Family is considering a PS4 for the holidays. Aside from Uncharted, Last of Us, and Bloodborne...

Family is considering a PS4 for the holidays. Aside from Uncharted, Last of Us, and Bloodborne, what are some notable games to look out for/to currently buy?


I know this is a troll thread but w/e

Ratchet and Clank nigga


Also Odin's Sphere

do yourself a favor and dont buy uncharted, buy R&C instead

>wut games shud i ask mummy for this year?

Gravity Rush
The Last Guardian


Jesus Christ kill yourself underage niggerfaggot

Uncharted collection, Resogun, DeadNation, and Ratchet and Clank.

I have to say, Uncharted is the best game on PS4 at the moment imo

Witcher 3 is the best game this gen so far. Pick it up unless you're allergic to multiplat or something

I'm picking of LBP 3, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted 4, and Bloodborne.

OP If you don't want to be a faggot, ignore this^

It's barely even a game.

Witcher 3 wasn't even the best game of the month in which it released.

>what is Bloodborne

Buy Lukas game!

>Muh not game

Really?...Why am I controlling my character? and shooting down foes?

he's an autistic PCuck, leave him alone

OP already mentioned it.


Giving him other games.

Only two and a half months to release!

He mentioned uncharted too you naughty dog shill
>muh shoot'n jump game so Epic dude

Senran Kagura

Until Dawn, that's a decent family one as well

Infamous is breddy gud as well, didn't live up to the hype but still fun

>family wants a new system
>must be underaged

Nah, not trolling. Just curious about what I can recommend. I often hear about Uncharted and LoU, and I play enough Souls games to already know about Bloodbourne.

Thanks a million.

I've already played it on PC, but I'll consider picking it up if someone else is interested in it.

No shilling here. Just saying. Most people who say they are getting Uncharted usually mean they are getting U4. Just making light of the earlier games.

Tearaway Unfolded is criminally underrated. It's got a fucking 10/10 artstyle and it's easy enough for normies to enjoy


Is it better than the Vita version? Because the Vita version was really lame. It felt like I was playing an episode of Teletubbies with the stupid face in the sun thing and having to cut out pictures of textures to put on animals and stuff.