So Sup Forums, what's the verdict on this game?
Planet Coaster
Other urls found in this thread:
Optimization disaster
not cracked so shit game
more like deNOvo
The cracked version of this game isnt even out yet
So, no discussion until that, just like lots of upcoming unreleased games.
Like every other denuvo game?
good if you just want to autistically create park shit, shit if you want to actually be challenged in managing a functional theme park
Is it better than NoLimits 2?
This desu
The amount of shit you can build from scratch (literally entire buildings, see
>reee why cant i play the newest games on my 10 year old toaster
its a theme park sim game, nl2 is still the best coaster sim but it isnt an actual game, planet coaster is
>being this poor
my personnel GOTY
this senpai
havent been so happy with a game since Cities Skylines
Yeah, it's a damn shame the management part is absolute trash. They give you so much access to information that just doesn't matter - there's never any serious pressure like there was in RCT.
seems like a solid game, but it lacks the charm of RCT 1/2's sprites.
I slightly regret my purchase. I mean it's not a bad game, just not something you really "play".
is there another game you play instead then?
Kills performance
Requires a permanent connection or it stops working within 24 hours.
Will stop working completely once Frontier cancels the contract with Denuvo and stops paying for it.
Don't buy games wich are broken by design.
oh yeah remember that denuvo game that sold like 10 million copies and then the devs just pulled it off and 10 million people couldnt play anymore?
yeah man it was all over the news
did they fuck their customers over huh?
oh man remember buying planet coaster, downloading it on steam, connecting it to the servers thus unlocking it, pulling your ehternet cable and you could still play? oh yeah but you didnt get updates then which is logical. Yeah really broken by design man
>piratefags coming up with buthurt excuses
Not the worst optimization out there, but still sub-par on decent computers.
Denuvo means you won't be playing it for free for a while if you're a cheap-ass.
Pretty fun if you like autism-building amusement parks.
Final grade: Thick Fox Mascot/10
do you get paid per post or per word?
RCT3 was extremely easy.
>do you get paid per post or per word?
Per line. This is the reason why the Indian shitter always presses Return twice.
Denuvo is broken shit and those fags are contractually obligated to reply to any of my posts. :^)
Are you speaking as someone with the experience of a simulator god with 2000 hours in civ games? Will someone like me who sets these kinds of games on low difficulty find it fun? Are there goals and milestones it lays out for you?
RCT was only good with 1 and 2. It fell apart after that.
>yet another tycoonshit
>lack of optimization
inb4 waaah piratefag
>Denuvo means you won't be playing it for free for a while if you're a cheap-ass.
Denuvo means you get fucked if you're stupid enough to pay for it.
Freeloaders are never affected by DRM.
What's the name of that other RCT game? But the one that's more like RCT2?
Those yelling Optimization disaster havent updated their driver so far 60fps on high testing with 290x and 770 and 970
>mmuh poorfags
underage, leave
>someone makes perfect good logical points
>i know lets do the jew/paid/shilling meme
fuck off
Been playing since the closed alpha and having a blast
didnt even know it had denuvo until Sup Forums mentioned it
>wtf I hate the game now
Seriously though the amount of butt hurt children on this board is astounding
And? honestly if I were to lose internet for 24 hours i'll probably kill myself life is too boring
great sandbox comfy game, if you want to just build shit, this is the game
too simple, very little micromanagement options, too easy
basically it's RCT3 with a bit more customization and a better interface and UI
source on this 24 hour thing?
Yes, this shill is contractually obligated to reply to every post mentioning Denuvo is shit.
It gets paid per line, which is the reason, why it makes so much empty lines.
Can't be more obvious.
>someone who has paid for the game isnt bothered with denuvo shit
>omg he is shilling!!!!
>honestly if I were to lose internet for 24 hours i'll probably kill myself life is too boring
You need to see a mental doctor. You have a serious problem.
And I wasn't talking about RCT3. Who ever is referring to 3 when you say 'RCT'?
I am quite interested in management games, but I'm not a 2000-hour Civ God. If you're not into the challenge of the game, then you'll be fine. The making of things is really enjoyable and gives the player good feedback.
I enjoy the game; I just wish that part was more developed is all. I find building games are made more fun by offering pressing challenges to the player that they have to respond to when building and designing - otherwise it's just a pretty sandbox.
The shill is proving my point, shill has to reply to every post mentioning Denuvo is shit.
They aren't allowed to ignore it.
fuck off
Idk it's something that piratefags talk about like it even matters
Even then Denuvo only exist because of pirates so to hear them cry about how you can play the game 10 years later is funny because its their fault
Its like hearing a thief cry about stealing a car and not being able to use the warranty 10 years later to get the car to run again
>they are not allowed to ignore
yes, they are.
it runs at 60 fps 1080p on my system
390x i5 4670k
Hello and welcome to the denuvo helpdesk. You seem to have a complaint about our system. Well if you would just buy our games you wouldn't have problems with it.
Golly, 1 sheckel has been added to my account now
kek you got told
frontier has said on their forums the game just needs one time connection/registration
after that you can cut your internet cable and still play
you just wont get updates which is logical
Denuvo kills performance.
Denuvo trashes SSDs.
Denuvo only works with a permanent connection.
Denuvo increases game prices.
Denuvo lowers game quality.
Denuvo fucks only paying customers.
Game runs like dogshit after 2k guests even on 6600k and 1070 systems...
>pirating is stealing
why do buyfags so clinically retarded? even law does not agree with your moronic shit
inb4 you actually get some coasters and visitors in your park and the FPS tanks.
>after that you can cut your internet cable and still play
You cannot. Denuvo requires contact to Denuvo servers every 24 hours.
stop feeding this shill
>why do buyfags so clinically retarded?
They aren't buyfags, they get paid to shill this shit here.
Can I play Planet Coaster offline?
Updated: Thursday 17th November 2016
Planet Coaster supports Steam's Offline Mode. In order to use this you will need to start the game online once on first launch to enable Offline Mode later.
In order to enable Offline Mode please follow Steam's instructions on how to do this:
Start Steam online - make sure the Remember my password box on the login window is checked
Verify that all game files are completely updated - you can see the update status for a game under the Library section (when the game shows as 100% - Ready it is ready to be played in Offline Mode)
Launch the game you would like to play offline to verify that there are no further updates to download - shut down the game and return to Steam once you have confirmed that the game can be played
Go to Steam > Settings to ensure the Don't save account credentials on this computer option is not selected
From the main Steam window, go to the Steam menu and select Go Offline
Click Restart in Offline Mode to restart Steam in Offline Mode
For further information on using Steam's offline mode please see Steam's full FAQ article here.
Please be aware that you will need to have an active connection and be using Steam and Planet Coaster online in order to make use of the Steam Workshop features or recieve further patch updates.
t. Bitbeard
>piratecucks spreading bullshit because they are so buthurt they cant play the game for free
>Planet Coaster supports Steam's Offline Mode. In order to use this you will need to start the game online once on first launch to enable Offline Mode later.
>go into steam offline mode
>start game
>error message pops up
>please start steam in online mode
ok so pirating is for faggots, so can we get some real opinions on the game?
lel, even neets a better than human beings than shills
no thanks
To be fair, most denuvo games do require daily or relatively frequent online verification, or you must visit the denuvo website and manually authorize the game for a limited period of time. One-check during the game's lifetime denuvo is rather unheard of.
>gasping at straws this hard
do you have self respect?
It's good
Crashes a lot though
>Denuvo kills performance.
>Denuvo trashes SSDs.
Only 1 reported case out of the millions of users that use it
>Denuvo only works with a permanent connection
Depends on the developer.
>Denuvo increases game prices.
Uh.... no.... even planet coaster is only $40
>Denuvo lowers game quality.
no? how would it the developers didnt make it their time goes to making the game
>Denuvo fucks only paying customers.
Usually yes but we can thank pirates for that, not Denuvo or the people that make the game
Is there any actual sources on any of these? I've asked and seen this asked a few times in threads that have Denuvo but nobody ever fucking posts any proof.
at least i dont come up with bullshit excuses
i like the game and i paid for it and people who dont pay for it cant play it
i dont give a fuck, im enjoying it and probably am gonna play some more later tonight
its just so cringeworthy to see all these piratecucks coming up with the most retarded farfetched arguments as to why anti-piracy is bad, its hilarious and sad at the same time
I'm really liking it, but I'm thirsting to make terrain/a basic layout in sandbox then bring it into challenge mode since just staring from Challenge mode forces you to get your ducks in order before you can start messing around with stuff
>some 3rd animal
>self respect
Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the news this week. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is Denuvo cracked? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Denuvo to be perfect and fix this broken hobby. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought it was uncrackable???? This is so fucked.
The more it costs them, the better.
It's just a bunch of bullshit. "Offline mode" is not really offline. Once you cut the connection for real, all those broken Denuvo games stop working.
Oh look, another shill posting!
Shills are contractually obligated to reply to this, simply ignore it, if you are not one.
It honestly is sad.
nigga you crazy if you think im udating my nvidia drivers after the last two being complete utter dog shit.
>Pirating isnt steal, Hear just look at the countless arguements that pop-up over the subject
>Look at my complicated long comic strip explaining my point of view
>Guy made product - guy is selling product
>I am taking the product for free, it isnt stealing
>Look at the few rare cases a pirate got away with stealing it cause the judge didnt understand
>Ignore the thousand of court rulings of stealing music online finding the pirate guilty
I honestly cant tell if this Sup Forums meme of pirating isnt stealing is real or not
>Oh look, another shill posting!
please call me some more shill this is great but im missing out on some quality Planet Coaster time :^)
>bullshit exuses
>bad thing
you are on chans, moronic 3rd trash.
>Can only yell Shill cant even defend their weak point of view
Jesus christ that just fucking sad c'mon little cuck try to be a big boy you can learn more words than shill
C'mon you can do it I know it must be hard with the public school highest education brain but you can do it
so we have officially gone offtopic now then have we
b-but denuvo destroys ssd's right and i can never play it when i dont have internet and the companies just shut down the game without ever telling you right?
>pirates being obnoxious about being a parasite while simultaneously not being able to be a parasite because DRM stops them from illegally playing a game
do you have brain of chimp?
>Is there any actual sources on any of these?
Most of them are wrong. Denuvo doesn't kill SSDs unless you're trying to crack it on an SSD like the russian that reported it.
Denuvo DOES have some overhead, and it usually does require always-online which is absolutely ridiculous for a single player game. It also prevents modding that involves the executable (think about how shit Bethesda game modding would be without script extenders and other utilities that rely on modding the exec).
Denuvo does generally mean the game is going to be low quality, because in almost all cases it isn't a method of preventing piracy and thus allowing devs/publishers to focus more on game quality. In general, Denuvo is a means of hiding a shit game behind a wall for pirates so they can't download, realize it's shit, and give the game bad press. People who buy the game are much less likely to shit on it even if it's bad.
I was on the fence about buying this game but honestly Denuvo is a deal breaker
>im missing out on some quality Planet Coaster time
Frontier's unoptimized garbage doesn't even run on shill's third world toaster. Does the monkey even have a PC? Or is it using a phone?
Notice how the shill spews just generic marketing bullshit. Shill doesn't know shit about the game it shills, because really never played it one second.
And next minute shill is going to shill something entirely different.
You don't argue with shills, you expose them.
you are shill or retarded underage
stealing is when you take something, not copy it.
Anyone else having a blast that piratefags finally got BTFO?
I dont even care if the game hogs my cpu, this is so great
finally the world is fair again and pc gaming is saved
Shill us some more, retarded monkey.
you are only one obnoxious, newfag.
Pirates get BTFO every time an always online game is released. This isn't anything new.
>3rd biotrash
>calling somebody parasite
>shill shill shill shilling shill shill
_____________________ PIRATEKEKS BTFO ____________________
>Can only use the word shill
>Cant even properly defend point of view
>Taking something for free that someone is charging money for isn't stealing!!! we're just copying it!!!!
>I'm not stealing money I've just copying a design and printing my own IT'S NOT STEALING!!!!
>mom look i am trolling Sup Forumseeee
how cute, shill got triggered
I want to fug that fox
>you're shilling!!!
>you're trolling!!!
really dude?
Notice how shills never talk about real game experiences? You find out nothing about the actual game Planet Coaster.
It always boils down to generic marketing lingo
>having a blast!
>a better version of $competitors_product!
or simply something copied and pasted from the Steam Store page.
The reason is that paid shills don't play video games. They get paid to spam boards with empty lines, so their posts look larger.
tfw Sup Forums is now /s4s/
i swear to god if anyone says the word shill one more time i'm gonna
Unsourced bullshit that piratefags love to spout.