Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck was his problem?
one more goddamn month
They built a wall to keep out the immigrants, but the king didn't pay up.
>there was a time when you could actually die to a mob in wow
Time flies.
>certain mobs in vanilla had execute and would spam it when you got to 20% or lower health
vanilla was fucking savage at times
levelling a warrior took so long
Vanilla was about the leveling experience on release. There was nothing to do at max level except do MC over and over again. When you hit max level, you were expected to roll an alt.
That satisfaction when you craft your Whirlwind Sword.
>didnt get axe
>Mobs in Nost could backstab you even while you're facing them
>Those murlocs in eastern Elwynn
>suddenly an entire city of elves descend
>laughing nightborne.png
this has to be bait
no one in their right mind would pick the sword over the axe
>Whirlwind Sword
>not playing human
>Do daily
>Get legendary
WTF where they thinking?
>Comparing a mechanic which instagibs you for standing in the wrong spot to actual difficult mobs
That is literally artificial difficulty.
>dying in Suramar
Only if you're brain-dead. Any class can just run away.
>roll a shammy
>go enhancement
>everyone shits on me for not going resto
>whatever fuck you guys
>befriend some really cool guys
>they're in a really good guild
>get really good gear
>start one shotting clothies
>mages fucking pop like balloons
>even some warriors go down in a single hit
>mfw you get a triple crit on windfury
I fucking miss vanilla wow
>> 3am
>> Silverpine Forrest
>> Looking for a boat of corpses
They aren't.
None of the developers currently working on WOW knows what makes a good RPG, they copy paste all the latest shit from newer MMOs into WOW, cash shops, minigames, token farm, boss rushes, ect, and forgot that WOW is supposed to be an adventure, not a Saturday morning cartoon themed korean grinder.
>playing alliance
I knew Sup Forums was full of casual scum
Sorry you green skinned niggers, I'm a human.
Mein Negger
This guy get's it
>playing horde
>above the age of 12
kill thyself
>playing anything but dwarf or orc
>unironically playing a dindu
>actual difficult mobs
The mobs in Vanilla weren't difficult, classes were just poorly balanced and had very little utility.
The pyromancers in Moonbrook weren't a fucking threat on their own. It was the fact that they usually stood next to densly populated packs so if your class didn't have a slow or stun they would end up drawing the aggro of dozens of other pyromancers and other defias.
It's the same concept as Suramar. Only now players have more utility so they can deal with the situation if they know how to play the game.
>tfw a guild mate actually got the sword because it "looked cooler"
>tfw absolutely wrecking him in duels because of the insane weapon damage + crit chance of axes
when BGs were one server
Allis outman you EVERY TIME
Still hand them their asses on a plate.
you had THAT ONE GUY that drove you up the fucking wall that you just HAD TO KILL
You see that cunt with the flag.
Snare the bastard with all your might.
Team mates arrive to slay the day.
>> Vengance is mine
>tfw spriest in vanilla with anathema
my dick was HUGE
>one shotting clothies
>windfury totem
>guild keeps me along for being the resident nightfall proc bitch so I don't even have to compete with tryhards for dps but I still rake in the dkp
lets be completely honest here, a LOT of classes could do literally nothing but hope for the best if they aggro'd even a single defias pillager
at that level you simply didn't have the tools to deal with both massive damage spellcasters and running enemies at the same time
>The fact that they stood in packs
>If you didn't slow they would aggro others
By design, you cuck.
fantastic design given a grand total of 2 classes had a slow at that level
/join 4
/ 4 Moonbrook anyone?
Sounds like an MMO to me.
>tfw I was the guild nerd that was bad at the game
>that feeling of getting mad, and using it to git gud
>not rolling NElf hunter for that shadowmeld aimed shot combo
I literally shed a tear.
I looked at that longingly for HOURS before I installed/played it the first time.
At a friends house in the dead of night so his mom cant hear.
We share an account.
Eventually he buys his own one...
>choosing hunter
Fuck off Legolas, I bet you danced on the mailbox in your undies for gold too.
Drizzt Do'urdenxx actually
my first char a Troll Hunterd
hit level 10
>> went survival
>> still owned it
>He starts giving the nigger a half assed CPR in the middle of his seizure.
Are you supposed to do that?
is there going to be a lot of lagg?
Kronos is basically unplayable due to the shitty servers
Demon hunter in that picture in the middle lol
>He doesn't know the +hit racial doesn't mean shit until Level 60
>He picked a weapon with lower end damage that's also faster than the Axe.
>Thinks he picked the right weapon
That's cute.
>shitty Russian servers
take a guess
>enhancement shammy
>same situation as you
>love pvp
>guild is awesome
>eventually get sulfuras
>mfw as I march around wsg laying waste to all in front of me
>mfw av wading into a huge battle and making people fall left and right without any warning
>mfw world pvp, ganking max levels and one shotting them
I was a god of destruction and it was awesome
mate....don't....really...please....don't go back there - it won't ...won't be the sa-
*cries in russian*
>He thinks weapon skill just gives hit
Jesus Christ what were you thinking
Maybe if you're an americuck.
UK master race no lag on nost or kronos
>demon hunter on the fucking vanilla box
>you will never play WoW for the first time again
oh those Totem quests
oh that ghost wolf form
oh that bloodlust
is it still legal to play wow in the UK? having just passed that new spying law you may get arrested for violent behavior
>Not being a Forsaken and fighting for neither the Alliance or Horde
Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Blizzard?
Blizzard was a dev so powerful and so wise, they could use their creativity to influence the MMO industry to create...WoW.
They became so powerful, the only thing they were afraid of was losing their power...which, eventually of course, they did. Unfortunately, they sold out to Activision and taught them everything they knew. Then Activision killed them in their sleep. Ironic. They could save others from death...but not themselves.
Obviously I meant skill - a typo on my part - but increased skill isn't as good as higher end damage and a slower weapon for leveling. It only comes into play at 300 skills.
Good job picking the shittiest weapon though.
What even are you supposed to do if someone's having a seizure? I'd assume just wait it out & make sure they don't hurt themselves, but idk.
Christmas day 2006. Got my first computer and WoW. It was an amazing experience.
some trolls just wanna watch the world Zalzane
some of us want to win premade v premade games at 60, user
I think that was supposed to be one of the vanilla DH NPC models that never got used.
>oh that bloodlust
That's BC.
Did you think we had forgotten?
Did you think we had forgiven?
>Death Knight
>Unholy Death Knight
I hate Suramar.
>the warlock quest to get the succubus made you go to Alliance territory
>you didn't have a mount yet
>the most popular class from Warcraft3 being shown on the follow up game
not even him but
>Hurr u picked the shittiest level 30 weapon
As it if it fucking matters. Just go for style points. You're so close to SM it doesn't matter
Embraaaace the shaaadow
[stealth noise]
>Shittiest weapon
>not hammer
The sword was GOAT for humans, and having more weapon skill let you fight higher level mobs without glancing 50% of the time.
It was so good for humans you'd never replace it until your mid 50s
the defias did literally nothing wrong
vancleef did LITERALLY nothing wrong
vanessa is a meme and hired a filthy worgen
I pity you because you will never know the satisfaction of being in the arena when the chest drops waiting silently on shadowmeld as chaos erupts around you. You will never see how 10 minutes later the victor goes to claim his prize only to get ambushed by a rogue who does a /lol before trying to get the chest. You will experience the joy of fucking that rogues shit up as you appear out of nowhere. You will never get the high of opening the useless chest as the ass hurt Rogue who still hasn't released watches you claim that worthless trinket. You will never laugh at the ass pained whispers you get
I truly pity you
>Druid swimming form
Dumbass mother fucker, the Whirlwind Axe lasted till like lvl 45. Most people kept it until 51 when they got the Ice barbed Spear.
WW axe is iconic as fuck for a reason.
Raising the level cap was a mistake
nothing you get out of sm replaces ww axe
ravager was faster and had less top end damage
It's probably push him over to his side into this position and hold him still because otherwise he'll most likely spasm to his back again.
>That warrior quest that has you go to Wetlands, even as horde just to get some shitty armor
>someone is having a seizure
>think it's a good idea to start fucking with their heart trying to preform cpr
No you fucking moron, cpr is for when your heart stops
I remember logging in about ~3 days after Lich King dropped and seeing a fully leveled death knight. Maybe this is just me being a casual, but how the fuck do you hit max level that fucking fast?
>the warlock quest to get the succubus made you go to Alliance territory
>The Alliance warlock quest for fucking everything made you go to horde territory
I died quite a lot to mobs in legion. But that has mostly to do with that they really like to place 3-5 mobs packs. Leveling a tank was such a bliss when you can aggro 15 mobs and come out with full hp
>you'll never gank clothies questing in Hellfire on your 49 twink ever again
>You're so close to SM it doesn't matter
When you get Mortal Strike you want a slow as fuck weapon with the highest top end damage. That's the axe, not the sword. The added skill didn't help as much as you'd like to believe before level 60.
Quest non-stop. I did the rush to 80 in two sittings on realease and our guild cleared Naxx 25 in mostly Sunwell loot.
>This item's source is no longer available/removed.
is playing a priest hard in vanilla wow? I've been playing on Kronos lately and I kind of want to be a healslut but I feel like I will suck at it or not be fast enough
>get ganked by a rogue
>he gets ganked by another rogue while ganking you
>> being this evil
My venge DH literally can't be killed there
>you will never outright kill questing lvl 60s on your 29 warrior again
3.0.2 was so fucking busted for twinks, I will always remember you enti's quenched sword and max level professions