After falling for NuSimcity a while ago I was so mad enough to stop playing city sims for a longer while. Today I finally tried Cities Skylines because it's cheap as fuck right now and I am having a fucking blast. I am so mad I haven't bought it instead of sim city. Any tips for begginers ?
Cities Skylines
beat it shill
Can't you really talk about video games here anymore without being called a shill ? I am not telling you to buy this fucking game. Hell, don't ever buy any video game as far as I am concerned. I just wanted some tips or maybe screenshots from other Sup Forumsirgins who play this game. Fuck off.
I only played it a little, so the only advice I can give you is plan the roads from the start, or you will get buttfucked by traffic.
Have a good one, dude.
It may be a little dated now, but I still think that Sim City 4 with mods is hands down the best the genre has to offer
stfu neo/v/
but really user its a pretty good game but traffic is important so leave space to expand
The key to successful city traffic is to aim for 0 traffic light.
>Use highway as main road. Dont afraid to put highway inside the city.
>Use roundabout for intersections
>Use tunnels to relief specific roads
your city is shit
Kill yourself, that's my top tip
Working good enough so far fampai, although I might've fucked my roads up.
or just expand beyond cca70k ppl because the agent limit limits the amount of vheicles that can spawn. with really huge cities you basicly get a ghost town
I had fun with skylines for a bit until a I realized its very shallow as a city management game, and I still occasionally hit up the earlier sims cities to get that itch fixed.
Speaking of looks like I'm going to be starting a new city in 3000 today.
Nice district names. Try to limit the amount of intersections; dont shy away from culdesacs. Find a traffic guide for this game so you know what you are doing. Your current road plan is a recipe for disaster. When your city will be larger, your roads will clog up faster than shit on a sieve.
You have. The second you start an industrial district it will collapse. Low tier residential and commercial don't generate a lot of traffic or population. You can have most of the map filled with low tier residentials and 1/25th of the map filled with high density buildings and they will generate most of your income and population
Don't try to apply too much SC4 logic, 'tis my tip.
>3 houses and then an intersection
American roads kek
oh there arent even 3 houses, only 2 houses and then a big ass intersection
>highway inside city
highways dont have pedestrian sidewalks
normal roads can remove traffic lights too with a simple top-10 mod
Different user, is there any reason to for me to play SC4?
I've played 2000 and 3000 for years but never felt they need to play 4, does it bring anything worthwhile over its predecessors?
(heavily) modded SC4 is fantastic, but I can't compare it with 2000 or 3000 because I don't remember them at all.
I've tried to get into CS multiple times, always end up just piddling around with a shity (sub 100k pop) and then delete/restart, etc.
Never really """got gud"""
max residential square being the same as max anything else square is dumb.
Don't listen to anyone else. Perfect cities are boring. Do whatever the hell you want. Do stupid things and make them work.
>beat it shill
faggot memespouter who can't even see a good game
megacity no1 dot jpg
this is waiting for accidents
In compensation of being dumb, the AI drivers are a hivemind and drive perfectly between eachother and never have accidents. That's why you should try to avoid intersections with traffic lights because it will slow things down rather than everyone driving into them at full speed from all directions and somehow making it through. Roundabouts are very powerful for this reason and you can fix pretty much every chokepoint by adding more roundabouts.
no shit they also noclip through eachother i am talking about how retarded that intersection looks
>Live in town of 50000
>Square grid with intersections as far as the eye can see
>Traffic flows fine
>Build Skylines city grid and reach 50000
>Total fucking gridlock
You are gonna enjoy the traffic in the wide roads with that many intersections