This is what the god emperor of mankind thinks about vidya games. What do you think?

This is what the god emperor of mankind thinks about vidya games. What do you think?

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Everyone hates video games, including Sup Forums

I think thats politics not video games.

>It's just words folks.

>The Donald hates video games

No wonder why he's so popular here.

>unironically caring about what Trump says
I'll wait and see what he actually does

I think he's right. What normal human being enjoys violent video games?

I'll take the loss of video games in exchange for him making anime real.

Top kek

Who cares about violence in games? I just care about good gameplay. Most of my favorite games aren't very explicitly violent

many such cases!

It's not real you mouthbreathers

Video games got him elected. Who's the monster now??

Hillary thought the same thing. Almost like it's just a political talking point designed to reel in easy votes with idiots who don't know anything about video games.

>Dump would never say anything stupid! Its da media making it up


Is he wearing a toupee or is it really just 4 really long hairs curled up 1 thousand times?

>Trump thread

He should ban nigga music first

Does the Sonic guy run Trump's twitter?

Movies glorify violence too. Gas the kikes in Hollywood please after that you can do what you want

Fucking brutal

>you can't play golf in the snow, you stupid ass.


fuck drumpf and fuck white ppl


hes right.

look at everyone who plays video games and tell me they're not monsters.

he's matured since then.


Remember when people said "Keep politics out of my video games"?

True. I know people who play video games competively, and they act like angry faggots all the time.

half of what he says he doesn't actually believe. he just says what you dumb fuck americans want to hear.

I wonder how Sup Forums feels now that Trump's gone back on several of his policies that he said he'd do if he won. IE The Muslim ban (which he went back on) The Wall (now a fence, or may not happen period), and repealing nationwide same sex marriage.

It's just bantz you pussies.

Remember when Sup Forums had off topic thread once in awhile and everybody agree those were the best threads here?

And he's going to make sure that people who still play videogames past 18 mature too.

It's too late, I've already seen the Sessions and Flynn pickups. Nothing you say can ruin the two month period until he enters office for me, when he actually gets down to business.

>just lies in his post



Independently from what we think, vidya - and everything around us - is our world and influences us and our ideas and relations with others, to more or less degrees depending on the person.

IT doesn't mean it's creating monsters, it just reflects a specific fixation with violence or whatever in our cultures. They wouldn't be different just because of vidya.

That said, we're not guilty of playing violent games. We don't control what we like or grow to like. Victimizing players for what they end up liking isn't useful.

I didn't even vote. I hated both candidates, but, I did like Trump more.

>I hope we never find life on other planets because there's no doubt the U.S. Government will send them money!

Everyone is having too much fun laughing at SJWs to care.

>We don't control what we like or grow to like

Citation for that one?

post yfw the Trump presidency fails tremendously and we never ever have to have a Republican voted into office ever again.

Even if I wanted to like guro or scat I wouldn't be able to like it. Just a quick example.

I think the job is going to turn "God Emporer" Trump into a withered shell of his former self.

He can hand off the real hard work to his cronies but he'll still be the face of every decision the government makes for the next 4 years and eventually the people that love him will turn against him.

And we all know how fragile his ego is.

No because anyone who ever listened to him talk about shit knows he hasn't gone back on anything. Sup Forums is still a 24/hour celebration.

>I didn't even vote
Then fuck off, we don't value your opinion

>I didn't even vote.
If you're so weakwilled you can't even leave the house and go down the street to vote weedman or write-in Ron Paul or Harambe I do not give one fuck about you or your opinion.

liberals are known for their fantasies and outright denial of reality

Or he becomes a dictator and bans anime.

Honestly at this point it looks more likely that the Democrat party is going to tear itself in half.


>Yfw this man is our 45th president

>implying anyone gives a shit about your opinion either

stupid sissy white guilt boi

I think he's got about three months.

The electoral collage did.



read bernays, pleb



he's probably right

we haven't studied the effects of kids who grew up playing games where you shoot people in the head extensively




>gone back on several of his policies



Which, they need to. Trump didn't win, they lost.

or i could post mfw you and your kind get rounded up and shipped off back to where you came from

>Ameriburgers elected someone who would fail a children's science class to rule them


Do YOU want to play games? For real now.

global warming isn't real

>tfw you're a libtard but watching people literally shake on social media is hilarious

if only they left us alone

Trump wouldn't have won

I lost friends and family and the vision in my right eye, but the Meme War was worth it.

>Sessions as AG

Well, by legal weed.

And independent voters, hopefully. I wonder if they learned their lesson from his cabinet picks. It's like Bush 3.0.

Nothing wrong with failing science class if you are rich.

They don't pay if you post outside of Sup Forums you know

>tfw SJWs lost

We're going to #reclaimPepe. He was always an advocate for government handouts

Fuck off, Hillary. You conceded. Take the loss with dignity instead of being a whiny bitch like your libtard followers.

Nothing to be concerned about. Sup Forums doesn't play videogames

>Ameriburgers elected someone
Except more than half the country voted against him.

Global warming is the creationism of science.

He raises a good point though. Look at all the autists in society that games like Call of Duty have created.

when did Sup Forums suddenly become Sup Forums?

lmao hes right 2bh

also right about vaccinations and global warming

>This triggers the libturds


pretty much impossible for Trump to be worse than obama, bush, or clinton

Why get bennies when you can feel good man

When the mods aren't keeping the babys in the crib

Fuck this cunt.

>Pervert alert. @RepWeiner is back on twitter.
Did he know or is he just a good judge of character?

>Sup Forums is now full of Republicans

What happened?


Not sure if everybody is pretending to be stupid but Donald J. Trump is not the real account.