>How to ruin a game
Release a patch like Overwatch's patch 1.5
How to ruin a game
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OW was doa friend. shit was boring from the get go.
it was ok before they released ana
So explain what happened to a non overwatch player?
It's perfect now, I can play Genji without everyone crying about healers or tanks. Love it.
all cooldowns take longer
a tank hero that negates incoming projectiles now has way more hp
the tf2 soldier is a character except they can fly with a jetpack. used to be for a limited duration but now it's forever
there's a new hero that goes around invisibly and "hacks" people so they can't use abilities. basically a silence like in other mobas
Widowmaker got buffed
Genji got buffed
Zarya got buffed
Ana got a slap on the wrist
D.Va got buffed
The game is just fucking zero fun to play when these characters are so prevalent now.
sorry, all ultimate cooldowns*
and by cooldown I mean charge rate
ugh can't think straight
can only think gay
Why the fuck would they buff Genji?
>Zarya got buffed
No fucking way, I thought she was getting nerfed.
Because he's the best, simply the best.
>load in
>hanzo + widow + sombra
This game
Nothing, Overwatch is a teambased game where teamplay, positioning, and coordination are significantly more valuable than mechanical skill. Obviously if your aim isn't good enough to even play your character at a basic level this stuff doesn't matter but competitive has shown that no aim shitters can be in the top 3%.
People cry because not only can they not aim, they don't understand the game so they're stuck in diamond. People also cry because its the new popular shooter and exposes TF2 for the washed up f2p garbage it is. People especially cry when they play the game alone because they don't have any friend to play with and therefore have to rely on randoms for coordinated team play. All of these people would like to pretend that OW is some dead or dying game because that would validate their poor opinions of it.
>>Genji got buffed
he got nerfed
25% less ults hurts him the most because genji's ult is the reason to pick him. his basic kit used to be decent but then blizz nerfed that because no fun allowed. get ready for soldier 76 + mccree every game with genji and pharah as the situational joke picks
zarya's primary fire now checks for damage far more often. Previously if you waved the laser on and off a target rapidly it did 0 damage, now it does damage proportional to how long it hits them. Makes hitting genjis, tracers far easier.
What happened? I just start played again a couple of days ago and queue time are through the roof. I'm playing Quick Play, is that the reason?
blizzard added new queues, so the player base are split between them
Genji got an extra swipe in his Ult
Zarya's hit reg on her LMB got "fixed" so now she does more overall damage. Her bubble nerf is almost meaningless.
Why? His ult was already press Q to kill everyone.
the 25%+ ult charge is god send.
>this diamond player actually believes this
Why is it that Genji players are so vocal about their saltiness?
>Buffing Pharah
Fucking why
>you're bad that's why you hate the game
lol you're fucking retarded. this game is dead.
>25% less ults
easily the stupidest thing
ults should be easier to get, but weaker overall imo. the reason this game is kind of dumb competitively is because ults are such a big deal. you can't push until you have them so you end up just "farming" ults half the time with heroes like genji, mercy and lucio before you can do anything. then you use that ult and oops, your team fucked up so now you can't do it anymore.
every ult just needs to be a bit weaker so that every ult is about pharah ult level: situationally powerful but not an ezmode i win button
Genji is a tumor on an otherwise fun game and Blizzard's blatant favoritism towards him is fucking infuriating.
How the is Deflect still a thing on a fucking EIGHT.SECOND.COOLDOWN
because she was complete garbage
Because the game is actually dead as fuck.
Will Titanfall ever get a player base so I can leave this hellish game now? Stealth, sniping, and negate characters are unfun cancer and they all just got massive buffs
Once they add more maps to the 3v3 I will have no reason to ever play Quick Play. 3v3 is just way more fun.
I don't understand this, what makes it so people always pick tanks/healers now?
>buffing a terrible character
Gee I wonder why
Name one way Genji got nerfed other than his Ult being reduced by 2s.
Pro tip, fixing exploits is not a "nerf" and Deflect is still the most braindead easy mode skill in the game.
>buffing genji
You do realize they are prevalent now because the changes are fresh, right? Once people get used to the changes, things will level back out. Remember how you saw 6 Ana's on a team when she first dropped? Does that happen anymore? No. Now you see a lot of Sombra. And in two weeks, she'll level back out as people diversify their picks.
>Play Reinhardt
>A Genji attacks me
>start swatting at him with my hammer
>his deflect blocks hammer swings
>this game is dead.
Yeah, sure it is. Nevermind the millions of players.
Because the Overwatch team at Blizzard are insanely biased towards him, he still has no proper counter character.
No character counters Genji the way Widowmaker, McCree, Ana, and 76 counter Pharah
No character counters Genji the way Zarya counters D.Va
No character counters Genji the way McCree counters Tracer.
She's a fucking nightmare on console. Is this patch just for PC?
>>Name one way Genji got nerfed other than his Ult being reduced by 2s.
i just told you
everyone gets 25% less ult. every DPS hero ult sucks except for reaper and genji. reaper and genji suffer a lot, but mccree, soldier and pharah don't care at all whether they have their ults. it's a lot harder to push with genji when your genji needs 25% longer to farm his ult, while someone like mccree is always going to be ready to dunk on dudes with his 140 dps meme gun
regardless of whether animation cancelling is exploiting in your mind, it's still a nerf to the hero's basic kit and it, along with mobility nerfs, made genji a dumb old ult-bot unless you're playing against literal retards who can't aim and you can just mash double jump while throwing shurikens and collect free kills.
Pharah was and is still garbage
Well, the hammer is just a thick rock, but the katana has been folded over a thousand times. It's undeniably a better weapon, and could easily hold its own against any slow, heavy weapon.
>Only allowed single's of heroes now in
Jesus, turns out Tf2 was ahead of its time on the fun curve.
I would like to take some credit for the change. Me and my friends would do double roadhog just to chain hooks, or double or triple monkey and play some ape escape.
I will miss having fun in video games greatly.
Now onto new things like:
>First picking important heroes and completely fucking off with them to force losses
>This game still doesn't have a kick function
I sure do enjoy video games, I hope you cry babies do too
>"B-But Winston is the ultimate Genji counter!"
you have a point. but the map design is awful because a lot of maps have only one-entrance choke points which makes ultimates more valuable because of how defense can easily defend unless something wipes them out aka ults.
notice that cool as fuck garden in hanamura? never fucking used because its basically a bridge from point B to A for the defense and nobody ever fights there unless the defense is aggressive which means they lose once the attackers sneak in to point B.
Or how Numbani's first escort point after point A is fucking wasted because of how stupidly designed the terrain and spawn point is for the defense, might as well not defend it and hold on to the last point.
I don't think you understand what "dead" means when referring to multiplayer games. Hopefully english is not your first language because you must be a slow learner otherwise
I cant believe they still havent patched this shit, he should not be able to deflect ANY form of melee attack.
You know the option is still there right?
What ult is an "ezmode i win button"?
Zarya, Sombra, Ana, Mei?
It thematically makes sense
Its a sword, after all
Maybe not Reinhardts hammer but other melee attacks makes sense
This game is DEAD
>Jesus, turns out Tf2 was ahead of its time on the fun curve.
>I would like to take some credit for the change. Me and my friends would do double roadhog just to chain hooks, or double or triple monkey and play some ape escape.
>I will miss having fun in video games greatly.
You do realize there is a no rules arcade match that still allows ridiculous team comps, right?
Genji is literally press Q to throw a temper tantrum and kill the entire team.
With like a 3 minute queue
So much for not splitting the player base, and not releasing an invisible character. Fucking lying Jews
>mfw you STILL cant choose what map or game mode you play
this is how i knew the game would be shit, removing such a basic feature for no apparent reason is a major red flag for anyone with half a brain and experience in more than one shooter
Im just gonna keep playing random heros
toblerone (if he was good)
reaper (with coordination)
>thinking the braindead idiots that play this game will navigate more than one menu to go queue for that gamemode
It's fun to see all these < 3000 shitters trying to talk about balance.
>Widowmaker got buffed
She needed it was underpowered as fuck
>Genji got buffed
Genji did not receive any changes, the ult charge increase hurts him pretty hard
>Zarya got buffed
She got nerfed
>Ana got a slap on the wrist
Losing the speed buff along with the overall 25% to ults is a hit to her because her ult was so powerfu
>D.Va got buffed
She needed it she was the worst tank in the game by far
Source: us.battle.net
If your going to complain about buffs and nerfs atleast get your facts straight
No the reason the game is dumb in regards to the ults is NOT because of the ults themselves but because of the way gamemodes and the way the maps are designed.
Every map's objective is a BIG FLAT FEATURELESS square. The only variation being that maybe there is something in the middle.
You know that area in Hanamura with the big gizebo, right before the second choke?
Why is that NOT the main fighting area? Instead everyone stands on the point and it just becomes 6 players on top of 6 other players. Thats why ults like Zarya's and Mei's are so OP, because everyone is already all right next to each other, since the only part of the map that matters is the big flat highlighted square.
Anyway I feel like all the buffs were pretty good, except zarya's, but her's is a bit more techincal and not a direct buff. D.Va was good because she wasn't really a tank like Rein or Winston and with the ult charge reduction its harder for her to get back in her meka. Pharah actually feels good to play now. Though I think they should have gotten rid of the Defensive boost with Ana's ult instead of the speed. Makes more sense thematically that way, in my opinion.
>give her a tiny buff to her minimum splash damage
>remove her knockback
Woah, nice buffs, she's even worse than before, two of her hard counters got huge buffs too I don't undertand why Blizzard hates Pharah so much.
They're never going to give her a proper buff because they just buffed Mercy and they get balanced as if they were one character.
"And here is your little corner to play in, where everyone (No one) plays knowing they will be up against possible doubles"
Like anyone would willingly play with or against doubles. Don't be a faggot.
The shit was fun because you didn't have a choice and you had to suck it up shitlord and make the best of it. And most did, but the diehards in QUICKPLAY had to ruin it with their big fits and cries.
I hope Blisstard keep splitting hairs for the special snowflakes till everyone has their own little safe space to play.
>I got carried in a queuestack to an arbitrary rank so only I can criticize the game
No one cares about console balancing
Zarya actually got a secret buff or rather a fix.
Her beams hitbox had a weird tendency to lose contact with smaller enemies, but now the damage is much more consistant.
Deflect can/is
>block all melee damage
>hitbox is about 10x larger than Genji himself
>can deflect nearly all damage, skills, and ults
>out of the 23 characters in the game, 4 have ways of dealing with Deflect, but thanks to Swift Strike, Genji can disengage these characters at will
>Genji holds the blade out for a good 3 seconds, meaning there is literally no timing or skill requires in using it
>No small cooldown on Strike when Deflect is used means Genji has all his escape options/damage options if the opponent was smart enough not to shoot, so there is literally zero concequence for mashing E like a retard
All on an 8 second cooldown, meanwhile Widowmaker's grapple is 12.
t. Platinum player
>Fucking tryhards ruining my games
>Why did they add 1h limit
>I'd rather play Arcade right now
>I can't even reach gold
>Fucking elohell
>Everyone else is just boosted
>I- I don't even care about ranks
I sure wish the characters I mained were favored by Blizzard to have no real counter.
Mei and Mcree, 'nuff said.
I mean his deflect hitbox is broke as fuck but Mei, Zarya and Winston bypass it entirely. Zarya is still a top tier pick even after her small nerf.
yeah thats the worst part for me, well besides the lackluster gameplay (console fag tho so i expected it to not be good)
well i don't disagree, the map design is pretty bad in general. but i still stand by the fact that ults should be weaker overall. i'd prefer if genji ult was like 70 damage per hit with a way faster attack speed, so you'd need 3 attacks and a dash or 4 attacks to kill someone. but then balance it out by letting genji use that ult way more often.
saying this as a broken brain genji main by the way. having the hero be balanced around a ridiculously good ultimate is really bad for the hero. the genji has to suffer feelbads from not getting to do anything without his ult, and genjis opponents have to suffer the feelbads because of when genji DOES use his ultimate.
Paladins player here, should I try this game, or should I get Killer Instinct. I only have enough space for one or the other.
It's free weekend so just DL and try it. If you enjoy the gameplay then go and buy it.
I stopped playing a while back because i could never play the heroes i wanted to play and had to be lucio 99% of the time. Has the meta bullshit moved on and allowed room for more variety? or would i be stuck playing lucio again?
Honestly the only thing I'm annoyed by is the nano boost nerf.
Reinhardt is back to never being able to be offensive because without the ability to actually catch people, nano boosting him is retarded. You can get like 2 swings off or if you're lucky catch someone in a corner.
It makes me not want to play Ana or Rein anymore. Fucking scrubs getting caught by the beyblade need to ruin everything.
Pick faster so someone else has to pick support
>pvp game with unique characters making it a nightmare to balance
>focus grouped for maximum normalfag demographic sales
>people bought it expecting it to be good
>Characters get picked in every single game
>why would they nerf them?
If anything that was the most required change of the entire patch.
same dude
just playing ana in general feels bad to me now after the speed nerf and I have 25+ hours on her
all I can do now is ult soldier 76es
reaper boost was pretty fucking busted because of how easy it is to teamwipe with it, it won me a lot of games in my duoqueue with my reaper main friend
I agree. I think a good ult example is Roadhog. Not OP, but fun to use and can help in pinch. I was afraid ultimates would end up being 'just press q to win" and its right sometimes. There is nothing more annoying than having an entire team spam all their ults and you can't do anything because its zarya + mei + reinhardt and you cant outplay it
>Release game on PC and console
>Give all your attention to the PC version
>Don't give a fuck about console
10/10 game design
Slightly better, but Lucio is still a must for pretty much every game.
>Thinking Blizzard gives a fuck about consoles except for the easy port-money.
didn't Zarya get nerfed into the ground
>people are butthurt about the D.Va buff
as long as Zarya and Mei exist D.Va will never be OP
no if anything she technically got buffed because of her beam is easier to hit enemies if it just grazes them
>shitters are still mad about Genji because they can't hit someone with a double jump
Fucking hilarious.
>2000 some games ps2 had mouse input w/usb but not keyboard
>2016 consoles STILL dont have mouse + keyb support from the get go
sasuga consoleros
Are you referring to the jazz song by Art Blakey?
That's complete bullshit, though. They could just as easily released the game on PC and made a fuck ton of money all the same.
Just don't play competitive sperg
She has nerfed by this patch
>we can make a fuckton of money
>or we can make TWO fucktons of money
ugh, are all the healers viable nowadays at least? would i be able to actually play Ana once in a while without being chastised for it?
>3 CC ults getting wasted at once
That's like a wet dream bro, either just wait for your mercy rez or come back and pop a single ult and you've basically capped the point.
Or they could also release on console and make even more money?