How does Sup Forums feel about this game
How does Sup Forums feel about this game
It's good
Fucking loved it. Too bad they didn't make any more beyond the ds game.
It's alright.
favorite gamecube game of all time
one of those games that i played a lot on my gamecube, had lots of good times with it
It's easily the worst game in the series (aside from the GBA one) but it's still pretty good.
Strike vanisher master race here
Still actually working on unlocking all rahu 3 parts. It's literally been over a decade
I've played it on dolphin a while ago
I really wished I would've played it as a kid, I never saw it in stores though.
Pretty good game.
10/10 game, fight me on Dolphin wiggers ith my Javelin set up
This game had a great sense of humor
Shitty pokemon rip off
Looking forward to the Switch game along with that Crystal Chronicles title they have lined up.
Here's your reply
Post loadouts.
>Milky Way
>Homing Star
>Straight S
>Speed P
>High Jump
>Strike vanisher master race
Combat is too shallow for my tastes, but as a kid it was cool/substantial.
Anyone have the one for DS?
Really? I never even finished the DS one but was completely captured by the gamecube one all the way through.
Should I revisit the DS one?
Yeah, sure. It actually has a story that isn't edgy as fuck and pants on head retarded, so that's a plus.
>implying the GC one was particularly edgy
>literally takes place in a post apocalyptic wasteland
>with the only survivors holed up in a single city
>this is somehow not edgy as fuck
The setting does not make a thing edgy, the tone does. And for the most part the game is pretty cheery and relatively light hearted
I rented and beat it back when it came out thought it was pretty fun.
Fine. Saccharine.
This game should have been as big as melee. large tournaments of this would be fun. so many different bot styles and crazy amount of weapons which are actually distinct from eachother
dont make me meme arrow you son
Eh, the mechanics lack nuance. It's a fun party game with tons of options but not a lot of room for sincere strategy. It's just fun to blow up robots. But a CR with deeper combat options and just as robust customization would be interesting.
so the n64 one or the ds one is better? Im playing the n64 one now and its nowhere near as polished and tight as the gamecube one. at least gameplay wise I like the aesthetic
that word doesn't fit either
i'd say it's pretty self-serious for a little Gamecube JRPG but overall fun and enjoyable. had some really great characters
DS one is way better. Only downside being lack of analog movement.
Nigga wut? You find most of the illegal parts just lying around on the ground during the 2nd story mode.
Just Google the locations (they're basically a few randomly placed interaction points hidden in the overworld) and move on with your life.
Also, Funky Bighead masterrace, GTFO with that *teleports behind you* shit.
Yes I used to use Halberd as my main forever until I realized BHs are for the patricians who got gud
>Custom Robo Arena
>story isn't pants on head retarded