Is there a point to buying this when one could buy from the JP store instead?
Aside from supporting localizations.
Noah Powell
If you already have it then no. Other than that it's cheaper and has translated menues. I think also romanji subtitles.
David Gray
I see. I guess i'll buy it again.
Angel Harris
Thanks for your patronage.
Jordan Mitchell
>You're going to buy Mikus game, right? It's digital only. I already did.
>Is there a point to buying this when one could buy from the JP store instead? Not really. Jap menus aren't that hard to navigate.
>Aside from supporting localizations. AFAIK there are no localizations, the song lyrics are in romaji, even for the songs that already were localized in other DIVA games.
Matthew Diaz
I already did, but I'll double dip because I can. Do we get themes like the JP release?
Kevin Mitchell
Nothing on themes yet. You'll probably have to buy them from PSN.
Lucas Adams
SO I've just played Project Diva f so far, but I rather enjoyed it
Will Future Tone have all the cosmetic shit you can dress them up with during the songs? Do the songs have those crazy-ass music videos that go along with them? Those really set Project Diva apart from all the other "generic blank background with scrolling notes" that most rhythm games seem to go by
Ryan Jackson
Mostly yes, there are some PVs that are not in the game though. For example World's End Dancehall looks completely different in PDf 2nd than it does in FT.
How does the splitting of the game work exactly? Is it just the full game for $54 or a game plus two dlcs separate.
Liam Allen
free game with 2 (I think) songs
2 DLCs, 29.99 each if you just want to buy one of them
53.99 for both DLCs
Carter Clark
The game consists of 3 parts. Prelude which is basically the base game comes with 2 songs, Colorful Tone which has Project Mirai / Arcade songs comes with 95 songs and is 30$, Future Sound is 127 songs from the PSP / Vita / PS3 games is also 30 bucks. If you buy both packs it's 54$.
Henry Edwards
It's decent. Haven't used it much the past two days, but I plan on doing recordings soon.
You get the Prelude, which is free and comes with 2 songs, Future Sound and Colorful Tone, 29.99 each. The whole package is $53.99
Julian Ortiz
Shit that's pretty good. Makes me infinitely regret getting Diva X
Elijah Perry
Luke Fisher
Owen Kelly
The only Miku song I know is Senbonzakura since it got an Idolm@ster cover. Is it in this game?
Jacob Harris
Yes. Twice even.
Brayden Rivera
They haven't announced the Season Pass, but it shouldn't be much longer until they do. The songs on it are gonna be from the Arcade FT currently.
Alexander Gutierrez
Aight that's cool I can get behind this game then.
Ryan Jones
It's only coming to the west, because they already sucked the east dry of money.
Enjoy your $1200 worth of day one dlc.
Adrian Cooper
Already got the JP version and season pass....But yeah i'll buy it again to support localization.
Tfw your favorite miku song isn't in the ps4 version yet. Any word on this track being in the next song pack? It's coming in December and i still haven't seen any information what songs will be in it.
Damn that means my song won't be in the December pack if you're going by release date.. Oh well, Eventually is a lot better than Never ever.
Brandon Barnes
You'll end up paying more probably. Jap version is ~$80, plus extra for buying a Jap PSN card. The US version is rumored to cost either $40 or $60.
Oliver Powell
Do you know if SPiCa is the non concert version or not?? I hate the damn public interfering with the song and the godawful acoustic of the 39 giving's day edition.
Kayden Reed
>The US version is rumored to cost either $40 or $60. It's literall 54$ for the complete pack and 30$ for each of the two packs.
I know, it's probably due to a weird licencing issue.
Cooper Reyes
The important part is to have fun.
Caleb Nelson
I'm casual shitter (struggling to clear some songs on Normal, only managing Perfects on _Easy and that one Kaito), and I still have a lot of fun in this game. As said, as long as you have fun it doesn't matter if you're good or bad. Also there's really good feeling when after a few tries you manage to achieve something that initially you thought would be impossible for you.
I am trying to get better, pls no bully.
Owen Morris
>tfw WED will never get the F PV So many songs need alternate PVs but only Electric Angel has one
I'm mad
Logan Ramirez
I've playing nothing but Miku the last 6 months. I can't wait to monopolise my family's TV in January.
Alexander Morgan
It's far cheaper than the Japanese version.
Daniel Martinez
>You're going to buy Mikus game, right? It's digital only. Sorry, I only buy physical.
Ayden Wright
I love physical copies as much as the next guy, but refusing to buy a digital game that literally has no physical version is nothing short of retarded.
Lincoln Sanchez
It does have physical release, although it may be a bit on the expensive side.
Blake Hall
Giving the frequent updates of the game, a physical version would be useless. You'll end needing the disc only to check the license of the game before launching the data in the HDD, which is retarded.
>That cable management
Joseph Allen
>This will be my life after January 10
Blake Robinson
I don't think you'll be so happy when you're struggling to clear even the easiest songs on Hard because this game is fucking insane
Jack Carter
>not liking a challenge
Angel Fisher
I'm just saying, this is Diva on a whole other level
Alexander James
It's not that bad. Perfecting them is harder but you can pretty much cheese any song through.
Brayden Nguyen
I'm prepared for a ride (at least mentally).
But desu I've seen harder charts on DDR (before you ask, official charts) and there you are supposed to use your feet. I almost died when I cleared Can't stop falling in love in heavy on a max 2 arcade machine that needed a little maintenance
Aiden Roberts
You bring your favorite vocaloid great dishonor.
Liam Wilson
DDR is fucked up
You have to actually be /fit/ to get good at that Probably a good workout though
Robert Morris
Connor Hall
It's okay, Meiko would never get angry or disappointed on me. We love each other so much.
Easton Torres
I'm actually slender and my physical skills were quite good when I played regularly, but has been years since I touched a dance mat.
But yeah, the charts from the last few ddr games look like can be only beaten with a keyboard.
Julian Diaz
Of course ill buy the same game twice Hopefully there's english subs
Adrian Walker
Depends. How many 鬱P songs are there?
Thomas Evans
I used to see all sorts of fat people playing DDR because they would just hold the bar and never actually move their upper body.
Blake Myers
>Meiko And I thought I was alone
Aaron Kelly
Alexander Parker
William Butler
Meiko is cute, CUTE!
Tyler Jones
DDR is the best way to lose weight/burn calories if you're a rhythm game obsessed freak
I got a nice little setup in my basement with a PS2, Xbox, Gamecube with 10 different versions of DDR across the platforms and some foam mats. Been getting into standard doubles mode lately, it's some intense shit for a chubby fuck like me.
Jaxon Brown
Josiah Morales
>just bought PDX two months ago >now there's two (2) new ones
Hunter Bell
If it was coming in a box I would have bought it again, like I have every Miku game that's eventually come west.
Not this time
Cameron Taylor
>two (2) new ones Future Tone is only one game
Jonathan Long
Will i like this if I've only played IA/VT?
Christian Cox
Do you like vocaloid music and / or rhythm games?
Julian Turner
>no wowoka DROPPED
Jordan White
Didn't Future Tone come out in Japan before X in the West?
Eli Hall
Do you mean wowaka? Because he has like 3 or 4 songs in this.
Isaiah Gutierrez
X came out on Vita, then Future Tone, then X on PS4
Jason Sanders
Jaxson Morris
It has Two faced lovers, Rolling Girl, World's End Dancehall and Unhappy Refrain
Carson Wood
Then you'll probably like it. Check out some gameplay though to make sure.
Now that Sega localize this gané that many think it was imposible do you think they will localize pso2?
Kevin Sullivan
You'll be used to it in no time and probably even find it easier because IA/VT uses arrows and buttons separately while Diva uses them as the same key (up is triangle, right is circle and so on)
But is a very fun game, you can check out the Diva f and X demos on your Vita.
Sebastian Harris
>default prompt setting Consider me triggered
Lucas Cook
Reminder that Luka is so gay they had to make a straight version.
Logan Ross
Obligatory >tfw no Gumi
Jaxson Morgan
>and note sounds not muted. Double triggered.
Asher Rogers
Meiko would be too drunk to care
Josiah Lewis
>Using default settings >Using default or canonical modules only >Not using accesories >Not muting note sounds >Not caring about perfecting songs
Brandon Perry
I like the note sounds, it helps me find out where I fucked up and how.
Lucas Lee
>Using default or canonical modules only >Not using accesories >Not muting note sounds I do all of these because I don't care about customization and note sounds let me know when the press registers
Note sounds are the only reason I found out that Mirai drops inputs.