Describe this game

Describe this game

Serious sam meets Deus ex

the reason why PC is better than consoles. The only thing saving consoles is Japan.


Half Life + Deus Ex on LSD.


You're really Crab Fab


My legs are OK.

I fucking hate this image desu

Deus Ex, but bad

How to get (you)s on Sup Forums, the comprehensive example guide

Has two FUCKING BANG! tier guns.
One is next to impossible to get.
The other you should go for instantly.
Both are great.

>cyber legs 3

you need some sermons

You gain Brozouf.

You are like a little baby

watch this


Remove Jian, Make EYE Great Again!

>it's this webm again
>It's supposed to be impressive

Hive city simulator


>can't play more than 20 minute sessions before EYE.EXE HAS STOPPED WORKING

oshit i'm in there


I used to have this probably It crashes between map transitions right?
I'm pretty sure I fixed it by just running it in a window rather than fullscreen

>this is reposted content

Welcome to EYE threads, reddit



Nigga you are in 80% of online webms because you're always online

This game has a good aesthetic when it isn't half-baked and low budget

I'd like to see it remade as an actual game

Huh? I haven't played with y'all Jians in forever, except for this one guy a couple days ago.

When are we making Secreta great again?

Anyone got that EYE Webm of a player stacking a ton of guns, and he places one more and they all go flying, causing tons of destruction?

I think his point was that it's not impressive, fucktard.

So, what'll it be?