>You did destroy the thieves guild... didn't you? >What do you mean you accidentally made them even more powerful!?
Why didn't Skyrim force you become the king of all the bards? Was this an oversight? Where was Todd when they were making that quest?
Jacob Bell
its shocking that you can simply kill all the DB, maybe they wanted to do something like that with the TG but then just forgot about it
Matthew Ross
> not completing that quest line purely for that sick armour set at the end Milk drinker
Angel Jones
This. Everytime I play Skyrim, I end up being a sneak archer assassin because of the damn nightingale set.
Xavier Murphy
I hope it's worth whoring your immortal soul to a daedric devil. Talos is laughing at you.
Wyatt Moore
>Not whoring out your soul to every Daedric Prince so they can split it up like a timeshare.
Hunter Nguyen
Akatosh gets the last laugh. He has claim to the Dragonborn by default and the Daedra can't do shit about it.
Jack Jenkins
i believe dragonborn soul cannot be claimed by any daedra
Connor Rogers
>actually liking that shitty generic ninja garbage that looks like its made of rubber and designed by a weeaboo highschooler
Carson James
This. It looks like a shitty superhero costume.
Jace Mitchell
Yeah, every time you sell your soul to a Daedric Lord in Skyrim you're actually completely fucking them over and tricking them because Akatosh gets all the Dragonborns. I mean why do you think your character was so okay with making all those deals user? I'm surprised he wasn't snickering during the whole damn ritual honestly.
Jack Martinez
Dragonborn literally have dragon souls. And the whole point of that game is that dragon souls are immortal and don't die. You can pledge yourself to every Daedra and they can't do shit.
Gabriel Cox
The only lord I can see that might screw over the DB is probably Hermaeus Mora by forcing the DB to become immortal and serve him.
James Gomez
It does, but those stats are killer. The vanilla game is just very unbalanced and makes a stealth archery build both easy to use and powerful. Modded magic can get close, but not enough.
Sebastian Edwards
Here's your (you), now fuck off
Jordan Wright
Just use console commands if you really want the armor, you fucking retards.
Michael Thompson
There's a mod to destroy the Thieves' Guild, it started off as simply adding a "Kill em all" quest, making the NPCs killable and removing the introductory quest you can't avoid from your log.
Over time the mod author added more and more contingencies and workarounds because it turns out a lot of content, including other quest lines and dragon shouts, are connected to Thieves' Guild NPCs, not to mention the gem collecting quest that'll clog up your inventory and quest log and requires you to work with the TG to complete.
Methinks that Bethesda was just too lazy to program all that stuff in for a "Destroy the TG" option themselves.
Zachary Fisher
it's so fucking slick brehs
Jackson Ortiz
nobody has a claim on the dragonborns soul, also if someone dies on Mundus, then daedra have zero power over his soul, you have to CHOOSE to turn it over, or die in their realm for them to claim you
Robert Fisher
Thieves questline is the longest to complete, though, 16 fucking stealing quests all in different places, that's just too annoying. By the moment I've done this shit, I already made dragon armor.
Eli Smith
Light armor points and its just as good as dragon if you reforge it, almost no weight at all, tons of bonuses, best set.
Daniel Gutierrez
> boot up skyrim after a year of cold turkey > have a plan for the sort of character I want > choose race, spend days on the face customisation > carefully choose perks > aiming to be sneaky breaki assassin the entire game > help some randoms fighting a bear outside of whiterun > companions quest line started > oh well, going a wee bit off the track won't hurt > accidentally wander into winterhold > start college questline > bit of magic could come in handy, right? > accidentally join the stormcloaks > all trace of original character gone, have become mead swilling, daedric armour wearing unarmed killing machine > turn off skyrim > try again next year
I try and avoid the thieves guild whenever I can, but brynjolf is so charismatic
Carter Thompson
Mjoll was the best waifu.
William James
Just get the mod that lets you deny quests from characters, helps you not bloat your questlog
Henry Roberts
>unarmed are you a furry?
Juan Sullivan
>her bitchboy follows her around all the time
Jace Cruz
>install a sex mod >fuck her right in front of him
Someone should do a full-blown NTR mod.
Easton Russell
That's made even better by the fact that Nocturnal mentions the deal is completely in her favor.