Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics.
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
Other urls found in this thread:
because the game is a boring piece of shit
Wasted on a shit game.
because its a fucking MOBA
because of this thread
nice job
it's boring
Why do you post the same exact thread repeatedly, faggot?
He gets paid for it.
i bought it but found is insanely boring. everyone moved really slow and combat didnt feel good. character kits made no sense. there was no model for jungle creeps.
most of all though it took like 40 years to find a game because no one played this shit.
I did. It was boring af and the gameplay was somehow even worse than Smite.
b-but the textures!?
Remember Forge? That a surprisingly decent game that didn't try to be an ASSFAG. Pretty sure it's dead now.
I mean seriously. Why do people even reply? He gets your attention and fucks off, he has done his job.
Easy threads for shitposting obviously. What else do I have to do right now? Thinking about trying anime. Any entry level recommendations that aren't excessively weeb?
Don't know about entry level but Mushishi is fucking amazing.
>substance creator
Because playing Paragon won't get me any closer to tongue polishing shiny asses like that.
Cowboy Bebop, One Piece, Trigun, Full Metal Alchemist, Princess mononoke, That one movie where the loli becomes a hotel maid for a ghost hotel in order to save her parents, Ghost in the shell series>movie, Howl's moving castle, Akira.
drop your phone into the toilet where it belongs
i'll download it just for you, OP.
everytime there's a paragon thread it's the same fucking picture, not a single pic of gameplay or any other aspect of the game. why?
but does it have actual gameplay?
Because it's this faggot who keeps trying to shill his dead game.
Just report, ignore and move on. It won't make him stop evading bans by phoneposting, but at least it will get the threads deleted.
If you bought it on pre-beta, no wonder there was still a lot of unfinished stuff and issues m8.
As to the topic, I personally really enjoy paragon, but these threads and mobas in general are fucking cancer.
Took me a minute.
Well meme'd.
Can you post both the original picture & MS paint this is from? That shit is still fucking hilarious.
thank you, holllllly fuck thats funny still