I've been playing a lot of Skyrim SE recently and have come to terms with the fact that Skyrim is actually a good game.
Are you man enough to admit that at one point you loved Skyrim?
I've been playing a lot of Skyrim SE recently and have come to terms with the fact that Skyrim is actually a good game.
Are you man enough to admit that at one point you loved Skyrim?
Never played it.
Sup Forums the post.
>Never played it, but it's shit.
>Sup Forums the post
I love the game. Just make me angry that with little more work, ambition and polishing, it could have been a great game instead of a good game
Dumbed down game, still fun
Nah, it will never be a good game.
People only like it because there aren't any alternatives.
I still fucking love Skyrim. I accept it was simple and held my hand. I play games that don't as well. It was comfy and I love micromanagement. I don't look for a reason to call it shit. If I'm having fun, then I'm going to keep playing.
this 100x
bethesda will never return to morrowind glory days
Needs more and deeper quests
No, I instantly couldn't deal with the lack of scale. Like we are told X place is a city but it's just two streets and a few houses. Really turned me off.
I liked it because in the first few hours it actually feels like the world is incredibly open and I can deal with dumbed down mechanics. It's a shame there weren't many quests and those in the game lacked depth. I can see why many people here mourn Morrowind. I would've loved some alien ambiente. I know it's stupid to demand alien environments in a game which is based on vikings and celts. But why didn't Beth include a few islands, in previous games Nords were praised as adventurers, sailors and merchants. What have you got in Skyrim? Riften and a meadery. Fuck, I expected a dwarven city capital inhabited by Norda. Markarth is neat but far from what I've expected. And why aren't there more mining sites? Fuck they could've created changed Markarth into a mining city which counterbalances Riften and some third shit in Dawnstar.
Yeah it's really off-putting, seeing as even Oblivion was way better in that regard. I think it's still better to have some shitty small cities where everything is hand-crafted and you could open every container than TW3 and Novigrad which is fuckhuge and beautiful the first few times around until you realize that you can't access 99% of the town and are essentially fluff with the same people walking the same 2 steps they do everytime with the same 8 faces in total.
>Sup Forums likes skyrim
I still like Skyrim. Disappointed in some changes, but I still like it.
Now Fallout 4 was the first Bethesda game for me where the disappointment outweighed the enjoyment, which can only mean the next elder scrolls game is going to be a pile of shit to me
Good.. Skyrim special deluxe definitive edition coming soon and you should consider pre-ordering it!
The game sadly lacks replayability because you can literally do anything on your first run but it was fun for the first play trough and mods make the game kinda replayable but I still prefer Morrowind probably just for nostalgia feelings
I did enjoy it, once, years ago, when Bethesda had the promise of making great, 9/10 games.
I had just bought the game, and since I liked Oblivion I figured that Skyrim would be good too. And it was... For the first few hours. As time progressed, I enjoyed it less and less, until I began to hate it, and see it for the monster it truly is. But yet I continued, getting about 200 hours into, because I did enjoy it. It was not a good enjoyment. It was the kind of enjoyment one might get from playing World of Warcraft.
Skyrim is evil, and will lead to the downfall of gaming.
Of course user, I loved Skyrim very much too. I just bought the remastered version, it was worth every penny.
I hope everyone in this thread managed to get a copy too.
I never did, actually. Leveling is slow as fuck and character development is completely gimped compared to previous TES games.
yeah, playing it now is taking me back to those fond memories when it first released.
I didn't actually think it was possible to have nostalgia for Skyrim, but fuck me I guess time just flies by and it's actually been years at this point.
gonna keep playing until I get sick of it, but will probably dump about 100 hours total into it.
Sure, I can admit that.
You can only realise all the dungeons are linear and samey after you've done a few of them after all. Up until that point it's still pretty fun but now I'd need over 150 mods just to bother starting it up.
It's one of the comfiest games ever made.
I thought it was fun during my first playthrough but every time I've revisited it just seems hollow. The shell of something good is there but it's just so one note and everything feels lackluster. It just seems sloppily made and lazy and if Bethesda would've just taken the extra step then maybe that wouldn't be so obvious.
welp, as much as this game is fucking flawed and I like to complain about it, I did play it for more than 100 hours, so the game must have been doing something right
i will say that its just GOTY material with it's vast world and great gameplay. wish only i could pay for some mods.
Indeed, user