is it warm and gushy?

>genital in title
>no vaginas
where are the vaginas?


Vaginas are for plebs.

how come penises are okay but not vaginas in video games? what kind if ridiculous double standard is this?

name a single non-porn game that has modeled dicks

reported for sexism and misogyny


Also Outlast

pmuch it

Watch Dogs 2


Dante's Inferno has satan's dick.

Dantes inferno
also gow1 was going to have penises but the esbr wouldn't have it

*unzips* let's play

Dante's Inferno

I mean Dante's Inferno yes

I'm guessing this is the next cancerous YouTuber fad and my kids will be watching it on their tablets by tomorrow. How nice.

None of these are sexual, all played for laughs.

Penumbra Black Plague

how do you joust with a vagina?

it's already banned on twitch and in several countries so don't be so sure

>name a single non-porn game that has modeled dicks
>get's named
>"but but"

told as fuck and backpedaling

Should have included cute girly penis that you can make leak pre-cum with a bigger manlier one.

be rich or get her drunk first

>on Sup Forums
>decent human being
You can only choose 2

Clearly you are not half the cock-connoisseur your posts would otherwise indicate.

Vaginas are sinful because they may incite men to lust.

In actuality they didn't get rid of all vaginas in WD2, just the upskirt one. The nude dander women are still in the game. Some sort of "upskirts are insensitive" thing I guess.

Phalluses are funny

>tfw can't leak precum

>Moving fucking goalposts

Gee, you don't say!
If they were sexual they'd be porn games by definition and aganist the dumb rule you came up with yourself.

This is like one of the many pieces of evidence that will be used when aliens are building up a case for 'the eradication of humans' in Galactic Court for the rest of the universe to see

did you watch the trailer? you totally can

Also It's annoying when you're browsing and leaking because of lewdposts

Wait what? Maybe you are just too old or something? Did you cut your foreskin or what? How the hell do you fap with a dry penis?

You confirmed why vaginas aren't allowed in games, because they're sexual and dicks aren't.

that's so stupid...
I don't get these arbitrary rules, it's just as dumb when it's okay to say a curse word only in certain conditions on tv

My dick gets hard when i see a feminine penis. Dont you fucking tell me dicks arent sexual.


What does feminine penis look like?
Don't tell me you like those pathetic shrinked ones senpai

Nice smooth skin, cute head and have zero veins showing.

>Rambling random shit after being burned
Pathetic mate.

>If they were sexual they'd be porn games by definition and aganist the dumb rule you came up with yourself.

I meant to say if their depiction is erotic or sexualized, then it becomes a porn game by definition.
As far as I know all those dicks listest appear within the context of the scenes they're shown, even if those scenes might be a bit gratuitous themselves.

We get it. Nobody wants to show pussy in games for fear of SJW zealots, but the "it's okay when it's a dick" argumento doesn't hold much water.

is genital jousting a porn game?

- Small
- Leaking pre-cum like crazy
- As smooth if not smoother as young women skin
- Soft
- Non-erect when horny

Read more hentai.

>Penises everywhere
>Literally fucks other´s assholes
>Cumming when you penetrate
>Leaking juice from all the frottaging
Wait. How did this shit gets approved while VN games have to censor vanilla sex?

Name me 2 (two) (no obscure indie shit) games that contain dicks and exploded into social media drama,

Then name 2 (no obscure indie shit) games with vaginas that DID not exploded into social drama

Go on

It's the opposite of what you'd expect from a manly penis: relatively small, less veiny, uncut, light colored, smooth and hairless, at least on the shaft.
A bit of hair won't make or break a feminine penis, but if it's too much it definitely will ruin it.
Another important part is tight, compact balls. Dangly balls are manly.

I personaly like when a feminine penis isn't perfect, and is a bit longer or cut while mantaining the other features faily feminine. It gives it a bit of character.

But dicks are supposed to be veiny when hard
>Non-erect when horny
Then what's even the point of it being there

Fuck off homo. Nobody in their right mind wants a butchered feminine penis.

All good points, but I contest your stance on the balls. Rather than compact, a pair of balls on a feminine penis should be somewhat free to swing lewdly during a fucking.


The point is, despite being a guy, he is so beta, he might as well be a girl (male). So while his little penis flops and leaks pre-cum, a alpha is tapping that boipucci.

>A bit of hair won't make or break a feminine penis, but if it's too much it definitely will ruin it.

Nah. You are just gay.

The dick in GTAIV was very controversial, at least within the gaming community. Still, it was mostly angry teenagers angry about having to look at a penis during their GTA experience.

I can't think of any vaginas in gaming right now, and that in itself probably says a lot. But this is irrelevant for the sake of my argument.
What matters is that the dicks that there are, which aren't many at all, are done relatively tastefuly. Therefore it's pointless to shout "it's okay when it's a penis" because so far it has actually been okay all things considered.

I doubt there will ever be an "okay vagina" in a game, at least not any time soon, but complaining about dicks implies there's something wrong with them as they're currently portrayed in games, and that's simply not the true.

I ahve no idea. I came in because the name sounded funny.

Do you faggots ever take a step back and think about what exactly you are fucking typing?

might as well fuck a regular girl

Wasn't there a Half Life 2 mod where the new model for Alyx had a fully modeled vagina?

No, it never was confirmed

That's fucking gay bro

Was meant for

Yeah a meme. How new are you?

I don't even take a step back to think about what I'm fucking.

>tfw will never pump me full of demon cum

They're definitely flaws. That's the point.

The crushing majority of trap balls I see in doujin are compact, some even to the extreme of looking like a single round clump. At that point I'm not much of a fan, but it certain is more feminine than a dangly ballsack.

It's not gay if you're atracted to the femininity of it.
But if by your insane logic liking feminine penis is gay, then call me a raging tubro-faggot.

Are you kidding me? I spend an unhealthy amount of time sorting my thoughts and feelings about this subject, as demonstrated by my ease to articulate my arguments and the strenght of my opinions on this otherwise mundane topic.

Femininity, a hairy ballsack is not you faggot.

>Talking like that in 2016
You are nearly as much of a faggot as him.

>Being insecure
Don´t act like a beta now.

Penis femininity, and femininity in general for that matter, is a spectrum, not a binary condition.
A tiny bit of hair doesn't tip that scale so badly, but I was mostly referring to when it's just a trimmed chunk of hair above the genitalia.
If the trap has too much hair on the pubis, a hairy ballsack or a hairy anus, that becomes a dealbraker for most people, myself included to some extent.

It weird because I'm a big fan of pubic hair in women, but my tolerance for it is much smaller when it comes to traps.

shallow as fuck youtube e-celeb bait

Go play Silent Hill 2 for real horror.

A trap that don´t shave it all away and keep it smooth is not a trap. Is a fucking disgusting tranny. Is because is the ideal that the standards are high. Fucking ladyboys in thailand get that shit down even, no fucking excuses.

Why is rape funny when it happens to men, but abhorrent if happens to women?

>Penis femininity

Asian ladyboys often leave a patch of hair on the pubis, like many women do and most people are fine with that on both.
Sure, the areas bellow are a bit more nasty to leave unkept, but there's so much nuance to this I can't bring myself to be so extreme like you.
Maybe the trap is just a bit sloppy but doesn't let things get too wild. Even in day-to-day life people who shave don't have it smooth 100% of the time, often leaving just enough hair for a bit of texture before shaving it again.
There are many defrees of hairy balls, and some are worse than the others, is what I'm trying to say.

Also, you seem to be talking only about irl traps. Dick femininity is a thing in hentai too and hentai is a lot more "forgiving" in pretty much everything.
Not saying hentai can't be nasty too, but everything looks a lot better in hentai compared to their real life counterparts.

Men have been arguing, suffering and circlejerking about features that make a penis more virile and manly.
It's a simple exercise of logic to determine that the lack of those features make a penis less manly. To call less manly "more feminine" is just pure semantics at that point.

I´m talking about hentai and the ideal for reality. Put out of 1 million traps, maybe only one is fuckable. That´s how shitty IRL traps are.

Is this from a porno?

Well, I can't deny that. But if that one-in-a-million god-tier, gorgeous trap by some miracle wanted me to fuck him, a tiny bit of hair on his balls due to coincidentaly being the day before his shaving day is not what's going to stop me.

I have to disagree a bit, but I'm only talking 2D because 3D in all forms is shit.
Some anus or scrotum hair is nice now and then for the dominant futa/newhalves, or a shy one that is too embarrassed to shave.
2D can have hair and still be feminine, that's the beauty of it. Just like 2D musclegirls can be feminine.

Yes. Lesbian and high definition.
Candice, Caprice and Valerie, for those interested

I'm a pubic hair fan in general, and on women I'd go as far as to say that a hairy crotch is more feminine than a bald one. I even agree that anus hair is surprisingly hot in hentai sometimes.
With that said, a completely unkept, hairy out of control pussy is a turnoff, but the same goes even for normal head hair.

For some reason My tolerance is much smaller on traps, both 2d or 3d. I don't know why that is.
But if it's just a bit of hair above a smooth dick n' balls that's completely fine.

>For some reason My tolerance is much smaller on traps, both 2d or 3d. I don't know why that is.
I think I'm the same way. It probably has something to do with tipping the scale towards masculinity? Men and women grow pubic hair in different patterns typically, too.

Maybe, but it's strange that someone into woman pubic hair isn't as much into trap pubic hair.

Perhaps it's that the strong point of a trap is not so much the feminity, but the androginity, or the balance between masculinity and femininity.
In that sense, adding more of either feminine or masculine features disrupts the balance and ruins the trap.

An overly feminine trap is also a problem. Like when they draw too prominent tits or too wide hips.

Did you guys see Jim Sterling's reaction to this game?

Yeah, that's true. I love this one artist that for some reason I can't remember right now, except that he has a tendency to draw HUGE puffy nipples. It's like pepperonis for giants.
You can probably recognize his style from the face alone.

2n5, maybe? If it is, I know the style.
Not my cup of tea persoanly; a tiny bit too feminine, but I get the appeal.

On the other side, I quite enjoyed some of Dicca's doujins where the traps have slightly big penises. Not huge, but enough to match the seme's.

Either way, it's a fine balance to strike.
Some may like it more towards either side, but it's easy to have a tiny detail that ends up being a total dealbreaker to each person.

>2n5, maybe?
That's the one. I knew he had numbers in it. I can't say I have any preference in trap penis size, although there's often a humorous reaction when it's big and it's entertaining at times. It's a shame that you can never seen to have conversations like this on /d/ these days because it's just so "normal" and boring- like a facebook page or something equally awful.
I've been procrastinating too much about finishing editing an image so I think I'm going to take a break. Have a good day/night, user.

It's usualy not this smooth on Sup Forums either, but alas... have a nice one.

Sauce on that 3d model (male)