Anybody get a closed beta key yet? Also, does anyone else think a pre order american soldier character for Killing Floor 2 would be pretty sick?
Rising Storm 2 Closed Beta
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No, no.
Now let's talk about sending G.I.s home.
Black cowboy
I just want the game to fucking drop already so I can gun down vietkongs in a comfy trench.
Is that too much to ask?
>Need to start practicing Vietnamese and American during Nam Caricatures for extra authenticity and immersion
Been watching a stream. Game is looking really good so far.
The shooting in this game looks so satisfying.
Pretty upset I didn't get in the beta yet.
does it aint me play at all? if not, no purchase
superior nam game coming through
Hows the gameplay now that everyone has automatic weapons?
It was already extremely dangerous with 80% bolt action rifles.
>No progression
>Everything available at start
>Some decent customization of your character
Bayonet attaching animations and firemode switching animations as well
I haven't seen anyone make proper use of the tunnel digging yet. One guy just laid down a hole and forgot about it.
Back back back to le Reddit
>You get to design your own soldier
Oh myyyy
I don't get the hype around vietnam
1942 was better in every conceivable way
I am gonna dig so many fucking holes you would call me a minecraft autist.
How bugged are the helicopters?
How is the asymmetric balance?
Is it dumbed down?
How does one get a key? Didnt know this was happening.
Holy fuck that chromatic aberration
It's run&gun in urban areas, very chaotic at times. Just advance to the cover and pray that not some faggot comes running towards you and unloads a mag in your direction, very annoying.
It's alright with medium/bigger sized maps. Other than that standard RO feeling/formula.
I can only speak from what I've been watching. Helos seem fine, but bug out when they crash. Balance seems to be fine, the Vietcong are constantly shooting down AC 74s (Spooky for Commander). Looks to be Rising Storm 1 just tailored to Nam so far, dunno what you would consider dumbed down.
>ooga booga where da yellow punani at?
are the graphics really that bad
>dunno what you would consider dumbed down.
mindless cod style run and gun
I think the flamethrower is still overpowered. People die almost instantly, they should at least be able to live for 3 or 4 seconds maybe their vision distorted like when suppressed but with flames instead of blur.
And they instantly stiff up, looks just weird, like it's from 2005 or something.
probably not, seeing as how all previous footage was much better. it's probably just set entirely to low due to lack of optimization.
No, watch some of the streams going on now. Pretty sure that guy is playing on medium or lower. There was another video posted where the person playing mentioned this.
>People die almost instantly, they should at least be able to live for 3 or 4 seconds
Because then 9/10 times they are going to spray in the general direction the flame is coming from and pretty much kill the guy
i don't really mean to hijack your thread but is kf2 worth buying yet?
There should be some middle ground in my opinion.
Why would it not be? I want to nab it during the winter (or ausfag) summer sales
I would like if it was treated like bleeding to death. Get caught on fire? You can still attempt to shoot as you're burning to death, couple of seconds you succumb.
tfw no key
I'm pretty sure that the pain of having burning napalm bukkaked all over you woukd instantly cause you to drop and roll compared to the slow numbing sensation of having an artery shot out
Did you play RO2?
>9 inches of pure Alabama black snake/10
>Pain of having burning napalm
Yeah, but this is vidya. There should be some sort of balance to counter the instadeath from flames other than "Lol, just be farther away".
I'm trying so hard to get one right now.
Trip wire doesnt give a fuck about streamers apparently.
Did you play RS?
Nah, no one can play on the higher graphics settings right now or the game crashes, suck famalamadingdong
Yes. And I'm still pissed off that flamers could spray and pray and retake an entire area, burn you through walls, and set your pinky toe on fire and kill you. Still have nightmares of those fuckers on Guadacanal
How are the maps? RO2/RS had losts of meh maps.
There's fucking character customization waaat that's the last thing I expected from this game
A lot more open and big, no more shitty apartments/barracks
Yeah I don't this this guy has played RS/RO2 at all
If he did; he would understand that the flamethrower is uber OP and really hard to use; and as soon as you do; everyone knows you're there
Is there Hue city? I need my urban fighting.
I reclined my statement
I didn't like how it went through walls sometimes; but other than that I think it was fair
It had it's pros and cons. I could never use it effectively.
No boom boom with south brother, too beaucoup!!
how do you apply for the beta?
>mfw I've actually been to Hue
The food there was terrible
As soon as I saw they put up their website for RS2 up I registered. Got an email a 2 weeks later
I played one round in RS when it was free weekend. I peeked flamethrower, and have like 52/1. After that i never touched them again.
>Adding black folk
>In a conflict that had black folk fighting against the enemy
>And were generally accepted by their peers and did reasonably well
I'm okay with this. See, gamedevs, this is how you add coloured folk to your game. Just an option for those so inclined.
It looks very... colorful.
Don't know if that is a good or bad thing though.
I think that's the end of it. Tunnels seem to be the FOB system of RO2, so your squad just gets the option to spawn at them.
Could be fucking horribly wrong though, I wasn't invited.
you're allowed to call them niggers you know
Lighting is broken, they broke it a couple patches ago and everything is super green now. According to the warning message in the top left during the alpha it was being rebuilt, maybe they took that message off for the beta.
Also alpha dude here, ask questions, 60 hours in the game so far.
I seriously hope the weapon sounds are not final. Some of them are really off
I kind of hoped the M60 would sound deeper and more beefier.
>tfw we're finally getting a good 'Nam game since BF vietnam
>now we have to wait for a Korean war game
Rescind is the proper word, friend.
I don't like to unnecessarily insult people, it's rude
I woud be extremely easy to make a Korean war mod out of the RS2 assets similiar and could be made a expansion to the base game like Rising Storm 1
Most are still a work in progress, they just updated all the AK ones last week and those are still wip at that.
>insult people
Where? Nigger is okay, doesn't it?
Korean war would be pretty much the same as WW2 just with different enemies.
It's US/UN soldiers and weaponry vs. Chinese/North Koreans and Soviet weaponry
>korean war
>implying it wont be an expansion given the guns used in the conflict being in the game
There will also likely be an expansion adding Aussies and ARVN, maybe Koreans or MIKE Force.
Does the game perform better, worse, or about the same as RO2?
>there will never be an online FPS set in Africa during civil wars
>ywn play as a child soldier cutting people with machetes
>Trusting Tripwire after all the shit they did
whos dick i gotta suck for an invite
i'm gonna play as a wild genocider nig-nog that enjoys burning some fucking gooks in the morning if you catch my drift
Sounds like worse right now.
Oh yeah, it didn't occur to me that they probably haven't done optimization yet.
I guess I'll ask again closer to release.
i can only speak for myself but it's surprisingly okay on my computer that's 5 years old and with a GTX 275. Few crashes here and there, some bugs. Could be completely different on your PC.
Some shit you can't get around like pop ups, hick-ups ect. that's Unreal related. But overall runs better on my rig than RO2 at launch (funny enough the beta was more stable than the end product)
They work on it a lot each week, we've been testing Hue city the past few weeks trying to work on that maps optimization. It's got a few hitches so maybe it'll show up in the closed beta test soon if it isn't already in. The first time we tried it everyone got 20-30 fps, the second time it was a solid 60 for most with some odd stutter here and there, I hope at this point it's up and running fine.
I spelt a wrong word you grammar fucking nazi
>I spelt a wrong word
>wrong word
>RO2 at launch
I remember. There even was some hype for such a niche game but they had to destroy it all by forcing the game out one week before battlefield 3. Should have released a few months later. Good job rammjaeger...
you can have hats in this game
>Bought into RO2 and RS long after they were having issues
>Only ever experienced two great games
How was RS on launch?
do you also whine when you take a headshot ?
>How was RS on launch?
Fine as far as I recall, I didn't have problems with it unlike the RO2 launch.
RS was normal.
RO2 was a trainwreck. It was content ready but had no polish.
Do you normally speak when you have so many dicks in your mouth?
what lvl are you
can't wait for when they go full tf2 and add some pink hats and gay tattoos or something
>tfw I'd actually be okay with this
RPG is best
>that blood flowing down at 2:13 in the vid
Haven't seen that shit since F.E.A.R.
>Can't make a badass farmer with aviators