Will we ever get a game with these cool hedgehogs?
Will we ever get a game with these cool hedgehogs?
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Austism alert
Sonia made it into a game already.
Sonya gave me the biggest boners. I used to love the episodes where she walked around barefeet.
>Stupid austic Americans trying to force their original crap into the mainline again
Not happening with these two fuck up, not happening with Sally. The only reason Sticks got an official sonic channel page was because one, they like the French more than you, and two, because they helped out on creating her.
There is a romhack were you can play as Sonia but that's all
Wait, Bartleby was actually a sonic character from the cartoon? I thought he was just the autists muscle fetish OC.
Can I get a rundown of Sonic Underground?
I literally just heard about this show from people memeing about it.
Is it actually good?
If you want an actual answer, no. Aside from the fact that Sega would never acknowledge the cartoons in the games, Sega also doesn't allow the comics to mention Underground's existence, despite the several AoSTH and SatAM characters present.
IIRC, Sonic and his siblings (Manic and Sonia I think) were royalty. After they were born their mother the queen visits a gypsy or something who predicts Robotnik taking over her kingdom and if she didn't go into hiding they would be captured.
So she takes her kids and gives them to 3 different couples to raise them. Except for Manic who was kidnapped and raised by thieves instead.
The show was about them fighting Robotnik and looking for their mom. With songs in every episode.
Autism incarnate
Despite using character designs from sonic Sat AM, it doesn't really take any inflience from the games like it's predecessor.
Basically the world is ruled by a pink hedgehog queen, who goes to a weird creatire fortune teller that predicts Robuttnik is going to overthrow her. So she hides her children, which happen to be Sonic and his two made up siblings. The goal of the show is for them to find their mother and stop Robotnik.
For some reason they have magical amulets that turn into laser guns, that also turn into magical instruments that serve as weapons. Sonic still goes fast despite these unnecessary powers. They're also an underground rock and roll band or something.
Yes, the amulet concept is most likely where Chris-Chan got his medallion idea from.
Also Robotnik has two anthro wolf minions for some reason, despite still being a robotic expert and having robotic minions.
here is baby sonic with his mother and siblings
who is the father?
Exploding Babies
I can't believe this is official
its ugly as something DA will do
The whole series was like some sort of DA Prophecy
>Hey let's have sonic in a garage band because kids love that
>Hey let their instruments serve as weapons because sonic speed wasn't enough
>Hey let's have these instruments spawn from magic medallions and have them all fire laser beams
Stop it, Christine
To be fair vidya Sonic was originally supposed to be in a band.
Bad ideas are scrapped for a reason.
Sonic was created to compete against Mario, it's a product of marketing.
I still can't understand how the franchise is still relevant, it's just shit game after shit game. Sonic Boom bombed but thats it, it seems like Sonic games sell on name alone.
I liked Sonic Underground though.
Autism power, the fans still blindly love the games and have nostalgia for them despite not being that great.
Something about it resonates with autism. The designs, the stories, they're like the sum of every autistic fantasy an autistic child might have had growing up, which involves mishmashing all their favorite media and fantasies into one bag.
>falling for obvious bait
Kids like Sonic, and despite RoL being a huge trainwreck, every other aspect of Sonic Boom was moderately successful. The cartoon managed to get a second season despite CN actively trying to sabotage it.
They just kicked it off CN and threw it on Boomerang, they gonna make sure there is no third season.
>Hating on Sleet and Dingo
Scourge is gone.
I love Sonic but the cartoons and comics can fuck off.
No but they're gay as fuck so I can only assume you meant to post THIS bamf.
Obligatory webm
Man, I fucking LOVED this show when I was a 6yo.
Who's this semen incubus?
Will we ever get another Sonic cartoon as good as SatAM?
thanks for announcing yourself
We probably won't get another Sonic cartoon after Boom, and even if we do it sure as shit won't deviate as hard as SatAM did.
jesus fucking christ
more like six feet underground
pretty much.
I don't follow sonic or anything but when I see those designs from "underground" or whatever I think of -him-.