>You did destroy the thieves guild... didn't you?
>What do you mean you accidentally made them even more powerful!?
Why didn't Skyrim force you become the king of all the bards? Was this an oversight? Where was Todd when they were making that quest?
its shocking that you can simply kill all the DB, maybe they wanted to do something like that with the TG but then just forgot about it
> not completing that quest line purely for that sick armour set at the end
Milk drinker
This. Everytime I play Skyrim, I end up being a sneak archer assassin because of the damn nightingale set.
I hope it's worth whoring your immortal soul to a daedric devil. Talos is laughing at you.
>Not whoring out your soul to every Daedric Prince so they can split it up like a timeshare.
Akatosh gets the last laugh. He has claim to the Dragonborn by default and the Daedra can't do shit about it.
i believe dragonborn soul cannot be claimed by any daedra
>actually liking that shitty generic ninja garbage that looks like its made of rubber and designed by a weeaboo highschooler
This. It looks like a shitty superhero costume.