>check catalog
>no swapdoodle friend code thread
swapdoodle friend code thread
drawfag here, expect lots of doodles from me
>check catalog
>no swapdoodle friend code thread
swapdoodle friend code thread
drawfag here, expect lots of doodles from me
You didn't check the catalog at all.
the other thread is "An alternative to the Friend-code swapping of the other thread's"
Shut up and come to the other thread before you cause a split.
reply and i'll add back. kthnx
What the fuck is Swapdoodle?
how do i report pedophiles for grooming children on swapdoodle?
an app from the 3ds that lets drawfags draw with each other without experiencing the nagging requestfaggots
It's not like swapnote?
It's swapnote without the ability to send photos and voice recordings.
your mii looks like it hasn't slept in a decade, powered by a thermos of coffee every hour
That's about right
>It's swapnote without the ability to send photos and voice recordings.
They could have just forced an update to SwapNote that made those changes instead of killing the fucking thing outright and doing nothing with the idea for years.
They could've just updated it and swept the problem causing features under the rug, but it's probably been too long and they want to avoid confusion from people who now know Swapnote as the thing that allowed kids to send naked pictures of themselves to people so they gave it a new name.
Added! Drawfag here as well!
ill add you later. for some reason my 3DS keeps telling me im offline even though i can use other online features just fine
Due to emergency maintenance, some online services are unavailable.
We apologize for any inconvenience this maycause and thank you for your patience.
Date and time
Friday, November 18, 2016 12 :45 AM Pacific Time Ongoing
Affected Services
certain network services
Just googled it
Thanks. I guess Nintendo once again didnt expect heavy online traffic to one of their most anticipated games