Never played this franchise before. What should I expect?




A game literally made for people like you: newcomers to the series who know nothing about it beyond "elves and shit." Skyrim was tailor made for newcomers, from the placement within the timeline, the setting, the story, everything. They stripped down the mechanics enough that veterans were upset, but newcomers won't know anybetter, and they hailed it as the defining fantasy game of the entire generation.

For someone who's never played an Elder Scrolls game before, it's a solid 7/10. For someone who has, especially a series veteran? It's a solid 5/10.

A shit game
A great mod

If you want proper games, every tes before skyrim is a play worth

One more image. I liked Skyrim, I really did, but as a fan of the series it was a let down in every possible way.


Do you mean game or did you seriously mean franchise? If this is the first TES game you ever play and have mediocre taste at best then you might see it as the best game ever. If you had play Morrowind and/or Oblivion though then it is shit until you mod the living hell out of it to "fix" it where it may be mediocre at best.

The game have many flaws, more so than Morrowind as Morrowind at least had love put into the world and dungeons. With Skyrim expect there to be a lever or a day to magically go back to the start of the dungeon because god forbid if casuals have to backtrack. While I personally love Morrowind the best, for a person getting into the series I would recommend Oblivion. Skyrim is only good for more lore and even then barely.

Its so bizarre to read posts like this when I read the exact same things about Oblivion right here on Sup Forums

It's like wading through a knee deep, olympic size swimming pool, just waiting for that moment when you can actually swim. It never gets any deeper than the first fifteen minutes. Unless you have plenty of self control for how you play you will sink into tank'n'spank or stealth archery for the entire game.

Quite well put actually.

>What should I expect?

4 steps of disappointment-

>Start game
>Realize it is overrated turd
>Start playing Witcher 3 instead.

Dude, welcome bro, got the funnel?
I brought the switch, let's get fucked up my dude.

Sent from my iPhone

dude come the fuck on dont disrespect this BOARD and also YOU by posting a non pc copy. This game man, this fucking game was MADE to be a PC exclusive.

Pretty interesting to see they just kept removing more and more as the series went on. Can't have too much depth the normies might get intimidated.

I unironically blame consoles and I love consoles. TES should have stayed on PC.


I remember reading much of the same about Morrowind when compared to Daggerfall. Morrowind and Oblivion may have been good games (quality is subjective and I'm not looking to argue), they were both still designed for newcomers to the series. Morrowind and Oblivion less so, Skyrim seemed like a blank slate with a few callbacks.

Thats what happens though you have to simplify things to fit on a controller, yeah morrowind was on the xbox but they made very little sacrifices to make it work on that system.

>I unironically blame consoles
As you should. The market for consoles was booming at the time, and decreasing the workload for your staff, generating even less content for the same retail price is good business.

You want to blame anyone for this, blame the retards who bought Blood Moon on the HUEG

Compare Daggerfall to Morrowind. Daggerfall had even more skills (though most were useless), it had a rep system, horses, a cart, world map that I believe is still literally the largest of any game ever (though most of it was empty), banking and most likely a ton of other stuff I am forgetting.

Dude they made a lot of sacrifices to get Morrowind onto the Xbox. I still own the original Xbox GOTY edition, not only is it basically lower than PC's lowest settings but the draw distance is literally ten feet, there is a loading time every 100 yards, and it sometimes lags when you do stuff like unsheathe your weapon and such. They had to fit the base game and both expansions onto a single disc, and honestly it was impressive but still horrible compared to PC.

I've often wondered if it could have possibly run on the PS2, or the Gamecube.

skyrim was the first game in the series i played, it took me 3 separate tries to finally get into it since i got so over whelmed, but i loved it
it got me into a lot of the lore as well

elder scrolls online is pretty fun too but can get lonely if you're on your own

Have you played Morrowind? I think you should and you should give it a good chance, behind the somewhat intimidating system of mechanics it employs it's honestly one of the best RPGs in the last 20 years.

By sacrifices I was referring to the gutting of game mechanics and such to work on console. Of course the xbox version got neutered it was the first one I played but the PC version didn't suffer anywhere near as bad as games now do because of consoles.

ive wanted to but i get that over whelmed feeling again whenever i look into it.
ive watched a few lets plays and speedruns and can never really follow whats going on

Sorry mate I misunderstood.

Morrowind was fun to explore for the first time. Happening across so much crazy shit totally at random, then talking with my friend about it the next day at school and just because he left in a different direction from town he had a totally different adventure. that's what I liked about it more than anything. I could have done without the combat system, but it wasn't unplayable.

Join the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild. Nothing is more satisfying than sucesfully, killing someone with a single arrow, picking pockets and locks.

It took me a few tries to get into it but I promise it's worth it. Just turn the difficulty down, follow the story with your journal, and you'll get it. And pay attention to what skills and weapons do.

Also you're probably not following what's going on because Morrowind has the longest and most intricate quest of the 3D games and if you just drop in you'll be totally lost.

Yeah this was great, I'll never forget my first time either. I also replayed the game earlier this year, completely vanilla without mods or anything and the ol' girl still holds up to me.

>Calling yourself a 'veteran' of games
Cringed so hard I nearly died

I meant a veteran of the series, it's a phrase. I don't consider myself to be a veteran of video games, I've just played the games in the Elder Scrolls series. That's what I meant.

He fought in each of the console war crusades and the goobergate civil war.

>goobergate civil war
the good guys lost that war

Protip - close every door behind you

>Nothing is more satisfying than sucesfully, killing someone with a single arrow,
Please, just let the stealth archery meme die

there was so much stupid bullshit in the older games though

it's called "Streamlining". polishing.

attributes are restrictive and at times completely trivial/novel. Removing attributes allows you to do whatever the fuck you want without being confined to bullshit just because of arbitrary predtermined values.

Everyone telling you to fuck off and die because you're playing as a female orc is a good or a bad thing to different people. if you find that immersive then okay fine, majority of people see it as a bother.

streamlining. Things like medium armor, spear, blunt, acrobatics, unarmored, hand-to-hand etc were culled for a reason.

>Spell effects
this is true. this was definitely watered down.

completely novel

>custom spell creation
was fun but also novel and potentially gamebreaking.

>people in largest city
skyrim had fully voiced and dialogued NPCs with daily schedules and interactions with other NPCS. Morrowind largely consisted of faceless automatons that stood around scratching their heads.

>silver magic etc
this is valid and was an unneccesary removal

>armor pieces
To be honest, I did love dressing up so much in morrowind, but seeing NPCs in ugly mismatched armor was always cringeworthy.

>joinable factions


Why do some gay shit like kill them with an arrow when you can kill them with a stuffed moose head?

If you're the kind of person that gets really imaginative with your self-inserts and are perfectly ok with the fact that any roleplaying you do will be through self-limiting, then it's a great game. It's a comfy game that derives a lot of its enjoyment from the sheer aimlessness of it all.

Do not expect good combat, dialogue, or story, though. And I highly recommend you mod it if you want an experience perfectly tailored to you.

>Thinks consoles had anything to do with developers choosing to make a pc version that works on most peoples pcs

I disagree with you here, I like attributes and many games employ them in non restrictive ways.

I actually agree with you here, stuff like changing dagger, longsword, etc all to one-handed made sense. Dropping weapons entirely like spears sucked though.

>spell effects
Glad we agree.

It's a roleplaying game. Those npc schedules you mention a few lines down are also completely novel but help with the immersion of the game. It's supposed to put you into that world, touches like diseases and such are nice. It wasn't a detriment, but if you do away with them for only being novel, soon you'll just have an action game.

>custom spell creation
Breaking the game was fun but yeah, I agree it was too powerful.

>people in largest city
I agree here with the fact that Morrowind npcs were mostly static clones of each other, but Skyrim's cities and npcs really let me down. They could have done more.

I agree with you on the rest.