Halo 2 PC is Alive!
Yeah the PC port was trash but Mods have fixed it and xlive is gone. it's decent now.
Install the game: drive.google.com
Register an account here: cartographer.online
Don't forget to change settings in the launcher.
Halo 2 PC is Alive!
Yeah the PC port was trash but Mods have fixed it and xlive is gone. it's decent now.
Install the game: drive.google.com
Register an account here: cartographer.online
Don't forget to change settings in the launcher.
Other urls found in this thread:
Also games are under network and open port 1000 to host.
I can host from australia if anyone cares
thx bro
I don't think Sup Forums plays games like this anymore.
I feel old
what kind of mods?
like what all do i have to do to get this running like not ass
For what it's worth, I'm going to play it. I lost my original copy and now I can take another crack at it again. Thanks, OP.
Does the single player work?
>boring shooter that started all the shitty modern gimmicks in fps
an arguably okay soundtrack does not make up for this
>it started le hurrdurr
Not an argument, whatever mouthbreathers did after the fact has nothing to do with the game. Also this is 2, you spastic cockbite.
the included launcher fixes broken mouse aiming, framerate, crashes, FOV and the off-centre crosshair that pissed people off.
If you have the game already just get the launcher from h2v.online.
>Also this is 2, you spastic cockbite.
And? He's talking about Halo CE you retard
>most outright fun shooter
>implying other modern shooters didn't just try and copy Halo but fail
>>arguably okay soundtrack
Fuck off
>Generic fps that started the horrible trend of cod clones.
Aayyy lmao
thanks for bumping the thread fucc boi
>an arguably okay soundtrack
I'm interested.
>started a trend
Pick one.
It's not Halo's fault other games ripped parts of it off in a shit way and now that's all we're stuck with.
The thread is clearly about Halo 2 you shit-eating cockmutant.
Have a bump OP. Hopefully thread is alive when I get home.
So this is just halo 2 right? I need me some halo 2
Just dropping by to say that I'll be hosting 5 PC customs next week.
Not sure if others have but if there's a virus I'd know.
what do you mean by 5 customs, like 5 matches?
No, like Halo 5. It came out on PC with some of the cancer taken out, so I host customs since it's free. People enjoyed it, but the custom game browser is taking forever to be made, so I'll host rooms again.
In the meantime, someone is waving Halo 2 on PC around, so go play that.
Any servers? Is it a safe download?
Are you alive user? Were there any viruses?
I'm alive it all worked, only shitty thing is that there is barely anyone player and no one wants to just play good old slayer
I'll play soon. Thread's kinda dead right now, but maybe once it starts picking up more Anons will join
Downloading better not be any viruses motherfucker.
Stop don't download it mustard gas came out of my computer and my mom died in her sleep
Son of a bitch can't trust fucking anything in this shithole.
I care
Can't join tonight, but I'll download and create an account so maybe we can play tomorrow if more anons are up for it.
Any viruses? Rootkits? Bitcoin miners? Cryptotrojans?
Alive and well. Running now. I had to get another HDD cause no space. As of right now it isn't loading so this could be a virus.
Let's get a trip going so you know the tester is.
You guys gonna be doing this tomorrow.
Second time running. So far it's freezing my explorer/USB Everytime I run. When I remove it pops up. Going to try in sandbox.
Sandboxie is letting it run.
Installing now.
It works. Playing right now. Either someone can set up a server or pick one and we can fuck around there for a while. I've been playing in the 24/7 COAG CTF server in the mean time
Thank you for doing your civic duty. I will continue just acting as a second opinion for security measures.
Do we have a way to voice chat?
no, but I think F1 is global text chat
can i just play single player campaign?
I could set up a discord server for us Sup Forumsirgins?
Have a bump. Let me know how the testing goes
Also, is single-player included?
Either wait or Right click / run as admin.
It's not freezing it's just the Windows admin UAC check takes ages on the 3GB installer
That'd be nice. Imma head off for tonight, but I'll make some threads tomorrow around 4-6 so we can get more Anons to join. Hope you all have fun. see ya tomorrow
So a little update. Shit is corrupt and I have to install for the 19447626rd time.
Launch.cab apparently is fucked for me. I'll try it again.
Installing in sandboxie didn't trip the anti virus alarms. So I'm going in without the condom.
do it
For those interested, discord server is up. Link won't die. Share in next thread tomorrow: HTTPS://discord.gg/SCv3Wsk
Server is called halo2 Sup Forums server
Will do user. God speed
I registered and haven't gotten an email back yet, wat do
Apparently it doesn't work yet. Join discord. Some fags are there
Just log in it works anyway.
Never played Halo and would like to start with CE. Where do I go? I seem to remember hearing the PC version of CE is broken on modern systems.
I haven't ever had an issue with it, the netcode sucks donkey cock though.
Patches have been issued but you need to pirate. I have an actual physical game key and disk.
Poors man Unreal Tournament
Which is a poor mans Quake.
Who cares?
Anyone who is interested in playing join the discord. I will try to host after its done installing tomorrow.
Halo PC is fine, you might be thinking of Halo 2 Vista.
Play Halo CE with Open Sauce for maximum enjoyment.
It'd be sweet if we could get a Halo PC info graphic similar to the Silent Hill or Doom one.
I'm feeling generous
>Game and patches
>Original Campaign
Take your shitty trojans somewhere else.
Are these for 2 or CE?
Halo CE. You will need a serial number but you can find one on google.
I heard the community will be making their own 'anniversary' mod of sorts with high-res assets but staying true to Bungie's vision but that's a rumor.
Download's clean
No trojan, read the thread, retard
I never want to play Halo with a M+KB
So no.
I love you.
Currently downloadin
I can't make an account on Project Cartographer?
Make an account and then login anyways, regardless if you got a confirmation email or not.
np bb
You can play it on PC with a controller just fine though.
Just tried campaign with wired 360 controller and everything seems to be working fine
Here is one I made a couple months ago.
This guide should still work, I have no idea what Project Cartographer is as I have never heard of it.
>the PC port was trash
Nevermind it seems that Project Cartographer is the same thing as what my guide uses. I would suggest using the guide as it achieves the same thing as OP. Here is a pastebin as well.
Yeah this was before kat went down. I'll provide an additional Mega link in a moment.
This includes the game, both patches and some unnecessary guides files due to laziness. Just follow the guide and you'll be on your way to playing some Halo 2.
gg everybody
So how long does everyone plan on doing this? Sup Forums weekend on H2V?
That guide is outdated man.
Can't play right now but i'll join you guys tommorow if the threads still up or if there's a new one.
Works great. Gona be playin this a lot
Alright bros feel free to use this sweet promo video
As long as there are people playing it.
i respect the sentiment but your video sucks dick
how alive is this? like MGO2R tier (sub 50 player at best) or is it more?
>thread dies
I guess it answers my query