.

Man fuck those guys. I have seen actual adults doing shit like that.

Yes but they're the most degenerate weeb trash you can imagine


I have already suffered your shit in HoN, thanks for the shitty platforms, fuckers.

Yes. They are weebs and play LoL.

>Live in Congolombia
>have to wait until Tuesday (Wednesday) to get my copy of pokemon Sun just because my fucking pride of "do not pirate"

We don't worth shit to Nintendo that should give me a blank card to do whatever I want with the fucking console and yet I'm dumb enough to keep my pride

My colombian gf is currently playin Unravel.

why don't girls play vidya anyways? i bet you're the only one in your group of friends that play vidya

The fuck have you been meeting? i know some gamer girls that fucking dope.


Yeah, I'm also from Antofagasta in Chile, girls have great asses

>tfw the only reason i wanted to learn english was of videogames
>after that i wanted te learn japanese after i finished english
>tfw i never got the chance to learn japanese

Yeah, i heard of that game but did you ever tried not begin a little faggot for one day? Else just close your eyes nigga

>pokemon Sun just because my fucking pride of "do not pirate"
>pride becaue you don't pirate

Top cuck

Come to chile bro, we'll recieve you with open arma :^)

The colombian ones

Well I am but I don't know any other.

Learn by yourself
Learn through internet classes and whatnot.

Go to you local university, maybe they teach Japanese there.

I'm learning Mandarin right now paying only 30 Temeres a month

Just pirate that shit man

Tell me whatever you want I deserve it, like is said Nintendo don't give a shit for my country and yet I still suppor them

I love these threads.

Post Nationality, what you have been playing recently


Max Payne 1

eres un mierda

>Steam would sooner accept Uruguayan pesos than Argentine pesos

Just fucking pirate man.

Embrace your inner South American.

So, what are you waiting for? I'm Mexican and already pre.ordered Pokemon, XV and Last Guardian. I am really mad that Persona 5 got delayed because muh Japanese dub,

Tomb Raider (2013) and FIFA 16

>really mad that Persona 5 got delayed because muh Japanese dub,

then you are not Mexican you dumb American.

algun chileno dotero manco por aca?
>chile wn la wea acuatica jsjsjs
>peru birds eater


Ace Attorney 6

Nioh man.

I've never been so excited for a game like i've been for Nioh.
It's actually painful.

Someone save me

Why are all your insults related with food?
Salami, sausage head, french fries, etc?

Anyone getting a Switch? Also is there any hope Nintendo wil let us have an e-shop all the way down here in Chile? I'm sick of pretending to be a fucking leaf to buy digital games.

Nier Automata.
Already got Pokemon so I can scratch that off my list. I really hope FFXV is good.

I just wanted to play the game as soon as possible, they could have released the jap voices as DLC for free.


Dragon Quest builders PS4 and Vita
Monster Hunter X
Dragon Quest 7
BlazBlue Chronophantasma extend
Senran Kagura Shinovi versus
Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 PS4

Thank Christ there's SteamBuy and G2A that you can pay with RapiPago or some shit.

There's always a way man.

Nice Chilean bro, im actually from Spain but been a lot of times in South America riding my bike and doin' crazy stuff like trekkin to El Cocuy or Santa Marta.

and doing raftin and all that, thats how i met her.

Great places you have in your continent, and very chill.


I'm spreading myself thin between multiple games.

Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Third Strike
Mario Kart Wii
Darkest Dungeon
SF5, but it is kinda of a bore to play, hopefully the next update will shake things up.

>why don't girls play vidya anyways? i bet you're the only one in your group of friends that play vidya
I don't know, user. I play because I'm emotionally attached to video games, some of my most fond memories include things I felt while playing video games. And yes, I'm the only girl in my group that play anything besides candy crush or poker online.

>There's a woman in my work that is addicted to nintendo stuff. She was super chill and borrowed me smash bros braw so i could use smash hack in my wii and install wads and usb loader.
Neat. I would play with her.

then realize that the delay IS because the fucking English dub and not the Japanese dub


>tfw stuck in repechaje and Uruguay is pretty much already in the WC

Why does everything work out for that rebellious province?

>trekkin to El Cocuy or Santa Marta.
You are my brother from another continent

final fantasy tactics advance
marche did nothing wrong


dank souls 3, shadow warrior2, stalker clear sky y un poco de civ 6

Fuck yeah, I will forever miss mestre3224. Ahh, the golden age of ytpbr.


Battlefield 1

chinga tu madre puto

Those are pretty childish insults, generally what you'd use in a harmless way if there are kids around.

I just use Credit Cards, but having steam accept Argentine Peso would probably also come with regional prices more akin to what Brazil gets. HUEs not only get to pay with their own currency, they also get pretty much 35-40% off from all games.

Chile here.
Muramasa and InFamous. I just got the plat on Sleeping Dogs as well.



I was extremely exited for Dishonored 2, pic related mfw ran like shit on a beast of a PC.

Currently hoping STRAFE and the next HITMAN season will be fun.

Hey fellows huehue.

Is your college on strike?

Shadow Warrior 2.