the last game you played and your reaction to it

>vagrant story

Fuck off smegmaking

>Super Smash Bros 4 Wii U

>heroes of the storm

Dishonored 2

>EmptyHero shills himself again

Nigga, you're as bad as ManlyTears and Inuitinua

>Pokémon Moon

>ManlyTears and Inuitinua


F-Zero X
I fucking love the spin attack

>Killing Floor


World of Tanks

>Blood Dragon

>having to restart a stage because SeigZeon got a critical hit on a mission critical unit, killing it and causing a game over

Digital devil saga

Tales of the world radiant mythology 2

>The Cave
neat little indie game, but after playing through it like 7 times to 100% it I was pretty fucking over it.

private server

>Dishonoured 2

Heroes of the Storm

>EDF 4.1 with DLC missions
>any mission with Green Ants

>Having problems with BX
You are playing it wrong. You gotta remove more vagans

Holy fuck those green ants can go suck a dick. They're so fucking annoying.

Is there some supplemental media for EDF? I can't for the life of me figure out how that super retarded but super fun game that only made a modest amount of money became a franchise.

>Pokemon Moon
It's ok but the hype for the game is stupid

I was.

Hell I used the nuke TWICE on that stage but a critical hit caused a game over. SeigZeon hurts like hell.

at least I used the funds I earned to upgrade that unit.

It was dragon pally vs nzoth warrior
I won the fatigue war.

The budget for them is probably so small that the average sales are enough for them to make a big profit. .

>nearly the entire city is covered in rainbows and gays
Is San Francisco really like that?

>Street Fighter III 3rd Strike

Strider PC
and then hard mode became too easy after second boss...

Forgot my pic

Go to bed, Justin.

>Fire Emblem: Thracia 776


Heros of the storm

yes, I'm an overwatch fag

>Started up a new game
>Experienced the start up glitch where the cart spazzes out except this time it did it laughably for 6 minutes doing all kinds of crazy shit.

I heard it plays like DDS,so uh,nice tastes,I guess.
I should try and beat It afterwards,since It's supposidely hard as balls.

>The Witcher 3

Okami. Holy fucking shit, this game is marvelous.


It has a bit of a rough start when all your demons are low level as shit and have useless magic, but after a while it turns into your usual SMT difficulty with sudden difficulty spikes.

Hard mode is a completely different beast though.

Fallout 4

Team Fortress 2

far cry 2

Order 1886

>Dark Souls 3 for the first time in months
>I've gone full retard because of rust

New Vegas

The Witcher 3 on PC___

Kingdom Heats 2: Final Mix

San Fran is Liberal Hipster: The City



The Walking Dead

>paper jam

solo queue in CS:GO

The Suffering

Awesome game but holy fuck I forgot how much of a technical mess it is.

Dragon's Dogma

New Hitman.

Dark Cloud 2

League of Legends

>Pokemon Moon.

Not bad, but I am not impressed.

Fuck, forgot pic

war thunder

Transformers Devastation
