Gaming Chairs

Could you guys recommend some chairs good for gaming?

I'm looking at something below $100 but up to $150 is also fine.

Pic not related.

Other urls found in this thread:ürostuhl-Schreibtischstuhl-Chefsessel-Armlehnen-Stoffbezug/dp/B0056YNWVO/ref=sr_1_3?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1479442710&sr=1-3-spons&keywords=gaming stuhl&psc=1

>almost $1,000
Jesus fuck user, I'm on a budget here

Forget the term "Gaming Chair". They're overpriced garbage to sell to the l33t Razer crowd. Streamers get paid to shill them on facecam.

If you want a long term chair look in office supply stores. Stuff that's actually built to be sat on all day by different asses. They'll be pretty fuckin expensive but you're paying for quality.

If you don't have the cash just buy a $50 dollar walmart office chair and throw it out once it breaks or gets uncomfortable

It'll help if you have a relative or something that's higher up in an office job. Possibly can cut a deal for chair prices or even a free used one.

>gaming chair

Are you practicing wizardry? Are you committed to wizardry for the rest of your life? If the answer to any of the above is no, just get a regular fucking chair.

the better "dirt cheap" chairs are called "executive chairs" found at office supply stores.

they have full backs and armrests and generally have fake leather on them. generally pretty comfy dispite regularly being only $100-150

Only shitty egotistical indie devs would buy that monstrosity.

What's next? A gaming desk? A gaming mug?
Sup Forums what is the best underwear for video games

>Not owning a gaming bed.

>it's a bed with a tv in front of it
>That's $3000 plus tax, goy

it's actually $52,000 poor boy

How young are you? Or are you just a neet with no concept of money?

Meant to reply to fug

Not a Neet, just successful. I wouldn't spend money on a gaming bed tho.

$52,000 isn't that much money if you're producing lots of it.

Jesus why are gamers such cucks?

Stretch yo budget.


Looks like Sweden has two Markus to export that are complete garbage.

OP here, think I've settled for this chair (also fits my budget)

Any opinions?

i really need one, thoughts about pic related?
its 210€.
there are gaming chairs for 65€ who look exactly the same. what is the difference?
is it worth it?

forgot linkürostuhl-Schreibtischstuhl-Chefsessel-Armlehnen-Stoffbezug/dp/B0056YNWVO/ref=sr_1_3?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1479442710&sr=1-3-spons&keywords=gaming stuhl&psc=1

>buying an actual "gayming chair"
Jesus Christ Denmark

Am I the only one who uses just a plain steel folding chair?

>he wears clothing while gaming

What are you, some kind of never-nude pleb?

> Gaming chairs
> i.e. Pretentious neck beard scrap Racing Car chairs

>not wearing cute girly socks to take pictures of and send them to your e-boyfriend
Fag lmao

>not playing games in comfy shimapan
>not feeling your controller's vibration on your chinchin

>not streaming vidya in panties with a butt plug in while letting your fans watch you tiny bulge quiver against your vibrating controller

Have fun with developing curvature of the spine, and a Hobbit-like stance after a good year. I love paying 50k+ for an uncomfortable, fat breeding bed to ruin my /fit/ and destroy my spine.

>tiny bulge
Whitebois lmao
>not sleeping on the hard flat floor like God intended

The future is now.


Every tech startup buys these chairs and most tech startups die. You can find these chairs for 250 dollars everywhere.

>plain steel folding chair


Does anyone actually own something like that?

thats not expensive considering most gaming PC's cost 2500$

>not having screen on the ceiling

Somebody please explain what is the difference between gaming chair and a bit fancier office chair. The gaming chairs seem to have a "racing" colors. Is that the thing?

>paying 100k+ to burn your retinas out

you will level up 2 times faster.
also +10% magicka

get a regular fucking chair geez

It's the same reason why a 'girl bike' can cost more than other colors just because it's pink with 50 cent tassles

post socks

The only way to play.

Is that a gaymen chair?

>TV on front, not above so you can lie down and game
0/10 wouldn't even buy for an enemy.

Indeed friend, it even comes with a joy stick installed.