>add someone from Sup Forums
>they're some ERP gay furry
Every. Single. Fucking. Time. Why?
>add someone from Sup Forums
>they're some ERP gay furry
Every. Single. Fucking. Time. Why?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not ERPing back
What are you? Homosexual?
*growls and snarls while showing fangs*
because Sup Forums is prison gay and anything is better than nothing
jesus christ how horrifying
>that font
Fucking awful
You just wanted to show your shitty layout fuck off
*Growl at OP, showing off thick, throbbing Dog Penis*
that user's just being tsundere, he wants your dick OP
add me up losers
>that font
What part of the roman empire do you live in?
that's what you deserve, anyone posting on Sup Forums from any device that isn't a desktop computer should be permabanned
>Get random steam add.
>They're constantly buying games.
>Constantly gifting games.
>Put their full name on their profile one day
>I google it
Seriously. Confirming every furry cliche ever. Guy has news articles about him.
>Growls at you
Lmao, this guy has to be a meme.
fucking wrong.
>Add 3 guys from Sup Forums for GTAV heists
>one guy is a total "THAT kid" who tries to control everything. He totally fucks with everyone, tries to assign roles, pretends he's an elite player
>Second guy is quiet but alright, he doesn't take a strong side either way against or for THAT kid
>3rd guy is completely silent the entire way through
>THAT kid and 2nd guy start talking
>discuss how they're both virgins
>talk about how they live in a state next to eachother
>Start talking about how blowjobs might feel
>Start convincing themselves that meeting up and giving eachother gay blowjobs wouldn't be homosexual because they're both virgins and don't know how it feels, therefore they're just preparing eachother for what it might feel like one day so it's not gay
Last time I've ever played with Sup Forums.
>you'll never have a steampimp that showers you in games you'll never play because you only play retro games
Calling him out for what he is. A fucking degenerate loser pretending to be a fucking wolf and a outcast disgrace to society. Purge all furfaggots.
>add people from Sup Forums do do heists
>they play ok and sometimes spout memes
>they all just suddenly stop playing gta
>tfw no one to do heists with anymore
Granted im not playing all the time but i like to do heists from time to time
I do. He's actually going to buy me and Xb1s soon and just bought me a n3ds
>man guilty of attempting to have sex with rottweiler
you can't make this shit up
what did he mean by this?
>Add someone from /tg/.
>They're immediately friendly, courteous and bring you into their own circle of friends.
>They suck at the game though.
I tried Sup Forums for heists ONE Time. It was the weekend that they released. That's when I got the weirdos doing mental gymnastics and convincing eachother meeting up and sucking eachothers dicks wouldn't be gay. Never tried a second time.
fucking Prussianfags, man
half of the people I play with on Sup Forums are meme-spouting faggots and it's the absolute worst. memes do not translate well to actual conversations and you're not fucking clever. just behave like a normal person.
I don't even play videogames
*roman salutes at you*
*salutes harder, showing my swastika*
>people from Sup Forums are scum of the earth
what a shock
I only got into gta during the summer sale and i generally had non faggots from Sup Forums and /vg/ to play with but most of them don't heist anymore and instead just keep grinding crates
*stiffens my tail to display discipline*
>somehow still better than reddit
Average Prussiaboo
Yeah I got people to free roam with. The trouble is making a heist team.
except not
>This thread
I need a new pair of sides
Show the rest, OP
I've got about a hundred friends on Steam, maybe 30-40 of them are from Sup Forums. A handful of those are from Sup Forums made groups, but a lot of them are from friend threads.
I've actually had pretty good experiences with Sup Forums people. A couple of them I've been in nearly daily contact with for years.
One of them was a pickpocket in Venice when she was a kid, and so when I was traveling abroad a few years back she actually gave me really good tips on how to avoid being pickpocketed. I ended up having somebody try to pickpocket me that very same day and her advice saved me, so that was cool.
I've had a couple turbofags that have tried to ERP but they're easy enough to ignore. I've been around the internet since it existed so you can't really shock me. If they're annoying I just ignore them.
If you wanna add me my id is brainwarts, avatar is Missle from Ghost Trick (cartoon pomeranian.)
>/d/ is for dickgirls
>10,209 members
>Add someone from Sup Forums
>He's a Neet on antidepressants
>Joins my ArmA 3 group after I recommended it
>He's bro-tier now and an enjoyable mate for our Missions
Didn't expect that much luck after experiencing hundreds of gay erp fags.
trust me it kind of sucks, they always buy games you really have no interest in then guilt you into playing them.
>add someone from Sup Forums
>he keeps recommending subrreddits that "aren't as bad as the ones on the main page"
That's when I knew Sup Forums had died for good.
>A neighbour claimed to have witnessed Edwards grab the rottweiler by its hind legs and thrust himself at it for about twenty or thirty seconds.
Checks out.
*notices your bulge*
*pounces u*
whats this :3c
>Join fantasy roleplay one time about a fantasy world where humans and furries live together on some fuck off website.
>End up making a totalitarian pro-human regime.
They just kind of went with it too.
After more than half my life spent online I still refuse to believe these type of people exist
Add me on SC im down for all heists especially humane labs JudolfKreditler
the non autists on Sup Forums don't add anyone from Sup Forums, that's why
add me up loser
whats THIS :3cccc
>that rp
Fucking cringe
There's magic in the air.
>posted my ID in plenty of steam friends threads
>never once get some weird ERP furry
It's disappointing, really.
*teleports behind you with the sound of a train horn, draws my flame thrower, and burns you alive*Heh heh, yiff in hell, you furry bastard.
>add some Weird ERP furry
>days later they are talking about how much they love me and want to be with me forever
it's like nigga we have only known each other for a few days
>add someone from Sup Forums
>it's a furfag
>add someone from Sup Forums again
>another furfag
>third time's the charm?
>nope, third furfag
I don't know what I was expecting.
Really? Because Sup Forums's transition from bitter hatred of steam to love of it as a social network was one of the big indicators for me that it was gone and never coming back.
I'll never know these annoyances, and it makes me a little sad.
I've seen this text conversation before why you lying op?
Always delete and block these people right away, it's never worth trying to be friends with them.
>Enjoy ERP (whether with fuckboys or female characters. Always uberdom male)
>legit hard gay males are always the clingiest of clingy needy motherfuckers
A few exceptions and they are awesome, but verified women in their 30s even one in their 50s were less clingy and needy. Seems like it's always the 18-22 that are needy.
>how to avoid being pickpocketed.
what did she say
Add me, I promise that not only am I not a furfag I will never talk to you.
I feel like if a qt girl or trap wrote to me like this, I'd instantly get hard
no one types like this except 22-30 year old hairy dudes and bronies
>ERP with women in their 30s
what the fuck mate where can I RP with some granny catlady
>uberdom male
>gift someone from Sup Forums a game
>the only time you talk is when he wants to remind you he still owes you for the game
3 years bro, I stopped caring a long time ago.
>Add someone from Sup Forums
>It's a cute nazi.
>*it was a hologram*
I bet stuff like "don't keep your wallet in your back pocket", "don't leave bags/zippers open".
It always amazes me how first worlders don't have to always look out for that.
Or a 50 year old naked japanese dude wearing stockings, gripping his cock so hard that his nob turns black.
>add someone from Sup Forums
>its a weeb or a furry
Ok more friends i guess
No shitposting using Junku please
what do your real friends do when they see these steam groups?
>add someone from Sup Forums
>its some weird clingy fag
>friends add him to talk to him and we laugh at his retarded antics
lol doopliss
I have only 2 steam friends.
>Add friend from /vg/
>Complete bro
>Not gay or mentally ill
>We're totally on the same wavelength on just about everything
>We just play vidya and talk about anime and shit every week
>add a bunch of random people Sup Forums over the years
>most of them are guys who are really into me
>don't have the heart to tell them i'm a black guy
>quietly remove them.