ask a guy who just worked his first midnight release at gamestop anything
>pic related
Ask a guy who just worked his first midnight release at gamestop anything
Favorite song by Sandra?
got any work horrors stories?
Why didn't you tell the people buying this game that there are Genesect codes still being given out?
Who's your favourite communist leader?
I have a blue 3ds xl. I want to upgrade so I can play Sun. What do you recommend?
Is the regular, not XL, better?
>sold this kid a game.
>coworker mentions how his porn finished downloading
>reply with how i don't download
>hear the customer finally leave the store
Were there alot of people waiting in line?
Also, what state?
Any cute girls show up?
people want limited interaction and dude i gave those out like candy
I'd go with Stalin cause if you didn't give up that food he put you in the fuckin ground you silly cunt
you've got a Blue 3DS XL. What are you going to upgrade to?
store had like 8-10 heads around 9. was full by midnight. sold around 70 copies. NH
not really
Oh shit, someone else who lives in this state. Which Gamestop?
What was the cute chick to neckbeard ratio?
>actually saw a dude with the flyest fadora
>cute chicks
pick one.
Which version sold most?
Don't worry, I'm not the kind of fag who's gonna ask for a meetup or some shit. I hate everyone who posts here, myself included.
I just want to know if you work for one of the good ones.
It was ok.
how many $99 N3DS did you get in stock for black friday?
>all these grown ass men
this is what i imagine Sup Forumstards look like
Definitely moon.
Just found out there are over 700 Pokemon now.
I'm trying to grab something for a raffle
>"here's a red one!"
this dude scoffs and says
>"he means litten"
and all I'm thinking is what bliss that kid is under.
>man in a dress
>that braid
Did you really take this tonight? Or at all?
wow, i want to believe he lost a bet
you on the right?
I wish
>retarded sunglasses at a midnight release
>paired with a pony tail
>the "i want to be a girl" hambeast ,presumably, with him
>Looks like maybe an downsy albino with them
>fat arthur and his idiot kids
>the "buy us cigarettes" group that can't handle the excitement
>best buy
>boxed 2000s and 360s
>all those shitty ds games
Where the fuck do you live dudebro?
how many fedoras did you see?
>midnight releases
How does it feel knowing that Best Buy and Amazon are better sources for buying vidya?
Is gamestop the best place to go to on black friday for that 100 dollar new 3ds?
How many units did you guys recieve?
Would you guys mind if i called and asked how many you have so i can compare?
Do you guys hand out tickets or is it more of a rush?
What time would you recommend me to be in line by?
Sorry if that's too many questions. Many thanks if you can answer them OP.
Not as bad as i imagined, to be honest. Maybe the worst ones are scared of showing their faces.
just the one bump
>There are still people who don't buy online like a true neet
Why embarass yourself?
What kind of person gets their game at a midnight release on a Thursday night?
What kind of person waits in line at a midnight release on a Thursday night?
These can't be normal people.
answer his question, faggot! Follow the rules of your own thread.
>pre order sun last week on amazon
>only 32 bucks instead of 40
>plebs complaining that amazon wont deliver theirs until the 22nd
>bumped up to release date delivery for free
would've been perfect if i actually had the console already
You're the fucking casual that has to post here for rationalization.
Why is this board infested with normalfags like you?
Get the fuck out holy shit
have you ever diddled a kid who couldn't pay for a video game with money? I heard gamestop employees offer games for kid diddling.
anyone here go to midnight releases for games they dont plan on buying and then buy anime weeaboo games? I try and make sure I set one up every week.
So is it safe to get it off freeshop and play it online now?
>ask me anything