Why does Pokemon always steal from Digimon?
Why does Pokemon always steal from Digimon?
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It's been like this since BW
what was in BW?
wtf i hate pokemon now
Wrong digimon.
If you're going to post the same thread every day at least pick a better comparison.
If only Pokemon would steal this design next.
Why can't you fucks keep the two series separate? It's a fucking lion doing a common liuon pose, I'd hardly call that stealing.
Can we just keep Pokemon out of Digimon threads please?
Why would you use whatever that purple guy is instead of the lion's counterpart Dianamon? You know? The moon based Digimon?
It steals for Zoids, more like.
The right literally looks like one of those mega forms of a digimon. It literally looks like mega lionmon or whatever these shit's are called.
The left IS the mega form of a Digimon user.
The right one though, doesn't really look like anything you'd see in Digimon.
>doesn't really look like anything you'd see in Digimon.
It's a robotic animal.
That's literally Digimon's MO
digmon designs are so fucking badass
>doing a common liuon pose
This is a common lion pose. You are just butthurt that Pokemon is getting called out for its bullshit.
Digimon doesn't exactly have an MO though, the designs are all over the place. In a good way, I reckon.
Even ignoring the themes and whatnot it's not similar either, particularly the way it's drawn.
They have different aesthetics, I guess would be the word.
I hated the yellow monkey from the anime.
Cuntmon or something
That's a zoid.
Fusion of pokemon. Which is silly to say since it most likely ripped off dbz or smt for that.
For starters, they're not even doing the same pose in the OP and that's also a lion sitting down that you posted.
I just want Digimon and Pokemon to not be in the same threads, because it ends up in pointless arguing like this.
It just makes both fanbases look horrible.
I think Digimon is a lot better than Pokemon, both in games and anime.
>pokemon has now gotten to a point where it's regular pokemon look more mega than digimon's mega digimon
Oh how the times have changed...
>Why would you use whatever that purple guy is instead of the lion's counterpart Dianamon? You know? The moon based Digimon?
Because then every waifufag would only pick moon. Which might not be that many since apparently most Digimon fans are gay furry pedophiles if the porn they churn out is any indication.
I really wish they wouldn't. The fucking cancerous humanoid designs are bad enough as-is.
>pokemon has now gotten to a point where it's regular pokemon look more mega than digimon's mega digimon
Yeah, no user. Pokemon hasn't quite reached that point.
Someone should post that Dragon made of guns for this user.
The reason people bring it up so much is for a good reason. This wasn't a thing with pokemon until around gen 4 if I remember correct. That is when they started to get very ridiculous with the monster designs. The people that say pokemon now look like digimon aren't shitting on digimon. They are shitting on the fact that people can't seem to grasp that the designs for many of them are far from the traditional minimalist designs pokemon used to go for.
You were saying?
this thread is pure trash. now this is a facepalm thread
I eagerly await the day every Digimon gets its own cute girl version.
>more waifushit
>like we didn't get enough this gen
>Which might not be that many since apparently most Digimon fans are gay furry pedophiles
Are you forgetting about renamon?
That falls under the furry line.
>an altered state of a Legendary Pokemon is a "regular Pokemon"
Keep moving them goalposts, boyo.
>traditional minimalist designs
What about that mosquito luchador porkemon or something like that from sun/moon?
>simple colour scheme
>no unnecessary spikes or stripes
>good silhouette
it's not complex like modern pokemon
Trying to out design Digimon is a fool's errand, one of the "Legendary" Digimon is literally a child's "OC donut steal" version of Agumon.
It's surprisingly hard to find big Digimon pictures.
Wait these monsters actually look awesome.
>no unnecessary spikes or stripes
I just want a decent digimon thread.
I want a good Digimon game.
Check it out, my metal greymon.
-He has fins because he's a fucking fish
-he has spines because they give him a more distinct silhouette. If he didn't have them he'd look like a giant caterpillar
>he has whiskers because he's based on both a sea dragon and a catfish
DW1 would be perfect with less training and less autistic evolution requirements.
Make one. I'll personally bump it every 15 minutes if it doesn't get replies.
Otherwise, shut up
That's literally what Next 0rder is
Played it. It's shit.
Digimon has legitimately good designs user, though it also has it's fair share of bad ones.
People not that into the series just only focus on the lewd females or monsters covered in cannons.
Also the best ones are criminally underused.
Holy fuck an ACTUAL Chimera. That's awesome
None of the pussy shit that pokemon pulls with Null.
>literally covered in meaningless spikes and stripes
>color scheme adheres to limitations of the time
>an S with random spikes is a good silhouette, a robot lion is not
o k
Ultra Beast, pokemon from a different dimension with the stats of a legendary even though it might be "common".
>literally covered in meaningless spikes and stripes
bait. I literally just explained this to you
His evolution is less cool, but I think it's weird enough to still be a nice design.
>this thing counts as a chimera because I like it
>this other thing does not count as a chimera because I don't like it
Null isn't a chimera. it's just a normal looking animal monster,
Looking back, you made up some dumb bullshit about "it's a fish so it's ok" when the spikes are completely meaningless and do not correspond to fin locations on actual fish, and are literally just slapped on to make it "look cooler." Which you pretty much admit to when you talk about it needing them to make its silhouette distinct, but that refutes the claim that modern pokemon just add things to look cool and old pokemon don't.
Legendary pokemon never looked like that back in gen 1 and 2. You know, the most popular gens by far.
It is you retarded child. That should go to show you how simple pokemon designs were supposed to be. Where that is one of the more elaborate designs in the game yet is very simplistic.
Oh so you just want to say stupid shit because for some reason it upsets you that people think modern pokemon are like digimon? They even ripped off the mega thing stupid.
They aren't trying to out design them. They never will unless they deliberately do so. By then it will (or I hope should be) obvious to even the most braindead autists that pokemon designs really have gone far off the deep end from what they once were. Also you keep posting humanish digimon designs. Pokemon doesn't do those nearly as much as digimon with it's thousands of monsters.
Explain your stance.
It's to associate it with kaiju culture. Literally to make it a monster. Alot of old pokemon took cues from Godzilla.
It would also look too skinny and helpless without them.
well pokemon already stole all of digimon's audience, profits and renown
might as well steal its designs
>gen 2
You mean the one universally reviled for its shit designs and terrible region? LMAO
>Here's a bird.. it uh.. it can peck... like a bird
>Here's a little yellow dinosaur that can shoot fire and slice a tree in half with it's claws
Why are Pokemon so dull?
Are you implying digimon invented fucking lions??
>It is you retarded child.
>"I can't explain why and it makes me angry, so I'll throw insults rather than attempt to prove my futile point!"
Well, some people just can't lose gracefully, I guess. But I accept your tacit confession that gen 1 designs are as complex and "overdesigned" as anything produced today.
But then it becomes cooler than everything
Just found this used at a store. Any fucking tips before I dive in? I remember being confused as fuck renting this as a kid.
>what if we took an owl
>uh.... give it a bowtie
>but what about the grass theme?
>um.. a GREEN bowtie!
Prepare for Numemon.
LOTS of Numemon.
>sold more than any other gen besides the first
>came at the largest peak of pokemon popularity besides pokemon go
Yeah it was popular moron. Emphasis on POPULAR!!! I never said bad or good.
Learn to read before you go spewing shit. A few years ago people on here voted gen 2 as the best gen.
Be quiet shitposter. You didn't win anything here. Anybody can post simple deisgns or complex designs. Gyrados is not a complex design and nobody but you has ever said so.
Complex designs are what you see in newer pokemon games. Such as the one I posted earlier.
>you keep posting humanish digimon designs.
How's about this then? Still think Pokemon comes close to Mega/Ultimate level Digimon?
I'm not saying that one is better than the other, but they're clearly completely different.
He doesn't need 4 fucking spines unevenly spaced out for no fucking reason when giving him a giant fin on the back would still give him a distinct silhouette.
>digimon invented lions
Then it's forced, or tricked, or subconsciously always wanted, to fuse with Ryo's Monodramon, which causes it to become an egg because destiny.
Both it and Ryo lose their memories, and retire to the Tamers universe, believing they've always been there, and eventually fuse with each other.
So all things considered, whenever Ryo is inside Justimon there's like twelve restless dead souls with him.
>it's a pokefags vs digifags thread
>pokemon sun and moon breaking records left and right
>digifags can't contain their insecurity
Come on, lads. CS was a solid game. Don't start acting like fags.
Post ultra beasts.
>it's a pokefags vs digifags thread
guys, guys....calm down.
you're BOTH petulant manchildren!
Where is his benis[/spoiler/]?
>20+ year old grown man that still plays video games calling anyone else a manchild
Right here bro.
You're not wrong friend
>That attention to detail
>Still won't give Polywhirl mouth animations
Guys, stop arguing. It's pointless
After all, MY monster franchise killed you BOTH :)
>wanting to see food go down spiral intestines
nigga what the fuck is wrong with you.
So amazon just delivered my copy of pokemon moon, will I get banned for playing it?
The weirdest part is that MoonMillenniumon canonically evolved to ZeedMillenniumon by fusing with a Gigadramon of all things, which is orders of magnitude below its power level and shouldn't have any abilities that Millie doesn't already have. Apparently "the epitome of a destructive computer virus" wasn't something fully evolved such as Diablomon.
It's like if Cell in DBZ became Perfect Cell by fusing with Krillin, it doesn't add up.
GF works in often incomprehensible ways.
>no lunala
That would be cool, but I'm more pointing out the fact that it eats magically.
Poliwhirls mouth is where it would be, at the top of the circle, as it is a frog of course. I have no idea why GF won't animate it. Could it be because the anime didn't know it had one and made it shoot water attacks out of it's stomach?
What's the Sepentrione in the background's deal?
Because there only exist a few ways to stylise a lion
Celesteena? I think she's princess Kaguya the spaceship.
The what?
A chimera is literally a mix and match of different body parts. It's supposed to look unnatural and jarring because of the random organisms that are jammed into it.
>But I accept your tacit confession that gen 1 designs are as complex and "overdesigned" as anything produced today.
They're not you gigantic faggot. Not the guy you replied to, but based on how desperate you are to win, I'm sure you'll convince yourself otherwise, as reality is clearly not your strong suit. Gyrados is two colors, and it's by far the most extravagant design in that gen. It's literally a mystical Chinese dragon. The spikes and fins are placed in areas where they had a fucking thought. That's where fins go on fish. That's where whiskers go on fish. It has a crest like an imperial, signifying it's cunt fucking majesty.
You're literally lying to yourself. Just stop posting, you're not convincing anybody. There's a reason everyone has noticed the designs getting worse, being a contrarian does not change this.
Oh really? I think it looks pretty neat.
The blurry one reminds me of the Septentriones in Devil Survivor 2, and I couldn't think of another way to describe it.
Ah, it's the Blaster UB
All I know about that one is it's grass/steel type. There is another one that looks like an origami doll that's steel flying that's also pretty bizarre.
They remind me of Angels from Eva.
You have it backwards, bamboo shoots is flying and papercuts is grass.
Heh, that's not a Digimon, kid...